Dear Bang Yongguk,

Dear, Lee SoJung

Dear Bang Yongguk,

Annyeo! I'm doing great over here in America, so don't worry! I'm really excited to see you tomorrow, and I can't wait to see just how much you have grown. I wished you would have agreed to us sending photos. That way we would've seen each other grown.. But, I guess it wouldn't have been much of a surprise that way, huh? Well, don't worry. You look VERY cool. Haha. Did you forget that you're a famous man now? Mister Shishimato. Keke. Anyways. It's getting late and I have to get ready for tomorrow's big day. So, I'll be seeing you! Wait for me!

- Lee SoJung

I have something special to tell you.

"Done," she huffed as she searched around for stationary. She slid the letter into a pink envelope and wrote in big, girly letters BANG YONGGUK. She smiled warmly. She  the sticky, tastless glue and sealed the precious letter shut. She couldn't help, but smile. This would be their last letter exchange. Their very last. For, Lee SoJung.. was heading back home. Heading back home to her dear Bang Yongguk, now a famous kpop star, and an alien from planet Mato. Lee SoJung rose to her feet and looked for a stamp, when suddenly Oh TaeJoon entered the room.

Firm, handsome and somewhat topless, he approached SoJung quietly and hugged her from behind. She giggled oddly as his breath trailed down her neck and gave her a warm feeling of chills. "Yah, Lee Sojung. Are you cheating on me?" he asked playfully as he buried himself into her shoulder. SoJung rested her head on his, but retracted from him slightly offended (but, not really.) She gently smacked him against his chest. He yelped. "Ouch!" But, of course, he was only joking.

"Stop saying that! I already told you, Yonggukie is a JUST a friend of mine! He's my best friend, alright?" she hissed and shoved passed him to look for a stamp. TaeJoon smiled slyly and ran a hand through his hair. He sat onto the bed and layed down in front of SoJung. She stared at him and raised a brow. She turned away, rolling her eyes waddling to her desk. He's not fooling me this time she thought. Since, she would always fall for that aegyo of his. He frowned as she turned away and sat up like a dog, whimpering sadly. SoJung acted annoyed.

"Lee SoJu~~~uung! You can't avoid me forever~" he cooed. And began humming that popular american song (Baby - By Justin Beiber). SoJung finally managed to find a stamp and stuck it to the corner of the envelope. She continued to avoid TaeJoon who skipped over and played with her hair. Ugh. This guy, she thought. I can't stay mad at him.. She sighed and hooked arms with him. "Hurry up and find a shirt. We'll go to the post office." She smiled and he did the same in return. "I'll be right back! Wait for me, SoJung-ah!" and hurried off. While digging through his closet, he smirked. This is way too easy.

Seoul, Korea - 2:30PM || B.A.P 2012 Comeback Concert

"Good work everyone! Thank you very much!" their manager said.

"You're welcome!"

It was 2:30, still pretty early in the afternoon, and B.A.P had just finished their CRASH! comeback concert. The group congratulated each other and were enjoying themselves. But, their day wasn't finished. They still had to practice for tonight for the second and third concert they had scheduled that day. But, for now, they had some time for a break and they decided to go out for some cake. Since, a certain Kim Himchan was craving it. Not that it was that much of a surprise. "Yongguk-hyung!" Zelo, their youngest member, full of cool-aegyo and one heck of a rapper, called to his Leader Hyung. Yongguk turned to him, wrapping an arm around his maknae's shoulder as they left to their change room.

"Sup'?" he asked, giving him a slight noogie. Zelo laughed and shrugged him off. The other members teased. Himchan acted childishly and pushed Zelo aside. MY HUSBAND he thought. Yongguk laughed but, turned to Zelo. "Yongguk-hyung, aren't you suppose to recieve another letter today?" he questioned curiously and he nudged Himchan. Yongguk stopped for a moment and then bolted off. "Oops. He's gone." Daehyun huffed. Himchan clicked his tongue. Jongup and Youngjae weren't paying much attention, for they were playing a game of rock-paper-scissors to see who would buy for who. Zelo watched his hyung run off. "Love-siiiiick~"

Back to Yongguk, who was ranning madly to his changing room, burst in and called for one of the employees. "Hae Sook-ah! Did she--", "Yes, yes. Here you go. It arrived last night, but you were too busy practicing." and she handed him the letter. Yongguk bowed down deeply and he sat down quietly, tearing open the envelope and taking the letter inside. And soon, he grew a smile. The first few words of every letter always brought him feelings he could not explain. It's just something he loved treasuring. Now, there's another to add to his collection.


"HOLY--" and Yongguk flew off his chair, falling square onto his bum. He groaned and looked up, realizing s were reading his letter too. The great ShiShimato shot them a glare, and the members fled from their hyung, laughing and giggling endlessly. Yongguk scratched his head in frustration. These guys, always bugging him. Why can't he have peaaaaace?! (D:)

"It's already 8:15! Hyung! Is she here yet?!" Zelo called impatiently. "Yeah. I'm really eager to meet her!" Youngjae followed after. "Is she hot?" both Himchan and Jungup asked in unisen. Daehyun smacked their heads, "Are you guys stupid?!" he asked in anger. Although, these questions and comments were meant for Yongguk, he was too wondering these things himself to pay attention. He had only one thing on his mind: Lee SoJung. When was she getting here? They've been waiting for at least an hour or so, but maybe that was because they had arrived a little early to the airport, and somewhat.. distracted a few passengers here and there.

Yongguk was also growing impatient. Where was she? Did she make it safe? Maybe she missed her flight. Or maybe she forgot to come or changed her mind. Maybe the plane didn't make it. Or maybe.. she's just not coming?! Yongguk began to panic; he turned stiff. What if she was never coming? Then, his mind began to fill with negative thoughts when--

"Waaaah! Pretty!" the rest of B.A.P squeaked.

Yongguk spun around and there, with her bright amber hair, and glowing smile, was the one he was waiting for. "SoJung-ah!" he exclaimed. "Yonggukie!" she responded, dropping her bag. They quickly approached each other and shared a hug. Yongguk was thrilled and full of excitement. She was finally here! Perhaps, it would be alright to tell her about his feelings. He held her by the shoulders. SoJung looked at him balantly and smiled.

"Yonggukie~ You really have grown!" standing on her toes and tried to pat his head. Yongguk purposely crouched over and let her soft hand caress him. She giggled softly, then turned to the B.A.P members. She bowed politely, and the members, too entranced by her beauty to say anything, bowed in return. At the moment all seemed well. All seemed happy. All was perfect. Yongguk stood tall and cleared his throat and spoke with his deep, deep voice.

"SoJung-ah, these are my members." and stepped aside to introduce them. "We are B.A.P, y--" they were suddenly cut off. "Yes sir!" she interuppted unknowingly with joy. Yongguk and s were surprised. "Haha! I've become a real fan! That's kinda the reason why I was a little late today. I was watching your concert yesterday and I overslept~ Mianhae!" she said, hitting her head. The members looked at each other and smiled. She was a keeper. "Oh," SoJung began. "I have something to tell you," she said in excitment, curling her hair over her ear.

"What is it?" Yongguk asked, tilting his head. She grinned. "I have someone for you to meet." and she turned around. "My.. fiance."

The members froze. Fiance? As in.. engagment? They looked at their hyung, who stood there with an open jaw. "Fi..-fiance?". And, behind her stood a tall man. He smirked darkly and introduced himself.

"Annyeo. I'm Oh TaeJoon. Pleased," he wrapped a hand around SoJung's small waist and looked at them coldly. "To meet you."

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Chapter 3: WAAAAH. ASJKFAS-- I just looked up the song right now. It's good! IT SHALL BE THE OST.
IHeartMushy #2
Chapter 3: This story somehow reminds me of That XX. Thanks for updating.