Atlantis Academy?

For Good

This is all my fault, I wasn't strong enough to save them. If I had a few minutes longer, I could have saved them but here I am, sitting in a room with many poeple I didn't even really know at my parent's funeral. Throughout the whole speech, the only thing I could think was 'If I had a bit more time...' Repeating, over and over again, chanting in my head.
I broke out of my trance when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Ji Yong. Your parents were lovely poeple," Mrs Kim, our old next door neighbour, expressed sympathetically. In reply, I just gave her a faint smile, not really in the mood for talking. She gave my shoulder a tight squeeze before smiling and walking towards Mr Kim.
"Thank you all for coming. My parents would have been pleased to know how much they are loved." I said, appreciative of the people who came, I smiled a sad smile as I started toward my car.


As I made my way to the car, I noticed a man clad in a black suit and black sunglasses walking my way.
"Mr Kwon?" The man asked.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"My name is Taeyang I'm here because I would like you to join my men at Atlantis Academy. A school where poeple like you are welcomed, we know what you are capable of and you would be of help in Gaurdians Elite."
"Wait, what? Guardians Elite. How do you know what I'm capable of?" I questioned, my voice raising slightly.
"Gaurdians Elite is a gang, you could say but we fight for good instead of evil. I watched you the other night when you fought with that man, some pretty impressive skills you have there."
"Um thanks? So why were you watching me?"
"I need one more man, I had to search for the best."
"And so I am the best?"
"I think you are, yes."
"Okay, show me the way to Atlantis Academy, I'll take a look around and see how I like the place."
Taeyang hopped in is black celica while I jumped in my lime green lamborghini. We revved the engines and then we were off.


Fifteen minutes later I was standing in front of this huge building.
"This is Atlantis Acadmey?" I asked while pointing to the building. Taeyang just nodded in response and ushered me inside.
This building did not look like a school, it resembled a hotel. A desk with a secretary, stairs and an elevator, a cafeteria that looked more like a restaurant and then doors that must lead to dorms or rooms.
I followed behind Taeyang, gawking at the furniture, the people, the paintings on the walls, at everything. Taeyang came to a stop in front of a door that read 'Gaurdians Elite'.
"If you choose to join us, this is where you will spend most of your time preparing, practising and planning your attacks." Taeyang affirmed as he unlocked the doors.
Taeyang let me through first as he shut the door behind him. I gazed around the room, whiteboards with plan of attacks, weaponry, computers, backpacks, it seemed like they had everything.
"Guys! Come in here." Taeyang yelled. Four guys strolled through other doors that were located. God, this place is huge, I thought to myself.
"Okay, Mr Kwo-"
I cut him off "Ji Yong but call me GD."
"Sorry, GD, I want you to meet the members of Guardians Elite."

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Chapter 3: Nawwww so cute :3
Chapter 3: So cute! <3 ^^ I still think that it's a bit rushed (which doesn't keep me from reading it at all xD), maybe you could, I don't know, focus a little bit more on writing about some details or his thoughts or something. (Ask somebody who actually has some writing experience >.> I'm not the best person to give you advise...) Other than that I loved it! :D
Chapter 1: The first chapter seems a bit rushed with Jiyong simply believing Taeyang and jumping into a stranger's car and all but the green lamborghini is a BIG plus! ^^ Well, anyway, I like the idea so I'll continue reading! ;)
Chapter 2: So.... X-Men Kpop celebs? Wolverine-JIyong? Not sure about this but it's not something I've seen before.