Hyuna Strikes Again~

Hyuna and the Bubble Poppers

hey  hey~  I felt like writing another chapter with Hyuna. But this time, Himchan from BAP is here too! XD enjoy~ <3



Himchan was just chillin', sitting at one of the tables in his nail salon and waiting for some customers.
He started to flirt with one of his female worker when the front door slammed open.

Hyuna strutted in the place, and met eyes with Himchan. She then proceeded to catwalk over to him. When she sat down in the chair in front of him, she flipped her hair, whipping Himchan's face, in the process.

This angered Himchan greatly. He did not appreciate her hair all up in his face.

And what made it worse was that the great Hyuna's hair was just a tad bit greasy that day.  So right after her hair hit him, two pimples grew on his forehead. One an the left and one on the right.

Himchan felt a disturbance on his used to be perfect face. This only added to his great fury.

He became so infuriated with Hyuna, that the two pimples started to grow, and grow, and then they turned into horns. His eyes got reeeeally wide and they turned red. Flames started to surround him, and he yelled with burning hatred, "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! TODAY IS THE DAY OF YOUR DEMISE!!!"

Hyuna just looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Puh-lease. Do you even know who I am? I'm THE Hyuna, of Hyuna and the bubble poppers."

She stood up and summoned her four bubble poppers. A wind came and bubbles started to appear, mixing in with the fire of Himchan's fury. it was actually very lovely. But despite it's glory, it was very powerful. All of Himchan's employees ducked for cover. 

When the four bubble poppers finally popped into the scene, they looked at what they were up against, and gulped.

"oh no. She angered the great Himchan..." bubble popper 1 whispered.
"she expects us to fight him??" bubble popper 3 whispered back.
Bubble popper 2 just scoffed, "tck! She's an idiot if she wants us to fight him. I'm out." she then turned into her bubble and floated away. The other 3 were no morons, so they did the same.

Hyuna was so shocked, she didn't know what to do. She looked up at Himchan in pure fear, and backed away slowly.

Himchan wasn't having none of this. He's wastes enough time waiting. In one swift moment, he shot fire from his eyes and nostrils straight at Hyuna.

He made a direct hit, and she burst into a million little bubbles, stained orange. 

After all his fire was gone, and his horns turned back into pimples, he sat back down in his chair and pouted sadly (and cutely) at his female employees.

"now my face is ruined.." he said sadly as tears started to form. 

The worker he was flirting with before came up to him, with a handful of Hyuna's bubble soap remains and rubbed it on his pimples. To his surprise, they shriveled up and fell right off his face. He was so happy that he hugged her and kissed her right on the lips.

Then they got married.


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Kimunnie4minute #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha LOL I still laughing so hard HahAha my ovaries.. My gosh! LOL This is so hilarious XD
Chapter 2: mind doing another chapter? hahaha:)) this shoudl be a legit story. :)))
Chapter 1: biggest troll ever omg this actually made sense even though. LOL IKENNOT.<3
sushiblaq #4
"It was quite beautiful, actually" I can't ;w;
:D thank you~
rbtigersm #6
Wtf did I just read?! Lol, that was hilarious omg!