What the Heck?!

The Prank

New update! So I put 7 EXO members in the same dorm and they’re not from the same sub-units AND they’re kinda OOC…I don’t really know their personalities that well yet…so SORRY! I really do like D.O. though and you might see some of that in this chappie. Enjoy ^^ oh! This might be a tad bit confusing..

[EDIT] They all live in the same dorm OTL. I've been mingling around in the EXO fandom so.


Kris walked in the EXO dorm unaware of what was about to happen. The quietness and mischievous looks on s’ faces should have tipped him off. But, no. He calmly walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and walked back into the living room. He sat there for five minutes before he realized just how quiet it was and that all s were just staring at him. Kris looked at each of the members’ faces and stopped at Luhan.

“Why are you guys looking at me like that?” he asked with his typical bish face. The guys didn’t even flinch. If anything, they just smirked and gave him a look saying, “I know something you don’t”.

“W-what’s going on?” Kris slightly stuttered. Yes, the cool bish-faced Kris stuttered. Gorgeous people have their moments too.

“Well, you see, Tao here-,” Luhan started.

“We didn’t know you actually liked girls or should I say girl,” Lay interrupted.

“Of course I like girls. You guys think I’m gay? Wait, WHAT did you just say?” Kris yelled, confused.

“Don’t deny it gege. We saw it with our own eyes,” Tao gleefully said.

“By the way, nice diary,” Baekhyun snickered.

“Okay, seriously, what the heck are you guys talking about? I don’t have a frickin’ diary!” Kris tried to keep calm, but anger and annoyance seeped through his voice.

“Oh really? Then what do you call this?” Luhan gloated, holding up a bright pink diary. Not a journal, a DIARY. A bright PINK diary at that.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!” Kris all but screamed.

“What are you talking about? Isn’t this yours? Don’t deny it. Tao found it on the floor in the room you two share,” the EXO members were confused but continued to insist that the diary was Kris’.

The innocent maknae said, “Yeah gege. I found it in our room and the handwriting is yours. I’m pretty sure it is.” Kris snatched the diary from Luhan and opened it. He flipped through the pages and his eyes widened at how similar the handwriting was to his. But what really disturbed him were the contents of the diary. If a random person opened the diary and read through it, they would have thought that the writer was crushing hard on a girl. No, it was past crushing. It could be considered stalking and obsessive. The members could practically see the gears turning in Kris’ head as he put the pieces together.

His eyes widened as he yelled, “CHANYEOL AND AMBER ARE DEAD!”

Baekhyun said, “Come to think of it, where is Chanyeol? I haven’t seen him this morning and it’s already 6 p.m.”

“Remember he said he’d be with Amber today?” Luhan reminded him.

“I bet you it’s those two. They’ve been acting suspicious these past two weeks since the party we had. I’m gonna KILL them!” Kris fumed.

Lay timidly asked, “So…this diary isn’t yours?” Kris just glared at him, giving him all the answer he needed.

Two Weeks Ago

“I have it!” Chanyeol excitedly waved several pieces of paper with Chinese characters on it.

“Ok, now to copy it,” Amber rubbed her hands together. See, the papers Chanyeol was holding was something Kris had written.

“Are you sure you can copy it?” Chanyeol asked Amber dubiously.

“Yeah, my Chinese , but at least it’s better than Henry’s. Besides, we have Google Translate. How hard can this be, right?” Amber said confidently. But inside, doubt was gnawing at her and she was worried she wouldn’t be able to pull it off. She shrugged off those doubts however, and gave Chanyeol a smile.

Chanyeol smiled back and said, “Do you have the diary?”

“Check!” Amber grinned and help up a hot pink diary with a glittery heart in the middle.

The tall rapper started to laugh and said, “Omo! Imagine he really owned something like this?”

“Ok, now to get this plan rolling. Hmmm….Kris actually has pretty nice writing,” Amber mused as she began her attempt to copy Kris’ writing.

Two weeks later, Amber and Chanyeol met up in an empty practice room.

“I finished!” Amber took out the pink diary and threw it at Chanyeol.

He flipped through it and asked, “What does it say?”

“Oh, just that he’s obsessive over an unknown girl,” Amber grinned.

“Okay, I’ll plant it in our dorm tonight.” Chanyeol and Amber high-fived. Amber couldn’t contain her excitement and hugged Chanyeol enthusiastically.

“I’m so excited for this!” Amber said and Chanyeol replied, “I know me too!” They began to jump around with mischievous smiles on their faces.

That night, Chanyeol walked into the TaoRis room while everyone else were in the living room watching t.v. Kris was still practicing in the SM building.

“Where to put this?” Chanyeol looked around the room before his eyes settled on Kris’ bed. Or more specifically, under his bed. “Oh this is going to be epic,” Chanyeol laughed to himself as he placed the pink diary under Kris’ bed so that the corner of the diary was barely visible. Chanyeol went back to the living room and sat next to Baekhyun.

“What are you going to do tomorrow, Yeollie?” Luhan asked.

“Oh I was just gonna hang out with Amber since f(x) is free for the day. Why , hyung? Is something going on?”

“Oh no, I was just curious. Kris is going out tomorrow too.”

Chanyeol’s eyes widened and asked, “What? Where is he going?”

“He just said he was going to be with Suho, Kai, and some of the SuJu sunbaes,” Lay said.

“Interesting…” Chanyeol muttered to himself.

Chanyeol left for the f(x) dorm early next morning. It was so early, no was even awake. When he reached their dorm, he kept ringing the doorbell. Five minutes later, Victoria opened the door. All her sleepiness went away when she saw Chanyeol and yelled, “Chanyeol, what the HECK are you doing here at 6:30 in the morning?!”

Chanyeol grinned sheepishly at the f(x) leader and said, “Sorry noona. Guess I was just a little excited to see Amber? We’ve all been so busy and I haven’t had time to hang out with my best friend.” Chanyeol pouted.

“Alright, alright. Come in. Did you eat breakfast yet? No one’s awake so…” Victoria trailed off.

“Nah, I’m fine noona. I’ll just…watch t.v. I’ll lower the volume, don’t worry. I know the members are still asleep.”

“No need,” a voice said. Chanyeol and Victoria turned and saw the other four bed-ridden members come out of their rooms.

Krystal, the one who spoke, gave Chanyeol a glare and said, “Why are you even here, oppa? Shouldn’t you be sleeping for, oh I don’t know, SIX MORE HOURS?” Then she walked into the kitchen and yelled, “Umma! Can you make breakfast?” Luna and Sulli turned to Victoria and silently begged her to make breakfast.

Victoria sighed and said, “Fine.” She walked into the kitchen with Luna and Sulli. Once they were out of ear-shot, Amber asked how it went.

“I placed it under Kris’ bed so that the corner of it was just visible. It’s Tao’s turn to clean the dorm so…”

Amber grinned and said, “Let the fun being.” She then took his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast, the six decided to go to Lotte World with the SHINee members.

Meanwhile, the EXO members had begun to wake up and gathered one by one in the kitchen as their umma, D.O., cooked for them.

Lay looked around and said, Hmmm…guess Chanyeol left early…”

Kris walked in, showered and changed. “Okay, I’m leaving now. Tao, remember to clean the dorm.” With that he walked out of the dorm.
D.O. pouted and said, “He didn’t even eat breakfast yet.”

Luhan rolled his eyes and said, “Just ignore him. I’ll eat his portion.”

“Fatass,” Baekhyun muttered.

Luhan turned and glared at him “At least my name isn’t Bacon.”

Lay facepalmed himself and said, “Guys calm down. It’s barely nine in the morning.”

When they finished breakfast, they all decided to help Tao clean the dorm since they were SUCH good hyungs. Actually, the main reason was so that they wouldn’t have to hear Tao complain about how tired he was and how he could have spent his time shopping.

Three hours later, the EXO members decided they were done and were sprawled out in the living room, dead tired. Then Tao came out of the TaoRis room. “Look what I found~!” he sang, holding up a pink diary. The members’ eyes widened and chaos ensued. There was a lot of yelling and screaming. It got so loud that the normally sweet and quiet D.O. couldn’t take it anymore.

“SHUT UP WILL YOU?!” he yelled and his right eye twitched.

The members quickly quieted and looked at him in shock.

“Now,” D.O. calmly said as he turned to Tao, “What is going on?”

“Well, I found this under Kris’ bed and um, well, I decided to open it,” Tao said with an innocent look.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and said, “Haven’t you heard the phrase ‘Curiosity liked the cat’?”

“And haven’t you heard the phrase ‘Satisfaction brought it back’?” Tao retorted.

Baekhyun blinked, Luhan and Lay laughed, and poor D.O. was trying his best not to roll his eyes at s’ stupidity.

“Can you continue, Tao?” D.O. asked.

Tao stuck his tongue out at Baekhyun and continued, “Well I read it…and I didn’t expect Kris gege to be such a .”

“WHAT?!” the others yelled.

Tao nodded and Luhan and Lay snatched the diary from him. They quickly read each page and their eyes got bigger and bigger at each sentence. Then they looked at each other and yelled, “Say WHAT?!”

The others, whose knowledge of Chinese was practically nonexistent, asked, “What? What’s going on?”

The three Chinese members shared a look before saying, “He’s crushing on a girl to the point where he’s obsessive over her.”


Luhan checked his watch and said, “It’s about 12:30 right now and Kris is coming back at around 6 tonight. How about after lunch we go to the mall or something. Then we come back and confront Kris about this?” The members agreed and they went out to lunch.

Present Time

And now the EXO members found themselves in this predicament- an angry, murderous Kris glaring daggers at the five of them. Then, as if Fate wasn’t having enough fun with the EXO members, the door opened with a bang and SM’s resident happy virus walked in saying, “I’m back~!” But he instantly froze as Kris gave him the scariest glare ever.

Chanyeol gulped and asked the others, “What’s going on?”

“Oh I think you know EXACTLY what’s wrong,” Kris said in a sickly, sweet voice with a smile to match.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about hyung.” Chanyeol tried to keep calm.

“Oh really? Then what, may I ask, is this?” Kris threw the pink diary at Chanyeol.

“Oh hyung, I didn’t know you had a diary! And a pink one at that!” Chanyeol said with an innocent look on his face. The five members in the background looked at Chanyeol in wonder. Either he really had nothing to do with it, or he was an extremely good actor, because Chanyeol didn’t give anything away.

Kris growled and said, “Fine. You don’t want to admit it. If this happens again….” Kris left his threat unfinished and stalked to his room.

“So you really didn’t do it?” Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol turned and said with a raised eyebrow, “What do you think?” Then he too walked to his room and texted Amber. “Part 1 was a success. Part 2 starts now!” Amber quickly replied, “Hahaha awesome!”

Meanwhile, in the TaoRis room, Kris stuffed his face in his pillow. How could this happen to him? He was KRIS for SM’s sake. NO one pranks him. He growled, then smirked as an idea hit him. He texted all his SuJu, SNSD, TVXQ sunbaes, the SHINee members, and the f(x) members with the exception of Amber. He chuckled evilly, You think I let you guys off the hook? Oh, you two are so dead.


HOLY SHIZZ!! 2000+ words!! So what’d you guys think of this chapter? Oh and I apologize for any spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. This isn’t edited (which I really should do but I’m too lazy too…). Ermmm yeah…idk what else to say so…BYES!! OH!!! COMMENT PLEASE?!?! Btw thanks to the new subbies!!

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Chapter 9: This story literally is one of my favs?
RadicalDame1412 #2
Chapter 7: Whoaa... What a harem! This is soooo cute!
RadicalDame1412 #3
Chapter 7: Whoaa... What a harem! This is soooo cute!
Llamalover #4
Chapter 9: Woah!!!..thank god i found this fanfic!!...this the type of fanfic that like........omgee i finally found it T.T
Chapter 9: Haha lee soo man has everything planned out lol
Chapter 9: damn soo man you and your plans sighhh
and the previous chapter damnit kai i cry
hey update! c:
Chapter 9: hey.. short? it's better than nothing xD
Chapter 9: okay, i agreed that it's short but take ur time.. slowly dear.. hehehehe.. nice update.. ^-^
Chapter 8: The guys all over Amber were soo cute.. not jealous at all.. She deserves that.. Even in the real life.. Poor Yeolie ~
myLove91 #10
Chapter 7: ~Reads where all the guys are fighting for Amber's affection, attention, and time = *happily dying* ~ Gosh. I love pairing Amber with everyone!! and! I think she can charm even the most handsomest guys regardless of whether they claim their ideal types are the feminine girls with long hair XD. Also, that little Kaiber part was cute but...Chanber is ...apslkdfj;aslfkdjsa... so so so cute to the max! especially jealous Chanyeol! Please update!