Being Cute is Torture!

Love Began Through Window Shopping

| | | DAY5 | | |


Hyejae opened her eyes and her room was some how flooded with lighting. She frowned and turned her face around to face the window and she saw a familiar back turned to her.

She frowned and slowly got up.

The figure must’ve heard her blankets ruffle and because it turned around.

She couldn’t see anything because the light was behind the person, making his whole figure look dark.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my room?” She saw the smile before she heard the laugh.

“JUNHYUNG! YAHHH!” Hyejae instantly screamed before the person who was supposed to be Junhyung could react.

Hyejae scrambled at her bed and pulled up her blankets.

It was a hot night last night so all she wore were a pair of short long singlet with a pair of short exercise shorts that disappeared under the singlet.

“Yah, I already saw it so you don’t have to cover it from me.” Hyejae really wanted to slap her boyfriend.

“Hey, don’t hurt me. My manager just thought that you should see this…” Junhyung came to Hyejae and pulled the covers away from her hands. She pouted and moved herself on her knee’s.  And took what Junhyung had rolled up in his hands.

She gasped.

“What…already?!” Junhyung nodded sheepishly.

“I didn’t know that he was going to do it that night. I thought he meant the day we return from Seoul…sorry…”

Hyejae didn’t know whether to be angry or not. No, she shouldn’t be. She had chosen to be exposed by loving an idol and going out with him.

She looked up at Junhyung.

His chocolate brown hair was sitting on his forehead lightly, looking like it had been washed that morning. His eyes were light and was looking at a spot on her bed. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, deep in thought and his lips slightly parted not even half a centimetre.

Hyejae smiled at the boy in front of her.

She flung the magazine away from her and moved forward to hug him.

Hyejae knew that he was taken from surprise but she guessed that he had regained his posture when his arms wrapped around her waist and both of them just sat like that for a minute.

“You know, you’re really cute when you’re asleep.”

Hyejae pushed Junhyung away from her and pouted, crossing her hands on her chest.

“And I forgot to ask. How did you get in here? I didn’t hear you knock-“

“My manager got me a spare key. He asked the front desk and said that I was your boyfriend.”

Hyejae opened in disbelief.

“WHAT?! AND THEY BELIEVED HIM?!” Hyejae got up, picked up her head band by the side of her bed and tied her hair up roughly, removing her fringe away from her forehead with a few pins.

“Well, that’s the truth isn’t it? You are my girlfriend now you know.”

Hyejae stopped in her tracks.

“Oh my gosh. I forgot…” She turned to her boyfriend, her voice filled with a sense of jokiness but when she saw his face, her smile disappeared.

“No…I was joking. Oppa!” Hyejae hugged the back of Junhyung’s back before he could leave her room.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it that way…I was just joking! Oppa…? Kaenchana?” She said and turned Junhyung around and saw him smiling mischievously.

Hyejae pouted and was about to turn around when Junhyung caught hold of her.

“I love you too Hyejae.” Hyejae smiled.

“Yah, pabo ieyo?”

“Aniyo.” Junhyung instantly replied and they both laughed.

“I should go shower.” Hyejae said and Junhyung nodded. Just before she walked into the bathroom, Junhyung said,

“Hey, don’t be too long okay? Everyone’s waiting for you to eat.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Hello, it’s 11…AM!”




“CHOESONGHAMNIDA!” Hyejae said, bowing to her friends deeply. Her hair was slightly dry and slightly wet because she had blown dried it a little before she came down.

She was wearing a singlet and a pair of demin shorts and a pair of white flats.

“Kaenchana, come and eat!” Doojoon replied for everyone and everyone smiled.

Hyejae sat down on the other head of the table (the other side was occupied by B2ST’s manager) and Junhyung sat to her left.

They began to eat.

45 minutes later, when everyone was full to the brim with a very western style of breakfast (pancakes, waffles, fruit and milk/juice) they all walked outside for the second last day of filming with Yoseob.

Today, it was time for the cute-ness to be oozing out.


Hyejae walked out of the dressing room and was wearing a wedding dress that was like a ballerina’s costume with a lot of fluff/layers.

She couldn’t help but realise that as she walked out of the hotel changing room, so many girls eyes were on her, most of them shooting invisible laser beams at her.

She shudder and then suddenly, she felt a pair of hand wrap around her waist and instantly knew that superman was to the rescue!

“Seems like a damsel is in distress?” Junhyung said boldly and Hyejae poked him. A few flashes went off and Hyejae froze.

Junhyung chuckled but before she got a time to regain her shock, Junhyung was walking towards the girls that had taking a photo of her poking Junhyung.

“Hi.” Junhyung said simply and one of the girls fainted.

“Could I borrow your camera for a minute so I can take a photo with my girlfriend and I?”

The fangirl is so dumb! Hyejae thought to herself. Junhyung was obviously “borrowing” her camera for something other than taking a photo.

The instant Junhyung got the camera, he went to work and Hyejae admired his stealth.

Finally, the girl realised but she was too late.

Junhyung was handing the camera back to her, his smile now murderous.

“Don’t ever, ever take a photo of me and my girlfriend understand?” His voice was still sweet and yet, there was still an edge to it.

The girl nodded, suddenly afraid. Junhyung walked back to Hyejae and took her hand and then walked out.


“Now, if the two of you don’t mind, make some cute poses at each other!”

Yoseob and Hyejae was instantly absorbed into the shoot just as it was about to began. They were professionals!

Yoseob laughed and Hyejae pouted.

Yoseob pinched her cheek and she shouted and then began chasing Yoseob.

This whole time, Junhyung was clenching his jaw and trying not the break the two up.

“Hey, Junhyung, chill okay? This is just a photo shoot! No need to take things so seriously!” Hyunseung said, putting a hand on Junhyung’s shoulder.

“I know! And plus, you and Hyejae’s the official couple! The tabloids are going CRAZY!” Kikwang said, standing up next to Junhyung with both hands hooked to his jeans.

“Yah, Kaenchana! Don’t start distrusting your girlfriend before the two of you even began!” Dongwoon said, standing behind Junhyung.

Junhyung rolled his eyes and then said,

“I’m just…it’s uncomfortable…”

“That means you love her.” Doojoon finally said.

“And I was wondering when you would finally show up.” The 5 Beast members laughed and Junhyung finally relaxed.


The shoot went really smoothly. No random run-off’s to get a confession.

It was time for the last set and Hyejae vowed to herself that she was never going to be cute ever!

Being cute is an absolute torture!

“How can you stand this whole cute business?!” Hyejae asked Yoseob as the two of them were running around some more. Hyejae was shouting.

Her leg hurt.

“Before it was just for the fans…now, I can’t stand it anymore!”

For the first time since they started shooting, the two of them genuinely laughed at his statement.

“Still! How people act cute…that’s just beyond me!”

“Well, obviously you don’t like acting cute then?”

“Gosh no! Never have and never will! It’s way too much work!”

Yoseob laughed.

10 more minutes of running, pinching each others nose, pouting and fake laughing.

They were going to make it.


Hyejae collapsed on the grassy ground and groaned,

“Oh, my gosh…I can’t do this anymore…this is seriously the most I can do for a day…”

Thankfully, the cameraman also decide that it was enough.

“Let’s pack up and give the two of them some time to rest!” Junhyung was walking over to Hyejae and held out his hand to Hyejae who was sprawled over the ground.

She took it gratefully and was about to stand up when her legs buckled underneath her.

She cursed in English.

“My legs…”

Before she got a chance to think about how she was going to get back, Junhyung had already taken her up bridal style and was taking her back.

Hyejae didn’t protest.

She doubt that there was any other way for her to get back to the hotel.

“Ooh! The couple is getting married early!” Beast teased as they had their own “package” to take care of; Yoseob.



A/N: ONE MORE CHAPTER TO WRITE!!! -- im speeding things because I want to start more fanfics but I can't with too many fanfics unfinished ^^

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plz update, we miss ur stories...
Mayenne #2
Chapter 5: Can you still continue and complete the story? Please, author-nim?
Angel88 #3
Love this story very2 much...~~UPDATE SOON~~
iHEARTjunhyung #4
Yes. Your story is terrible.... JK! <br />
I love your story~ <333<br />
I like HyeJae's personality. She's very dedicated, hardworking, and all those nice words xD. She would do what I would if iwas in that situation too x]<br />
<br />
mmel_ng95 #6
HAHAHA thanks so cute at the end with Kikwang update soon :D