Jealousy ~


#Jae Kyung's POV

~In the bus

We decided to go out for lunch at a restaurant which was a ten minute bus ride away. Seungri sat down at a seat next to the window, and i plopped down beside him. I shot uneasy glances at hi for a couple of awkward minutes. Finally, I decided to make things clear with him.

"Seungri ah.." I asked, unsure if he was mad at me or not. He didn't respond, he just continued staring at the bug on the window. I put my hand on his. He didn't shift his gaze, but his hand inched away from mine. I got angry. Why is he being like this? I didn't do anything to him! 

"Yah! You pabo!" I shouted. He finally turned to look at me, and so did the other passengers on the bus. I bowed apologetically to them, then turned back to Seungri. His face was blank, and... confused. Poor boy, I thought.

"Jae.." he said.

"Seungri ah.. are you.. mad.. at me?" I asked, softly.

He chuckled. "No.. i'm just.. trying to figure things out. I'm actually happy that you followed me. I wouldn't be able to handle that devil without you around." 

My eyes lit up. "Really? So you're not mad at me?" I smiled widely at him.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can disobey me all the time, okay?" he laughed. 

"Hey, why are you talking to me like that? I'm your noona, still!" I joked, glad to have the funny Seungri back. 

"Oh yeah, I've never asked you when was your birthday. When is it, by the way?" Seungri asked.

I smirked at him. "Guess. I'll give you a clue. I'm your noona." 

"Hey, no fair! That isn't a clue, you already said it earlier!" he whined.

I ruffled his hair. "Haha, it's in the first half of the year."

"Is it January? February? March?.." 

I melted at his cuteness. "Yah, you pabo, you can't do that!"

"Hmm... I have a feeling it's June." he said, squinting dramatically at me.

"Well, your feeling is wrong." I chuckled.

"Hmm.. February?" he asked. 

"Woah, you guessed it so fast!" I said, sarcastically. "Guess the date, then!"


"What makes you think that?" 

"Because it's Valentine's Day and it makes sense for someone as amazing as you to be born on that day." Seungri smiled innocently, his eyes sparkling.

My heart hammered. Since when did he become so sweet? Jae Kyung, do not fall for him! "Aww, that's a pretty sweet pickup line!" I smiled at him, trying to sound casual. "Doesn't work on me though," i laughed the matter of, and secretly convincing myself.

"So it isn't?" he asked. I shook my head. "Aww, a pity," he said. "It would be cool to have a friend who's born on Valentine's Day. I could buy you extra special gifts and give you the best birthday ever!" 

I laughed at him. "It's the twelfth."

"It's just two days earlier!" he said, jumping a little in his seat as the bus stopped in front of a row of shops. "Your mum should have waited!" 

I laughed even harder. This boy was just too cute. "So you see, I'm exactly ten months older than you, which is almost a year. So, I'm basically your noona." I smiled proudly as we walked off the bus. 

As we got off, Seungri started tickling me. "YAH!!! YOU SHOULD RESPECT YOUR NOONA!!!" I half-shouted, half-laughed out. I tried to tickle him back but he was too fast for me.

He finally stopped, and we stood there laughing on the pavement.


#Ji Yong's POV

I followed them onto the bus, hiding my face under my sunglasses and beanie. I sat at the seat behind them. I didn't want to seem like a stalker, I just wanted to find out if they really were together or not. Seungri and Jae Kyung? A possible match. They looked good together, after all. I cursed myself for being jealous. Why should i be jealous? Jae was just my best friend. I should be happy for them. 

They talked about Jae's birthday, mostly. Seungri must be so happy, his might-be-girlfriend is a noona. He even tried a pickup line on her! But she just brushed it off as if it was completely normal. Suspicion of them being together, level = 50%. 

Wait, now he's saying that he'd make her birthday extra special! What is going on? Suspicion, level = 60%.

I was happy to see Jae so happy, but i was also sad that the person making her laugh wasn't me. 

They stood up to get off the bus. I decided not to follow them, as not to arouse suspicions. My heart dropped as they started tickling each other. Well, Seungri was tickling Jae. Jae was just attempting to tickle Seungri. 

I looked out of the window as they stood on the pavement, smiling (or maybe laughing, I don't know) at each other. 

How I wish that was me standing next to Jae. I just wanted to slip my hand through hers and let her laugh ring through my ears like music. I imagined myself in Seungri's place, and forced a smile. I didn't care if the other passengers on the bus thought i was a psycho, smiling to myself. I didn't care about anything else, I just thought of Jae Kyung.


#Jae Kyung's POV

~in the steamboat restaurant.

"Aishh, why is the food coming so slow? I'm starving!" I complained.

"Yah, you greedy noona! We just ordered the food a minute ago!" Seungri scolded.

I glared at him, and he tried to glare back. After a couple of seconds, he gave up and looked away for a second. "Hah! Scared of me, aren't you? You think that you'll no longer be the maknae of the dorm when i moved in, but you still are, aegi!!" I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Yah, it seems like the stare-of-death runs in the family, huh? Yours isn't as scary as T.O.P hyung's, but it's effective!" Seungri said, slamming his hands on the table.

"Yah! There are other people around, you pabo!" I hissed, looking around to see if anyone was staring.

"Oh, sorry, noona." Seungri said, his voice full of sarcasm. 

I stuck out my tongue at him again. Seungri pinched my tongue with his chopsticks. My eyes widened as i struggled to free my tongue. His grip was firm. 

"Noona, you shouldn't stick your tongue out like that at me. You're just being immature and thus giving me the idea that you're younger than me. So please, noona, act more mature." Seungri smirked at me and let go of my tongue.

"Yah, you little punk! What do you think you're doing?" I scolded. "I should have just left you with that little devil."

"Haha, at least she's ier than you!" Seungri laughed. 

I straightened up. "Yah, I'm y too, okay. You have no taste, my boy. No taste." I batted my eyes at him, and we both laughed. "Who is she anyway?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, you're the iest person on the planet. It's getting so hot in here!" he joked. "Jini? She's the queen bee of our school. Her dad is a big shot, he owns a few hotels and malls. She gets everything she wants."

"Ahh, I see. I hate these kinds of girls. Why haven't I seen her before at school?" i asked, sipping at my peach tea.

"She went to Australia for an exchange program. I'm surprised she didn't come home crying after an hour there. Her English is rock bottom. And so is everything else she does. She isn't even talented, unless you count ing around as talent. She'd be number 1." Seungri said.

I laughed, and choked on my drink. Seungri patted my back and continued.

"She got into the school because her dad is rich, and she wants to become famous. Jini thinks that she can get famous by dating one of us BigBang boys, but she's wrong. She tried seducing the others, but they managed to avoid her and now she's targeting me." he sighed.

"Aww poor you. Care to tell me what she does to seduce them?" 

"Why, you wanna give it a try, too? If it were you, the others would probably give in to you without you even trying." he winked.

Another cheesy pickup line. Seungri, you're getting better at impressing your noona. I laughed.

"Well, she walked into the guys bathroom when YoungBae hyung was inside, alone. She told everyone that she saw everything, but actually hyung had just zipped up his pants. She's such a liar!" Seungri's eyebrows furrowed when he said this, and his mouth upturned into a small pout. 

"Haha, she really is daring!" I said, twirling the straw around in my glass.

"Yeah! Oh, and she likes Ji Yong hyung the most! She tried kissing him once, but he pushed her away and walked off without saying anything. Hyung was so calm about it, I almost thought he was going to let her kiss him!!" he said, eyes widening as our order came.

I fell silent at the mention of Jini liking Ji Yong the most. Am I.. jealous? No, no way, Jae! You have no reason to be jealous! He's just your best friend! No matter how much i tried to convince myself, my heart still hurt. 

"What's wrong, Jae? Didn't you just say you're hungry?" Seungri asked, scooping some soup into my bowl. 

I snapped back into reality, but my heart was still thinking of Ji Yong. "Oh, yeah. Thanks. I'm.. I'm okay." I lied.

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Chapter 14: Ohhh confession time
jlwildchild #2
Chapter 14: Confession woot woot
jlwildchild #3
Chapter 13: Woot woot!
jlwildchild #4
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I want her with ji
Chapter 11: Baekhyun is so cute ! But I want her with Ji :L
jlwildchild #6
Chapter 10: Owww bark Hun is sooooooo cute but Jiyong is better!
Chapter 9: Kkkkk. overprotective brother.
It will more difficult for u ji,he know u very well..kkkkkk
jlwildchild #8
Cute~<3 plz update ASAP okay luv it
jlwildchild #9
Chapter 8: Hum interesting....
kpop_love0101 #10
love it <3