Her passion, ablaze

Only look at me

After another hour of shopping, we went back onto the coach with bags of clothes in each of our hands. I slumped back next to Hara.


‘Hara-ya~ Clothes in Korea are so cheap!!’


‘And incredibly stylish, too.’ She grinned, looking at her purchases.


In sync, Hara and I took out the business card from the scout. We stared in disbelief yet with anticipation.


‘Do you think we should do it?’ She asked.


‘It’s a big decision... But I’m definitely doing it.’


Kris overheard and scraped in, ‘Then I’ll do it with you. Should we start tomorrow?’


‘Yeah, sure. We have to train for five hours a day, though... So we’ll have to leave right when school ends. I guess my after school clubs can be quitted, since I’d be doing the same thing just in a different environment.’


‘What clubs?’ He tilted his head slightly, smiling.


‘Dance club and singing lessons.’


‘Ha! Kai, she’s quitting dance club.’ He make speaker with his hands and called half way across the coach to Kai.


I could just sense him rolling his eyes. He got up, kneeling on his seat TO FACE


‘Yeah, well I’m not going to be the leader anymore since I’m gonna be a trainee, too.’ He said in a sing-song tone. Kris groaned slightly.


By the end of the coach journey, all of us had decided to take on the adventure, seeing that our school was an arts-based school anyway.


--5:42pm, in dorm living room.


‘Yep, I’m sorry, I’ll have to cancel all my singing lesson from now on. I’m sorry. Yes, I understand. I’m truly sorry.’ A frown stretched across my face and I saw Hara look at me in concern. I put the phone down and sighed.


‘You okay?’ She asked. I nodded.


‘I think this training business is going to be really difficult... But I think I really have found my dream. I’m going to give it my all.’ Hara and I raised our fists and said ‘Hwaiting!’


‘Hara, which clubs do you go to? You haven’t told me yet.’


‘Ah, sorry.’ She laughed, ‘For me, it’s painting society, modelling clique and music club. It’s not a lot, but each has two sessions a week.’


After chatting a while, we got up and decided to prepare dinner.


--7:29pm after dinner, in rooms


I sat at my desk with my hair tied up in a messy bun and glasses on. They were the stylish geek glasses, they were the black framed ones with attitude.


I stared down at the 300page history textbook on the Second World War. We had to make notes on Hitler’s coming to power. I scribbled the last bullet point down in black biro and smiled contently.


Then I opened up my A3 art sketchbook and gazed at my photography. It was in high definition, of a girl staring blankly into the campfire. Sparks were rising up gently and there was a slight air of smoke. The girl was the centre of attention though, with dyed brunette wavy hair and a knitted cream coloured hat. Her features were sharp yet couldn’t hide the sheer cuteness of her large round eyes. Then I peered onto the page next to it and saw a water coloured version of it I had spent over two hours on. The homework was simply to write a deeply thought out caption beneath it. After some thought, I penned down


Her passion, ablaze.


Afterwards, I huddled up next to the huge couch next to Hara, and we both fell asleep, dreaming of our days as trainees. Though our blankets were thin, we were in warmth.



Hiya~ :) Next chapter is out when YOU unlock it..

Meaning, if i get 10 more subs I will upload it. Like I mentioned... it's the funniest one yet and Lee Soo Man will be the one cracking those jokes... ;) Good luck.. Cocobaby x

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