The True

Heart of Ice (Hiatus)


Luhan walks over to were you are, and bends down beside you. "Mi Sun-Ah wake up." He whipers near your ear. You still not awake gets suddenly scooped up by Baekhyun. "Come on you guys lets take her to Yoochun." As he is walking towards the door Sehun quickly runs and blocks the way. "Wait Hyung is there something your not tell Luhan and I?" Luhan now off the ground and helping Sehun block Baekhyun way. "Yes Bacon what are you not telling us?"

Baekhyun just sighs. "Alright, I'll tell you okay. I think Mi Sun is starting to develop her powers earlier than expected. "WHAT!?" HunHan yells in unicent. "Yes, so come on. We need to get her to Hyung right now."


Yoochun is sitting on the sofa trying to call your phone, but you do not pick up. "Hyung we need to tell you something big!!" Sehun screams while running down the stair. Yoochun shocked from the sudden out bust, jumps and almost drops his phone.

Yoochun looks to were the voice came from. "Yah!! You punk, don't do that!!!" Sehun and Luhan already in the living room. "Sorry Hyung, but theres something ergent you must know!!!" Yoochun a bit confused "Uh okay, but anyway did guys find her?" Before they could say anything Baekhyun come in with you in his arm. "De, Hyung it's time. Her powers are starting to show up."

"I see, come with me." Yoochun gets up and leads them to a hidden room behide a huge painting in his room.


The room was small, dark, and very cold. "Luhan it's kinda scary in there, do we have to go in?" Sehun says hiding behid Luhan and Yoochun. "Sehun don't be such a baby." Luhan sighs. "Hey I'm not a baby!!!" Yoochun getting annoyed. "Yah you two!! Now is not the time."

Looking inside, he could feel the chilling breeze, but Baekhyun didn't care. He when right in and placed you in a chair near a big table with books and papers pread across it. You winch from the cold air and finally you open your eyes. "Ugh why is it so cold in here?" You slowly sit up and look around the room. "Wh-what? Where am I? This isn't my room." Baekhyun hearing your voice quickly runs to you. "OMG!! Mi Sun your awake!!! Are you okay? Does your head still hurt?"

"Bacon calm down I'm fine, but where are we?" Just then Luhan and Yoochun run in dragging Sehun with them while he's kicking and crying. "Hyungs stop I don't wanna go in!!!"


Yoochun then closes the door. "WAHHH!!! IT'S SOOOO DARK IN HERE!!!! I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!!! I'M SOOO SCARED!!!!! LUHAN SAVE ME!!!!!"


"Sehunnie dear please settle down your going to give Noona another headache." You chuckle. "Noo-Noona!!? OMO!!! NOONA YOUR WAKE!!!! Sehun takes off to hug you, but then trips over a stack of books on the floor. "Oh Sehun-Ah!! Are you okay you say as you go to help him up.

Luhan then runs to hug you and cries. "Mi Sun I was so scared. I thought you were never going to wake up." You just smile. "Guys it's okay, Look I'm fine. "But Unnie you were out cold for such a long time. We were starting to fear the worse."

Baekhyun shaking his head at how much of a pabo these boys are, then goes over to the wall on that the end of the room and flips the light switch on, causing the whole room to light up.


"Mi Sun." You turn away from the teary eyed HunHan, to see Yoochun standing infront of you with a big book.


You stand up. "Yes Oppa what is it? Whats that book?" He takes you by the hand. "Mi Sun listen to me and listen to me carefully." You nod. "This is hard to say and it might seem weird and unlikely, but you are a princess from another world, and Luhan, Baekhyun, and Sehun are your personal prtectors, and I am not your real brother, I'm you all's guardian. I was requested by your mother the queen to watch over and protect all of you until those three over there were old enough."

"Woah Woah Woah!!! Hold on a second I'm a princess!? From another world..... Those three are my protectors, and your not my brother!!!? Are you joking right now?"


Yoochun just answers "Ani I'm not joking. You are a princess and right now I must teach you how to control your powers, so you can defeat your wicked aunt who is terrorizing your kingdom." He sighs. "Oh and you do have a brother, but he is under the spell of your aunt. I can't tell you his name, but your aunts name is G.NA."

You take a step back. "P-powers!!!?" You shake your head. "Baekhyun is this true?" You weakly cry to him." Baekhyun just stays quit. "Baekhyun please answer me!! Is this true, and why didn't you tell me all of this before?"


HunHan finally get up from the floor. "Unnie." Sehun says softly. "It's true. All of what Hyung told you is true." Luhan nods. "De and we have powers too." Luhan then walks to the table and holds his hand out. Doing a lifting motion in the air, one of the books on the table starts to flot. "See." He says proudly, making the book fly over to Sehun. Sehun takes his hands and cuases a mini tornado to form. The book then gets cought in it. As it's being spent around the room in the tornado, Luhan levitates more stuff.



After 10 minutes of this Baekhyun gets annoyed. "KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!!" They stop and laugh. "Sorry Baekie!! We just got carried away. We haved gotten to use our powers in such a long time."

Baekhyun just rolls his eyes. "Yoochun if you don't mine can I talk to Mi Sun alone."


"Sure but take this book with you. It will help her learn the basics on how to main tain her powers."

"De Hyung I will." With that he takes you out the secrect room and back into Yoochun's room. "Oppa!! Do you have powers too?" You ask curiously. "Yes, but I need to know.... how do you feel about all this?" You look him in the eyes and till your head. "I'm a bit taken back and I'm not really sure what to feel."  Baekhyun takes you by the hands. "This isn't too much for you to take in all at once is it?" You shake your head. "Not really." He then says nerviously.  "Oh well okay, I guess I'm just worrying to much, but um do you some what understand what Yoochun said?"

"Ke ke well don't worry Bacon, I think I kinda understand. You then smile. "I'm a princess who needs to put and end to my aunts evil rain, save my.... well i guess my real bro, and restore pease in my kingdom."

Baekhyun laughs. "Lol way to sum it up."

"Well then, when your ready we will begin your training, and then finally we will start on our adventure to the other world to stop GN.A."


"YEAH!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!! I WILL DO IT!!! GN.A IS GOING DOWN!!!!!" You yell while fist pumping in the air.

Out of no where. "YAAAY!!! Unnie fighting!!!!"

Both you and Baekhyun turn around to see two figures hiding behide a plant in the corner of the room. "Oh... heh heh.... Sehun what are you doing spying on Bacon and MiMi like that for?" Luhan quickly says trying to act like he wasn't part of it.

"But Hyung you said we should know whats going on too, we're her protectors as well!!! Then you said Baekhyun isn't no where near as awesome as you, so why does he get to know and do more than us!!!! Plus you said he looks like a girl more than Mi Sun and she should have chose you instead... because your a MANLY MAN!!!!!" Luhan gives him a death glare then screams. "SEHUN YOU PUNK!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Running to the other side of the room Sehun turns around and sticks his tongue out at Luhan. "You can't kill what you can't catch!!!" Luhan now extremely pissed darts towards Sehun. "SEHUN YOUR DEAD!!!" Scared out his mind Sehun takes off running trying to get away. "HYUNG I'M SORRY!!!! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!!"


"YAAAH!! Baekhyun yells out in flustration.




Chapter 5 is now done!!!! Still looks a bit short lol :/ but I hope you all like it!!!

His so fluffy I'm going to die!!! \( T^T )/





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Chapter 5: OH my~ I wonder who is Misun's brother!?~ ^.^ this is a nice story by the way.
Chapter 6: awwwh! he likes her tooo! c: I wouldn't blame him! ^^ fighting~
Chapter 5: aigooo! The gif is so cuteee! :DD And yay! she finally knows about her powers :D
Chapter 4: ohmygosh! she was sleeping underneath the bed!! o: hahhaah i bet she gave them a heartattack! LOL
Chapter 3: D'aaawh! Don't fighhhht.. LOL great update! ahhah and what will happen to mi sun???
Chapter 2: OMO! they both confessed!! :DD soo keeeyuteee! and baekhyun and mi sun kissed!<3 waaah! update soon! this chapter was so good!!
Chapter 1: KYAAAAA! Talk about awesome first chapter! Hehe, you're even a better author than I am! :D great joooob!! <3


AHH MY GAAAH! I'm so curioussss! :D he should ask her about the dream! Is he really her loverrrr? KYAAAA! *fangirls*