Teaser and the fourth official member

♪ ♩ ♬ ღ 오라클 ღ ♬ ♩♪〖 Oracles 〗|| SM's newest Girl Group ❀Apply Open❀


 ~Afternoon 4.56PM September 9 Year 2009~

"Oh My God,I am so tired!"The young girl sighed while lying against the wooden floor.

*How long have I been training for?*She wondered alound.She glanced at the white clock hanging on the wall.*12 hours already?Wow,time pass fast huh...*

The young girl stood up while wiping her sweat dripping from her forehead.She glanced around the dance studio and smiled while looking at the famous well-known cloud wall.Well,more specifically SM Entertainment's famous cloud wall.*I am so thankful I decided to come here instead*

She took her favourite purple bag that was lying on the ground and slung it over her shoulders.She checked if everything was in place and left the dance room.She dragged her tired feet out of SM Entertainment building and waited at the side of the streets.*Where on earth are they?*She looked around,no one.*Great!Now I have to wait again-*

"Looking for me?"A sarcastic voice said beside her.

"Oppa!"She tripped behind and fell on her bottom.*Ouch!that hurts...*
"You clumsy girl.here.."The older boy extending a helping hand towards her.She grabbed hold of his hand and reprimanded him,"Do you know I almost had a heart attac-"

Before she could finish her sentence,the boy let go of her hand forcefully and the poor girl landed on her bottom once again.*Aish!Why you-*

"Thinking about calling me an imbecile fool for letting you go?Dream on!"The boy smirked at her while looking at the other direction.

"Remind me never to accept any help from you ever again!"The girl grumbled while trying to get on her feet once again.

*That sarcastic jerk!Never fails to make me feel like this!*

"Hey,who are you waiting for anyway?"The boy asked her with curiousity in his eyes.

"My parents,"The petite girl answered not very willingly.

Suddenly,a grumbling sound came from the hungry girl's stomach.The girl's eyes widdened as ahe covered her red face.*Out of all the time why now stomach!*She mentally cursed her stomach.

The older guy giggled and opened his blue harvesack he carried.He pulled out a hot dog and handed it to her.The girl stared back at him with cautious eyes.*"Don't worry,you think I will poison you or something?"He looked at her with innocent eyes."Fine,thanks,"She grabbed the hotdog and started muching down.While savouring her delicious food,a black van came.A middle aged man came out and shouted for the boy to enter.

"That's my call.See ya kiddo,"He ruffled her hair and entered the black van that was filled with his other group members.

The girl fixed her hair back and waited for another 5 minutes before a white car arrived.The window pane was wined down and two adults lovingly stared back at her.

"Hey honey!How was training?"Her mother asked her as she prepared to enter the car."Typical,train,train and train."The girl answered almost immediately."Met any new boys yet?"Her father while wriggling his eyebrows.

"Aw come on dad!Stop with the teasing!"The girl frowned and folded her arms.

"Fiine fine fine,..."He sighed."But you know,its about time you find one."He said as a matter of fact.

"Dad,I am 15.I know it when I see one,"she said while gazing out of the window.

"You make it sound like we men are items sold down by the street,"her father laughed.

The girl shook her head with a smile*Dads nowadays...*
"Honey,have you eaten yet?I am sure you should be starving by now,"Her mother asked gently.

"I ate a hotdog that oppa gave me,"The girl answered without thinking.

*Oppa*"Aha!I caught you red-handed missy!Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend now?"Her father asked excitedly.

"It's Yesung oppa dad,why are you freaking out much?"

*And I thought she had a secret boyfriend..When will you open up to the world of boys Hyo Jin?You know how much appa wants you to bring home a decent man like me!*He proudly thought to himself.




Congratulations to StarlightTango!^^


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--geeniee #1
Chapter 11: minkyung's creator here owo
Chapter 11: congrats to the new members!
Back from hiatus! But, still a bit inactive! :'D Thank you for waiting!

Chapter 11: Congratssss
Chapter 11: congrats to the new member! cant wait for the next one!
Chapter 11: congratz! Hope to see other revealed members soon!
Chapter 9: Congratzz :)
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: congratz starlightango! you're lucky
Chapter 11: Congrats to her. :)
Yesung you evil imbecile. XD