Tales of Twelve Gods


This is an AU inspired by the 1928 book "Wonder Tales of Baltic Wizards" by Frances Jenkins Olcott, which was a collection of stories gathered from the Baltic regions and translated into English.  For this ongoing series, each tale tells the story of how something in this fictionalized world of gods was formed.  Each chapter contains two stories tied together by a common theme.  The first two tales are about the creation of spring and fall and the equinoxes.  The second pair of tales feature the birth of stars and how the Morning Star got his name.  The third couple of stories are about the invention of tornadoes and Noah's flood.  The fourth story pair explains solar eclipses and the northern and southern lights.  They are also written in a similar style to the translations of those Baltic stories, so don't be alarmed by the strange writing style.  As this is an AU, and each character has a different background from their real life versions, their personalities and quirks will be different.  I played with language in an attempt to give everyone a unique voice.  Essentially, this is an experiment that is meant to be enjoyed.  Also, I should mention that Baekhyun isn't a god (which is explicitly stated), and the twelth god mentioned in the title is actually the Highest God (or Dievs in Latvian).  Thank you so much for reading this!


In the days when the world was young, after the great age of ice had been torn from the grip of the Prince of the White, twelve young gods shared heaven and land together.  Born from the Highest God were the King of Life and the King of Death, who created gods under their care.  Under the King of Life were born The Sun and The Sky.  Under the King of Death were born The Moon and The Wind.  From the yearnings of the creatures of the land were birthed the Prince of the Storms and the Prince of the Green.  From the yearnings of the land itself were birthed The Earth and The Water.  Through the grace of the King of Life and the King of Death was the Prince of the White allowed to stay among these new gods.  From this pantheon, tales were told of how the world came to be as it is today, and through these tales I tell tonight, dear children, will you understand this world you live in.  Take these stories to heart, my young ones, as they are as much your tales as they are my own.


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I have absolutely no idea why this story has such few popularity. It's a neat fiction with interesting line of events and well arranged array. And even better, it has XIUHAN. Mythology is awesome, a self-created one is even more; which makes your work awesome. You are awesome.
Chapter 4: :)))))
smiley44 #3
Chapter 4: So beautiful. Aurora ..
dibsfortwo #4
Chapter 4: oh wow so interesting! i love these and exo are perfect characters to use. pls update soon :)
Chapter 3: Wow! These are gooood :D I hope you update sooooon :3
Chapter 3: It's beautiful! I loved the way how the Baltic tales are combined with the 12 legends storyline that SM did for EXO. Thanks for writing! Update soon! ;D