One more

One more


Yellow walls; the paint just having dried a week prior, ready for the big day. A wooden floor, smooth, shining and soft. Huge windows, white to make the room brighter, dark curtains hanging on each side, creating a nice contrast. A couch, cleaned, vacuumed and polished, a table next to it, likewise made perfect. Everything was in place, everything was cleaned. The temperature was neither too cold nor too hot, the air was fresh, tinted, however, by the sweet smell of chocolate, coming from the cake standing on the light brown table. The cake was magnificent, with both candles, frosting and decoration. The warm smell of a freshly brewed can of coffee, mixed with the one from the cake. It was simply just lovely.


In the peaceful atmosphere the sound of a car coming to a hold and the sound of voice was heard. Muffled voices which grew louder, as they approached the house with deliberate steps. 3 voices, one deep and booming – the house recognized that one, it was the voice that always complained when the lawn had to be cut – another one lighter, brighter – also this voice that house knew. This voice always whistled about, cleaning everything and making the food for the inhabitants – and then the last voice. A small voice. A young voice. A new voice. It was soft, careful and inexperienced. Most of the words coming out were gibberish, but happy.


The door swung open and the three people went in. 2 pairs of footsteps approached, one full of energy and one heavy. They didn't go far, before they stopped, but only for a moment then they were back. They had changed though. The loudness of the shoes were replaced by the muffled sound of socks. They patted down the hallway and finally into the living room, where the cake and the hot coffee was waiting. The first to walk in was a tall, lanky man with blond hair. He had a bright smile, looked incredibly cute and slightly feminine. The next to step inside of the living room boundaries, was a blond man as well. He was differently build though, more strong, more manly. He had a huge gummy smile on his face, and he too couldn't escape the cuteness.

In his strong arms, he held a carrier containing the last person. It was a small girl, no more than a few months old. She had dark hair, brown eyes – just like her handsome dads – and a cute dimple. At the moment her huge eyes were looking around the room, taking in her new home and the people sharing it. Her arms flew around uncontrollably and her small petite hands opened and closed without any meaning behind the action.


Yongguk – the blond manly one – placed the carrier on the sofa, and sat down next to it, smiling proudly down at his now daughter. Junhong – the other man – came to sit on the other side. The child's eyes wandered from one happy face to the other in wonder, her eyes glistening. She didn't know where she was, nor that she'd just been adopted by two men, who would be her parents for the rest of her life, but it didn't matter much for the little baby, she just smiled her dimply smile back at them, making the two men's hearts melt. Yongguk stretched out his index finger, helping the little girl to grab it. Once she did, Yongguk couldn't contain his feelings anymore. He began crying softly, still smiling though. Junhong patted his back softly, brushing away a tear as well. To give his lover some time with the baby, Junhong turned his attention to the cake and the coffee. His head and heart in the skies, he cut the cake into pieces, one for him and one for Yongguk, and poured some coffee into two cups, standing next to the can. When that had been prepared, Junhong returned to the baby with a bit of icing on his finger. Carefully he let her it off his finger, and when she was done, she smiled her most dazzling smile thus far, and let out a happy bubble of gibberish for the two to enjoy. The two men felt so lighthearted and so good. And this was only the first day of a long shared life together.  


ahjhfdjsakhdjka.. That needs to happen, omg. They'd be great daddies. omg I can't.. I might even cry, and wrote this.. what's wrong with me.. orz.. 
Comments keep me writing~ ^^


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Chapter 1: Wow, this is breathtakingly beautiful. I really, really love it.
nycbean #2
Chapter 1: Aww it's just so sweet. No dialogue, but so much beauty!
Chapter 1: I want a yellow painted room and cake and coffee and I want to adopt a kid like right now! ...this was truly beautiful!
Kacichan #4
Aigo, this was precious!
this is exactly what i imagine everyday seriously this needs to be happened /cries/
the little girl is me ive grown up c: /bricked/
miriahn #7
oh god, i can't contain my feelings pretty, it makes me cry..
i love it good job ^^