In The Woods

Born From A Rose

Taemin decided to stop in a small clearing where the full moon gazed down upon him.


"Okay..." he knelt on the cool earth. "Do I just..." he drove his fingers into the soft soil and scooped a handful of the dirt out. He lifted the bottle and shook it one last time, listening to the invisible matter which lay inside. He slowly pulled the cork from the neck of the bottle and looked up into the night sky. "I hope I'm doing this right." he laughed softly before turning his attention back to the bottle. He slowly tilted it until it was completely vertical over the small hole he had dug. He shook it slightly, just to make sure whatever was in there had fallen out. As he pushed the dirt back into the hole he closed his eyes. "I wish...I wish I wasn't lonely anymore..." he opened his eyes and looked down at the dark earth. "I just want someone who understands me...who looks up to me." he sighed and closed his eyes again, while lowering his head. "I don't want to be alone anymore..." he squeezed his eyes closed forcing a tear to escape and roll down his cheek and drop onto the soft soil beneath him. From behind his eyelids Taemin saw a faint light. He opened his eyes cautiously and fell back as a pillar of light shot up from the ground into the sky. "What the..." he crawled away, still keeping his eyes on the light. He watched as the light began to dissipate and fade. Taemin began to crawl back at what was left from the mysterious light. "How..." On his hands and knees, he reached out to touch what had appeared. His fingers lightly brushed the velvety petals of a deep red rose. "A rose?" he smiled and kept gazing at it. He decided to lean in to smell its perfume. As he got closer to the flower, a blinding light burst from the blossom, sending Taemin stumbling away. "Holy crap..." he stared wide eyed at the bright blooming light. Suddenly the light began to dim and a large shadow grew where the rose was. "What..." Taemin's eyes widened even more as he saw what was there. "Oh my god!" he closed his eyes and buried them beneath his palms.


"Who are you?" a soft voice spoke. "Are you my creator?" Taemin was to afraid to see again what he had already seen once. 


"Wh-who are you?" Taemin mumbled, still not opening his eyes.


"Well I...I don't know." the voice was light and sweet. "Are you my creator?" the voice repeated. 


"I-I don't know." Taemin began to peek through his fingers.


"Why are you doing that?" the voice giggled. Taemin saw a pair of small hands covering the eyes on the figure's face.


"Y-you're...a-a-a....g-g-girl..." Taemin whispered.


"You are my creator! You have dirt on your hands!" the figure stood, making Taemin blush. "You have to pick me, I'm still stuck in the ground." the girl pointed down, were her legs were buried up to her ankles in the ground. Taemin tried to keep his eyes at the ground but within seconds he found himself slowly peering up, shivering as he looked over her completely body. He quickly looked away. 


"You're not wearing clothes..."


"Clothes? What do you mean?" she asked.


"Who are you? What's your name..." Taemin kept looking down.


"I don't have a name...what's your name?"


"Taemin." he began to brush away the dirt from around the girl's ankles, freeing her feet one at a time.


"Taemin..." she knelt down and looked him straight in the eyes. Taemin choked on his breath as her bright blue eyes caught his brown eyes. "Taemin, my should give me a name!" she smiled.


" can be....Jangmi..." He blinked.


"Jangmi? I am Jangmi!" she giggled.


"Here..." Taemin pulled off his tee shirt and handed it to the girl.


"What is this?" she pulled her soft rolling golden curls over her shoulder. 


"A shirt..." Taemin helped her pull it down over her body.


"It's warm." she smiled.


"Uh..." Taemin stood.


"Taemin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Minho's voice echoed through the trees.


"Oh no..." Taemin looked around frantically. "Could...could you stay here for the night?"


"I will do whatever you tell me to, Taemin." she smiled.


"Okay...stay here." he turned and ran through the trees back towards the house.

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These are the types of stories that /deserve/ features^^ keep up the great work! And update soon if you can, I can't wait to see Minho's reaction OTL
Chapter 5: Minho's reaction: OMG, TAEMIN, THERE'S A FREAKING GIRL IN YOUR ROOM O: *faints*

Update soon ! ^-^
Chapter 5: Buahahahah wonder how he will react seeing the girl in Tae's room
bumblylove #4
Chapter 2: overprotective Minho as usual :) Please update soon. I'm very curios about the misterious box