Talent Show ~


November 30th~

It was the night of the talent show. The show i'd been working my off for. The show which i had been practicing for everyday from the moment school ends until late at night, sometimes even until the next morning. I stood backstage, pinning my number to my new Chrome Hearts blouse, which JiYong and YoungBae bought for me when we went outfit shopping. They said it was a congratulatory present for me finding my brother or something. Silly boys. My fingers caressed the soft, comfortable material. This could buy me two new pairs of Nike shoes. And that's only the blouse! I swear, I would wear this for every special occasion I go to. I could buy clothes for five or six occasions with this money! 

I tried to steady my breathing as I waited for the event to begin. I took a peek at the audience. In front of the stage was something that looked like a judging panel. Seated at the panel were three men and three women, all representitives from the respective entertainment agencies; SM, YG and JYP. I recognised Yang Hyun Suk immediately, I had seen him a few times when i tagged along with the boys to the office. I looked around the auditorium, scanning the room for the boys, but they weren't at their reserved seats in the front row. Seungri was helping out backstage, on the opposite side from where i was. I saw him busily meddling with the sound system, and smiled at his serious face. 

My heart was thumping, as i saw the announcer finally step up onto the stage, followed by cheers of the numerous students, teachers, reporters, representatives and even some parents. I peeked out again, no sign of the boys. Late, as usual. I sighed. I hope they don't miss my performance. 

"Can't wait to get up on stage, huh?" a voice from behind me asked. 

I turned around. In front of me was an average-height, slim boy of around my age, with brown meesy-but-neat hair and excessive eyeliner. 

He was fair, and his lips were gorgeously pink. Wait, why am I thinking all these stuff? No, Jae, you're not here to look for cute guys! I mentally slapped myself. He was looking at the mirror behind me as he fixed his oh-so-gorgeous hair, and my brain couldn't function properly. 

"Wow, Number 5, you must be nervous. Only four people to go before you." he said, as he adjusted my number card on my blouse. My skin tingled as his fingers grazed ever so lightly across my hip. 

I just stood there, speechless, staring at this stranger. 

"Why, can't speak? I get it. First performances are always nerve-racking. Oh, seems you haven't put on your mike yet. First contestant's almost done." he smiled as our eyes met for the first time. My heart melted at his gorgeous smile. It was innocent, and it made people want to smile sub-conciously. 

I smiled back as i tried to register what this gorgeous stranger was telling me. Speak.. first performance.. nerve-wracking.. mike.. first contes.. 

"OH CRAP! MIKE!" I gasped as i finally snapped back into reality. I dashed behind the stage, running to the other side, where Seungri was handling the sound system. 

"Oh, noona.." Seungri smiled at me.

"MIKE, SEUNGRI, MIKE!! I NEED A MIKE!! SEUNGRI-AH!!!" I shouted, panicking. I was bouncing on my toes, hurrying Seungri. He had just connected the headmike to the sound system when i grabbed it from him and ran back to my initial side of the stage as i heard my number being called for lineup. 

As i was running, I bumped into a figure with shiny clothes. I looked up to see a good-looking guy with perfect full lips but an arrogant air. 

"Oh, mianhae," I mumbled. 

"Yah, watch where you're going. First, you forget your mike. Now you bump into people. Get your thinking straight, girl." the guy grumbled. 

I got pissed off by this haughty guy. What an attitude! "I already said, i'm sorry!" I began to walk off. 

"Oh wait," he said. I turned around.


"Good luck, whoever you are." he gave me a thoughtless, dismissive wave and strode off. 

"Weird dude. Aish, this thing, how the heck do i put it on?!" i mumbled under my breath as the second contestant finished her song. My fingers refused to work, what with all the nervousness and the panicking i was feeling. 

I felt familiar fingers grip gently around my own. "Let me do that for you." 

I looked up to see the guy from before. I smiled awkwardly. "Uh, thanks. I'm just.. really.. scared."

"Hey, have some confidence. You'll do great, I just know it." the boy said, as he fixed my mike for me. "What are you performing?"

"Oh, I'll be doing BoA's Only One. Singing. And dancing." I smiled awkwardly, again. 

"Wow, great choice. I'd love to see you dance. So would Kai and Sehun. They have a thing for girls who can sing and dance." he chuckled.

"Oh, could you introduce me to them, after the show?" I asked. I liked this guy. He was friendly, sweet, and good-looking. 3 in 1.

"Hahah, sure. Aren't you curious about what I'm performing?" 

"Well, now that you mention it. What are you performing?" i asked, jogging on the spot to warm myself up.

"You'll see." he grinned as he pointed to the stage. "Third one's done." 

"Aahhh!!" I yelped. "No, no, no, I can't do this!!" I started panicking. Suddenly, my body felt an aching sensation all over. Crap, I should have listened to Mr Jang when he advised me not to practice too much yesterday! 

"Chillax girl. Everything is gonna be okay." he rested his hands on my shoulders as he gave me a dazzling eye smile, which just added to his innocent image even more. 

"Okay. Okay. I can do this. Jae Kyung, aja aja fighting!!" I pumped my fist in the air, determined to do my best.

"That's the spirit!" the boy laughed. He put his hand out to my head, then pulled back. "Aish, if you weren't performing, I could at least ruffle your hair."

"Why?" I asked, puzzled. 

"Because you're cute. You make me laugh." he chuckled again.

I swear, i felt butterflies fluttering all around my stomach. "Aish," i hoped the dim lighting would hide my blushing face. "Anyway, may I ask, what's your name?"

The boy opened his mouth to reply. 

Just then, I heard the announcer calling. "Next up, contestant number five!!" followed by a round of cheers.

The boy lightly pushed me forward. I walked up the steps, turning to look at the boy once more.

"I'm Baek.." I saw his lips moving, but i looked away as the announcer hurried me. 



#JiYong's POV

"HYUNG WE'RE LATE!!!!" Daesung shouted as we piled into the car.

"It starts in five minutes, and the school is fifteen minutes away!!" T.O.P hyung said as he pushed my into the car. 

"HURRY HURRY HURRYYY!!" Daesung was shouting in my ear.

"YAH!" I shouted back. 

"We cannot miss her first performance! I spent a whole fortune on her outfit!" YoungBae whined. 

I sat back in my seat, trying to drown out the noise (gosh, who knew how much noise three boys could make?) with my thoughts. Tonight was Jae Kyung's first performance, and it was the end-of-semester showcase. The three main entertainment companies sent their representatives to choose potential stars among the students, to make them trainees, and to make them famous. I hoped Yang Hyun Suk would recognise Jae and choose her, because he even agreed to let her learn from us and even join us sometimes. It would if she wasn't in YG. That would mean less time with her. 

"We're here!!!!" Daesung jumped up from his seat and bumped his head on the car celing. 

"Yah, you babo!!" T.O.P hyung slapped the back of a whining Dae's head. 

We rushed out of the car and down the corridors. We could hear over the speakers, "Contestant number 5!" and I picked up speed.


#Jae Kyung's POV

I didn't hear the boy finish his sentence. Oh well, I could ask him after my performance. I took a deep breath as I took in the audience. I scanned the front row once again for BigBang, but no sign of them. I sighed, and introduced myself. 

I wanted to wait for the boys to come before I started, but i knew that i had limited time. So i looked to the curtains at the side of the stage and saw the boy from earlier peeking out. He gave me a thumbs up sign and pumped his fist in the air, wearing his gorgeous eye-smile. He mouthed the words 'fighting!' and i nodded. I looked to the other side where Seungri was, and nodded to him to start the song. 

I counted down the time for the introduction. 10..9..8.. The boys are still missing. ..7..6..5.. still no sign. ..4..3.. 


The doors to the auditorium opened, and the boys piled in, JiYong, YoungBae, Tabi and Daesung. I grinned widely.


I started the song. The feeling was one that i could never imagine. It was like i was dancing on clouds. The artificial fog misted my view of the audience, but I knew that they were watching me and enjoying my performance. I managed to express my feelings according to the song, as i sang and danced my heart out. I was in heaven. At that moment, I knew that this was exactly what i wanted to do for the rest of my life. It was amazing. 


Applause. Cheering. People shouting my name. "Good job!" and "Well done!!" and "Encore!!" rang around the auditorium. I could see the representatives smiling and clapping. I was estatic. Drunk on this feeling. 

I staggered off the stage, looking for the boy from earlier. However, he was gone. My heart sank. Did he watch my full performance? I wanted to ask him how i did, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

"Miss, someone left a note for you." a junior came to me and handed me a sticky note. I thanked her and read its contents.

Jae Kyung-nim, ^^

I watched your whole performance. You did awesome!!

But sadly, i have to go and do something right now. 

Promise me you'll sit at the front row during the special 

performance, I have something to show you then. 


-Baek. ^^

I smiled at the sweet note, gulped down half a bottle of water, and went to my seat in the front row.

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Chapter 14: Ohhh confession time
jlwildchild #2
Chapter 14: Confession woot woot
jlwildchild #3
Chapter 13: Woot woot!
jlwildchild #4
Chapter 12: Ohhhhh I want her with ji
Chapter 11: Baekhyun is so cute ! But I want her with Ji :L
jlwildchild #6
Chapter 10: Owww bark Hun is sooooooo cute but Jiyong is better!
Chapter 9: Kkkkk. overprotective brother.
It will more difficult for u ji,he know u very well..kkkkkk
jlwildchild #8
Cute~<3 plz update ASAP okay luv it
jlwildchild #9
Chapter 8: Hum interesting....
kpop_love0101 #10
love it <3