Expect the Unexpected

Happy Endings

Chapter 3

YeEun’s POV

Tears streaked my face as I held on the wheel. How dare you,@#%@^# !! The rain pounding madly on my windshield did not help my situation. It was aggravating the circumstances.

I was numb. I was supposed to be numb, but pain seared through my chest, ripping my heart into unrecognizable shreds.

I saw him there with his ever-charming smile.

He was with them. And for Pete’s sake, each of them was thronged with girls wearing partly anything.

He saw me, but he didn’t cared. He kept on flirting with that blonde-. Urgh.

I bit my lip and I felt like throwing up. My grip on the wheel was constricting every second. “@$%#$%^#^{:content:}amp;$ “

I turned around a block when a blinding light erupted from somewhere. Fear overwhelmed my body; I closed my eyes as the illumination grew stronger..







When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a bed. I was perspiring heavily, beads of sweat dripped from my forehead.

“It was just a friggin’ nightmare! Thank God! I thought I was gonna die!” I bawled to myself. I laid my back on the bed again to go back to sleep, when I realized I was not in my apartment, I shot back up and observed the room I was in.

The walls were painted green with complete furniture everywhere. There were small picture frames hanging on the wall.

There was a picture of me.

A picture of my dad and mom.

A picture of my younger self.

A picture of the girls I met a while ago with me.

A picture of a do-..  wait. What?!?!?!?!??!

A picture of me and the girls who rescued me a while ago? I scrambled to my feet and looked at the photo closely. The five of us were beaming sweetly and I noticed my right arm drape over the cool girl, they call SunYe while the other hand held the hand of panda’s prey, oops,, I mean SunMi,.

I was stupefied. I literally froze in my place. If they were my friends, why can’t I remember them?

Right. Let me refresh my memory.

5 ½ months ago, I woke up in a hospital in California with no memory of my past. My parents said I was hit by an ice cream truck, funny right? Well, if you don’t find it funny, I couldn’t care less, for me it is hilarious to think that an attractive rainbow-colored ice cream truck could be the cause of one’s mishap.

Anyways, my parents brought me home and tried to let me remember my past. I do remember faintly some of it. Like, when I was 14 and somebody (I still don’t remember that somebody) dared me to go skinny dipping in a public resort.
Eww, awful view.
Another is when my mom accidentally stuck a chop stick on my father’s nose because he was criticizing her cooking or when I picked up my pet, Silver the goldfish, from the aquarium to perform CPR to it because I thought it was drowning. Silly me. T)_(T

Why do I remember stuffs that are not really worth remembering?

A month after I was discharged from the hospital, my parents sent me to Korea, that is why I am here now, babbling in front of you.

I waked out of the room and down the stairs toward the living room where I found the girls eating.

“0mo! YeEun unnie, come and join us. These chips are superb!” Hyun jung..oops.. Sohee said.

“Yah. How’s your bump?” Yoobin asked. I smiled awkwardly and replied, “It’s getting better” She grinned and signaled me to come over them. I felt comfortable as I sat down the couch beside SunYe. She turned to me and smiled, woah! She’s actually smiling! Warmth surged through me as I returned the smile. It was as though, I’ve known her for so long.

“Sorry about your bump. I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I guess I need better driving lessons.”

“No problem, -er, SunYe…….?” I was still hesitant to call her name.

“Unnie, we’ve got cinnamon rolls here! I know you love these more than muffins like me, but don’t worry since we have not seen you for months; I’m doing you a great favor. And you owe me BIG TIME! AS IN BIG TIME. Do you know these cinnamon rolls are thrice better than the ones you’ve been selfishly keeping away from me? There are a few raisins at-“ Sohee clamped a hand on Sunmi’s mouth to prevent her from talking and looked at me with an apologetic smile

“Mianhae Unnie. I guess she overindulged herself with chocolate chips.”

“No worries” I answered with a welcoming beam.

Moments later, an affable silence hovered around the living room. It was not at all awkward, and I like the feeling. Sometimes, it’s good to be silent once in a while; it helps you ponder over things which need reflecting and focus on stuff that needs your deliberate attention just like the T.V.

After seconds of hesitating, I mustered up my unconfident courage and spoke up, “Guys,-“

“Unnie, we’re girls.” Sunmi interposed queerly making the others ssunshine, -including me.

“Well, yeah, uhm.. Girls, forgive me for spoiling the mood, but can you tell me what’s happening? I mean, uh.. who are you, again?”





Then Sohee started laughing, then Sunmi, and then Yoobin but SunYe just guffawed faintly.

“Stop,, hahaha…the hahaha act, hahaha ..now. Y-yenny” Yoobin said in between her laughs.

I looked at them exasperatingly and flung my hands in the air. Don’t they get it? I am not acting, for Pete’s sake! IT”S TRUE! Seriously, do I look much like a slapstick comedian that they think every word that comes out from my mouth is just plain humor? Last time I checked in the mirror I swear I don’t look like a clown in a kid’s party, maybe I need to look at the mirror again.

“I am not fooling around. I truly do not remember you; I know your names because those are what I have heard from our previous conversations, but all the memories we’ve shared and other stuff I’ve done with you-….. I fail to remember all of them.”

“Huh? I don’t get you, unnie” Sohee said. All of them nodded at the same time.

“You mean you had Alzheimer’s?” Sunmi asked absurdly.. I looked at her ridiculously disbelieving.

“It’s Amnesia, Sunmi-ah” SunYe corrected. “But how did u get it?”

I sighed, preparing myself for a long litany of events that took place in the past few months.


“……………………………all I remember is waking up in a hospital in Miami. When I asked my mom about what really happened, she told me that I got hit by an ice-cream truck back in Korea and I got a serious head injury so they need to transport me there in America, then p00f, they told me to go back here so here I am!”

I analyzed their expressions and man those were priceless, I tell you.

“So that explains,” Yoobin muttered.

Everybody nodded in accord.

“Uh, but why were you with those jerks?” Sohee asked, displeasure and disgust were evident in her voice. “Oh.” Sohee gasped when realization hit her, “You don’t remember them at all, right?”

“Well, they do look familiar but honestly, I don’t remember them” I grabbed the handful of chocolate chips that Sunmi handed to me. “Daesung…………………?” I mumbled softly as I recalled the guy with the most amiable smile ever.

“Don’t you ever mention that name in front of us” SunYe said coarsely, I was stunned over her manner of speaking. I didn’t seriously mean to mention his name, it just came on as a surprise.

“Sunye-ah, don’t be too harsh on Yenny, you know she can’t remember anything” Yoobin spoke through the crunches of her chips.

SunYe grunted but managed to burble ‘sorry’ and continued to munch on her chips.

“Well, I don’t blame unnie” I literally gagged on my c.chips when I heard Sohee consent with SunYe. I turned to look at her dim face as she fiddled with her food. “Yah, unnie, is there something wrong with my face?” oops, she noticed me staring T.T .

“Unnie, we all know that Sohee’s pretty but ogling at her is kinda freaky. Minnie is wih Micky.Why don’t you try ogling me?” Sunmi foolishly suggested.

“What’s with the Mickey?” Sohee grimaced.

“Duh, Sohee. Haven’t you heard of the term rhyme?” Sunmi snapped back.

Sohee rolled her eyes, “4d as ever”

0.0    ugh, ……This girl is impossible…. –impossibly cute. xD

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me who they really are?” I asked nervously, fearing what SunYe’s probable reaction will be.  

“It won’t help you.” SunYe retorted. “And you’d rather wish you never asked to hear it”

“Sunye-ah, Ye Eun has the right to delve into her past. IT belongs to her, her memories, whether good or bad, are part of her no matter what.” Yoobin explained, “If helping her to recover all her memories means we have to discuss about those fu.cking bas.tards, then I’d willingly help OUR FRIEND. You know why? Because I am DONE with them. I am totally over with them. I don’t care about them aymore.”

“Really? You don’t care bout that CHOI SEUNGHYUN anymore?” SunYe teased abrasively. 


Pabo Ye Eun!! Why do you have to ask that stupid, stupid question? Now they’re arguing because of you…

Yoobin smiled charmingly and shrugged. “Of course. I don’t care about him anymore.” She said it calmly but I can sense deception in her voice, wonder if the others sensed it to.

SunYe sighed heavily and stood from the sofa. “Fine, fine. Tell her.” She turned to me, “I’m advising you again that it’s not worth remembering ‘coz I’d gladly have amnesia then remember those sleepless nights we’ve shared crying our eyes out.”

“Why don’t you just move on, Sunye?” Yoobin recommended, her eyes fondled with emotions.

“Why don’t you tell that to yourself, Yoobin?” SunYe retorted.

“Guys, chill 0ut,” I tried to alleviate the pressure.

“I’ll just go and get some ice tea.” SunYe walked towards the kitchen door but stopped and turned to us again, “By the way, I don’t need to move on because I already have.” And she trudged to the kitchen leaving us in dire silence.

“Mianhae, I didn’t mean to uh, you know….. to offend any of you, I just-“

“It’s okay unnie.” Sohee comforted. “We should be the one apologizing; SunYe unnie is just sensitive when it comes to them”

“Yeah.” Sunmi nodded and for once at loss for words.

“I just don’t understand why SunYe loathes them to the heavens” I murmured, “And why is she acting so odd if she had already moved on?”

“Sunye can LIE to anyone.” Yoobin interrupted me. “But she can never lie to me”

I nodded slowly.

“And to you”

“Huh?” I gawked at Yoobin confusingly.

“You and I were her closest confidants, I might say, you are her closest confidant”

My heart softened at the thought of SunYe’s reaction awhile ago and our closeness as friends probably more of like sisters, ‘those sleepless nights we’ve shared crying our eyes out’ I remembered her saying.

“Well, it’s okay if you can’t tell me now-

“No” Yoobin exclaimed. “I told you, you have all the rights to know, it’s a PART of your past, a significant part that transformed your standard of living, but I can’t promise you that I can tell everything because if we will dwell with details then it will take us 1 year, and I don’t want to waste a year talking about those jerks so let’s just f0cus on the basics. Before anything else, LET ME BREATHE FIRST”

Sunmi and Sohee chuckled and so did I.

I can unmistakably see that they are trying to cheer up the mo0d but despite their attempts, I am utterly aware of the anxious glances they are stealing with each other and their strange fidgeting or change of disposition.

Just like Sunmi, she was so bright and cheerful a minute ago but when the topic was up, indifference absorbed her usual stance. She barely talks, which is so unlike her as what

Sohee’s constant squirming coupled with a peculiar fist clenching is also undeniably a precursor of sudden outbursts or something like that.

And of course, Yoobin’s tapping foot which, honestly, has been irritating me. Ok, I am not really that irritated but her foot makes me nervous. Nervous on what I might hear.

“Don’t worry, unnie. Yoobin-unnie is just gonna tell you the basics not the whole thing” Sohee perked up.

“Well, uh. I don’t know how to start but let’s just say that they WERE, when I say were it’s in the past, they WERE our boyfriends.” O.0

“Specifically, Kang Daesung was your boyfriend.”


Uh.. ok. I HAD a boyfriend.. O my effing GOD!!!! This is , Oh Gosh, I can’t describe this sudden feeling of surprise and astonishment. Woah, THIS IS A BIG REVELATION. I just, I uh, I… I ..


I don’t know what to say.

“Unnie, are you okay?” Sohee asked worriedly. I nodded as a reply and motioned for Yoobin to continue.

“It’s okay Yenny, don’t freak out I am sure you are still a , and that D-lite guy was not able to ‘u-know’ you.”


[A/N Woah, Yoobin, She wasn’t even thinking of that.. Control your hormones, girl.]

“I wasn’t –“

“Okay, okay, I know.” Yoobin snapped. “Anyways, All was supposed to be well but then for some unknown and bit.chy reason, they left us. After a year, when we were slowly recovering, they came back as the bas.tards they are today. The End, Period.”


Is that all? I was expecting more sentiments and memories- if there were any.

“Uh, Is it really that, uh, short/?” I asked Yoobin

“I told you I would stick with the basic and what’s important.”

Babo, Ye Eun, of course they are trying as much as possible to evade the subject, because they hate them.. Stop being so nosy.

But it’s MY life too. I mean, IT WAS MY LIFE TO0.

Oh, well, I’ll just give them time to adjust then maybe I can ask them again. ^_^ Bravo Ye Eun, Bravo!

“Anymore questions, unnie?” Sohee asked, “Because personally I don’t want to go over this topic again. Not only me but US and I am sure if you will be able to remember everything, you will know why”

I sighed, so my plan isn’t that brilliant after all? “It’s okay”

~Ding Dong— Ding Dong- Ding Dong~

“Somebody’s at the door, uh, do you guys want me to get it?” I offered.

“’I’ll get it unnie!” Sunmi suggested and without warning jump up from the couch.

“What’s with the sudden mood change??” I asked, giving her my best smile. I am just glad that she’s back to her old self.

“Nothing. Just happy that crappy topic is over..” she sneered back and practically hopped towards the door.

Now, I know never to mention them again. Haiz…

I heard the door clicked, meaning it’s open, so I half-expected her to squeal and yell to us who the visitor is. I randomly looked at my green digital wristwatch. 8:45 pm. Who would come visiting us at this time of night?

“Sunmi-ah, who’s that?” Yoobin hollered as I munched more chocolate chips.


But instead of hearing Sunmi’s shrill, a different voice was faintly perceived.


“Long time no see, Mimi”


And with the coldest and indifferent tone coupled with shock and hatred Sunmi could have make I heard her say,


“What are you doing here, V.P?”


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New reader here and OMG. It's s good, please update more. :)
OH NO O ______________O
HAHAHAHAHA, love this chapterr <3
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH. I want mooooooooooreeeeeee!! >< Pllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :3
Trololol Me love So Hee <3
I'm an new reader :3 I would normally comment by chapter but I went ahead :3
Crap amnesia aye? Hol!!
Some parts were frustraiting D:
purrplelover #6
i read this on soompi - bt never hurt to read it again and again - cant wait for the next update =)
Ooh~~ yay update 8D<br />
Yaiy wonderbang update soon
Oh wow.. so the guys signed an agreement to leave the girls alone? And that's why the girls hate them for leaving them? D:<br />
I can't wait for your next update though xD