OO4 | Snuggling

Inheritance / HIATUS.

“Yah, Jeun Ji Woon,” I yelled, said kid falling onto his bum in surprise at the sudden loud noise. “I told you not to open that until we got home!”

                The three other in the room looked locked eyes with me, the youngest tearing up, as I walked over and scolded him. As I finished scolding him, a restless sigh leaving my mouth, I felt two pairs of eyes on me. A sudden feeling of embarrassment washed over me as I realized that I had just yelled at my nephew in front of his babysitter. I turned around, Himchan flinching as I returned eye contact and walked over to sit on the couch beside him. Not coming as much of a surprising, he got up and followed Yongguk, who had signaled him to the kitchen. I began to hear water running and realized that they were probably washing the dishes and giving me time to apologize to and comfort Ji Woon.

“Yah,” I said softly as I approached the crying boy. “Ji Woon, I’m sorry.”

                As he leant into my arms, I picked him up, bouncing him slightly to calm him down when more tears poured out of his eyes and he started whining.

“Uncle Jello is a meanie!” he cried out, whipping his eyes.

“I know,” I sighed, repeating the words softly as I sat of both onto the couch again.

                He snuggled into my chest and laid down, my uniform’s jacket, which probably had a crease in it. As I laid down with him, unaware of the same annoyingly familiar pair of eyes watching us, I also became unaware of my eyelids growing heavy. I closed them, toning out the annoying sound of the cartoon show that still happened to be showing on TV.


                Himchan and Yongguk had just finished washing dishes, and both had just told each other that Zelo should be done apologizing and what not, when they were rounding the corner to the living room. Both abruptly stopping at the sight in front of them, a silent agreement was then formed not to wake either boy up. Zelo was holding on to Ji Woon, both of their heads on the arm prop of the large couch.

“Himchan,” Yongguk whispered into said man’s ear. “Go ahead and shower, I’ll just stay and watch TV until you’re done.”

                Himchan nodded, making way past Zelo, making sure as to not wake the boy up. Yongguk, however, began to get comfortable on the couch beside the boy, turning the television to a random channel and getting ‘obscene pictures’. Flipping the TV off quickly and throwing the remote in the process, Yongguk sat there, confused as to what just happened. As he sat, he heard a sigh beside him, admittedly becoming a little scared for his life. Though, as he looked, he saw that the boy was just adjusting his position in his sleep.

                Yongguk soon found himself thinking it better to have just stuck with the on the television rather than sitting beside this boy. He had caught himself entirely too many times sneaking a glance towards him. Each time he would catch himself, he didn’t know what happened, as he would just sit there for another few seconds and stare perhaps longer. Soon enough, though, he found himself too tired to wait on Himchan, who was taking an abnormally long time in the shower, and let his eyes rest. This, too, soon led to him falling into sleep, quiet snores escaping him.

                An oddly familiar scent of sweet cinnamon hit Zelo’s nose. Unaware of the source, Zelo leaned into it, sniffing it curiously. While breathing in the heavenly scent, he registered the soft clearing of someone’s throat. Zelo opened his eyes and found fabric similar to a shirt’s. Twisting it lightly with his fingers, he heard the strange noise again, and noticed it was just above his head. He looked up, instantly recognizing the source of it once he saw who it was coming from.

                A shade darker than maroon formed across Zelo’s face, Yongguk’s face equally as dark. Neither of them moved as they stared at each other, unable to tear their eyes away. Finally, when his face had reached the shade of a tomato, Zelo couldn’t take the tension anymore.

“Y-yah,” his voice cracking already. “Get off of me you ert!”

                Zelo threw Yongguk off the couch, said man’s arm flying away from their original position around the young boy. Throwing himself up from the floor, Yongguk grabbed Zelo’s collar.

“What did I do, you stupid little kid?!” he yelled, head throbbing from coming in contact with the floor.

                Leaving no traces of a blush, Junhong’s face twisted, tongue darting out to tease the man.

“Yah,” a voice erupted into the living room before the two could go any further. “If you two are going to fight, then do it outside!”

                Neither took the man into consideration, though, as Yongguk flopped onto the boy on the couch, sitting on his stomach. As Zelo choked out something about a fat old man, the said ‘fat old man’ began to squirm on him. Himchan was now tired of the two, as they were both acting like children. Mad and stomping, he walked over to them and pushed Yongguk over the back of the sofa, again face-first, and picked Junhong up. The previous two who had been fighting became confused, though the younger felt a bit more embarrassed about his actions.

                After Himchan had sat him on a kitchen chair, the happiness that he didn’t have school today came to him. The house was peaceful, though also rowdy, and Zelo really liked it. He was pretty sure Ji Woon equally liked it, too, as he was currently helping Himchan cook.

“Yongguk,” said man came into the kitchen grumpily after being called. “We’re out of cooking oil, why don’t you go get some.”

                The older man sighed, yet still went upstairs to fetch his jacket. As he disappeared, Himchan turned to Zelo, Ji Woon hanging onto the man lazily.

“You should go with him, too, kid.” He said, spatula waving around.

                Zelo nodded his head, knowing it would be rude to refuse, seeing as it was both the men’s house and not his. As Yongguk came back downstairs, a large winter jacket on, Zelo followed him to the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” the older man asked, shaking his finger ‘no’.

“I think I’m going with you,” Zelo replied, eyes growing small.

                Yongguk sighed, seeing Himchan with a spatula raised behind the boy, and turned around. He grabbed his car keys from a table by the door and was followed out of the door by Zelo.

A/N: As you can see, I'm running out of title ideas, orz. I was actually debating on not posting this chapter today because I've been busy with school, and that obvious . I'll definitely keep up the posting on Sundays, though. ^u^

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I will post an update Sunday and from then on, there will be regular updates. ;)


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zucchini #1
I just finished reading your story and just wanted to say that I really like it :)
Kelp_Dreams #2
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update~ I was actually wondering about this fic earlier today haha...wondering what happened to it...

I totally understand. Please don't feel pressured to update sooner that you feel ready, just know that I really love this story, and it would make my day to see it update =)
Chapter 13: Thats okay, take your time! I do enjoy this story a lot so I´m happy you didn´t decide to discontinue :D Looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 13: No problem ♥ I'll be happy to see you back !
TOPJaeLoveChild #5
Chapter 12: How much interesting????? e.e'!!!!
Kelp_Dreams #6
Chapter 12: HEHE...this is so adorable ^~^


Is he gunna be in the story again?? =D
Chapter 12: Awww so much cuteness is this even possible ;w; ?

Yongguk pleaseeeee
I didn't know you were THIS fluffy...
Chapter 11: How adorable.
They're just perfect.
Chapter 11: please make Yongguk jealous ;)
Kelp_Dreams #10
Chapter 11: Aww~ This is so awesome! ^^ I love it!