Thank you~

Game Trauma

Wow~ While I don't Quite understand why you subscribe even though it's a oneshot thank you soo much for reading this ^.^ 

I wonder if you took a peek at my other stories too? there are cameos from my other story(ies) too XDD

and thank you for subbing too! 
(even if I don't really understand why)





I have bonus content! 
enjoy the afterglow (if you would call it that)

sorry it's a bit rushed



You could feel Kirei's ghostly hands tightening around your throat, tighter and tighter just until-

Your eyes shot open as you gasp for breath. You notice there's something warm wrapped around your waist, it's... someone's arm. You feel the arm tighten and a chin rest itself on top of your head. After a moment you realize.
'Kris!' your eyes widened as you realize that Kris was hugging you like a teddy bear. Warmth rushes to your cheeks feeling glad that  your dad would be gone till tomorrow evening.

"KAYEON! I HEARD YOU GOT SENT HOME FROM SCHOOL AND I DECIDED TO COME CHECK UP ON-" your father's friend (or boyfriend you liked to joke) Hangeng burst into the house and up to your room. "You..." he trails off staring at the scene in front of him. Kris gave a groan of protest before sitting up and running a hand through his hair and rubbing his eye before going wide-eyed at the situation unfolding. You would eventually hear the end of this.. just not for a long, long while.


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HaneulD #1
Chapter 2: i still get goose pumps every time i remember the crawling woman in the third series TT^TT
HaneulD #2
Chapter 2: that was AMAZING i played fatal frame I, II and III
you should play fatal frame III i played it so many times till i knew every corner and detail in the game but i still get scared out of my wits every time i pay it =")
Chapter 1: Is her dad Kim Heechul because the friend is Hangeng, so is her dad Heechul?
byeolin #4
THE FATAL FRAME SERIES IS THE BEST THING EVER and this story is epic. Asdfghjkl;asfdsgdtrgbhfdjksdg. Love. this. Those games get me all effed up when I'm playing. I'm all like "Noooo! No Kusabi, or rope ladies, or needle priestess, or Crawling grudge-ghost, or broken neck-women." And, when I go to sleep, I lie there thinking that Sae or the Tattoo woman are going to attack me. TT~TT
aww the ending was adorable~ ^-^ and yep, chocolate's definitely the solution to everything X3
narnia #6
Chapter 1: the ending was so sweet <3333
good oneshot!!