OO2 | Meeting the Babysitter

Inheritance / HIATUS.

                Mesmerized, I couldn’t help but check out his body. His abs could be clearly seen through a shirt that could easily give any woman a heart attack, nice biceps, and his face was obviously not all too bad either. To my secret glee, as I looked up at his face, I could see that he too was sizing me up.

“I’m here for Ji Woon,” I said curtly and bowed. “I’m Zelo.”

“Hey,” he said, confusion evident in his voice.  “I didn’t expect a kid.”               

Grumbling, I spat out, “I’m not a kid, I’m seventeen.”

“Which means you’re still a kid,” he teased, an annoying smirk on his face.

                I was about to spit another retort back when I felt Yongguk shove my shoulder playfully, causing my face to light up about three shades.

“Where’s Ji Woon at?” I muttered, my hand scratching my cheek in an attempt to hide the blush.

“He’s asleep on the sofa.” He said, moving out of the way so I could see.

He’s what?

“How did you get him to sleep?” I said incredulously at the kid’s body lying on the sofa, one arm thrown over the side.

“Played him out, he’s a rowdy one.”

                Now that I actually examined his face itself, he did look tired. Hell, I’m just amazed he didn’t chain the kid onto the sidewalk and wait for me to pick him up. If I didn’t have the whole ‘sense of responsibility’ and, I’ll admit it, a bit of love for the kid, I would’ve.

                I later, after talking with Yongguk a bit, picked Ji Woon up and lugged him onto my back. On my way to the door, I heard some ruffling behind me.

“You forgot your skateboard,” Yongguk said, eyeing it as though it had a bomb in it.

               I thanked him and walked out the door, roughly putting my shoes on, and noticed that Yongguk was still behind me.

“Why are you still here?” I asked.

“I’m driving you home.” The man apparently just decided.

“Excuse me?”

“All you have is a skateboard, and you can’t use that with a kid on your back,” he said, a pair of keys now in his hands. “I’m not a e or anything, kid.”

                Almost immediately, I walked to his car, kicking the tire in defeat. It didn’t seem to have an effect, though, as he took the rusty tarp from the top of the car and laid it on the ground, a smirk etched on his face.


“Shouldn’t your mother be picking you two up, anyway?” he asked curiously as we both buckled our seatbelts.

“I move out.” I stated curtly.

                You see, I didn’t move out for one of those bull reasons like ‘rebellion’ or anything. I just simply didn’t want to live under rules, but I obviously still loved my mother. She raised hell about it, of course, but after some time I managed to convince her to let me live in an apartment five minutes away from the house.

“Yeah, I do, too.” He said, smiling with a hint of lonely.

                Though the man was older than me, by quite a few years, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He obviously lived happily, but didn’t seem content with loneliness. After giving an awkward pat on the shoulder, I turned towards the window, ready to get home and lay on my own bed.

                “Wake up,” I felt a soft jab to my shoulder. “This is your apartment complex, right?”

                                I cracked my eyes open, the now dark pink sky getting into them. Even if it wasn’t clear, I could tell that this was my complex by the cheap sign overhead. I didn’t think that he would remember the directions to it, actually. My apartment was around thirty minutes away from the school, twenty-five from his house, meaning there was a lot of traffic.

                I unbuckled my seatbelt, moving around Ji Woon’s hung limbs as to not wake him up. The last thing I wanted was that, the kid was a nightmare to get to sleep. As I got out of the car, bumping the door shut with my hip, I was about to mutter a ‘thanks’ and make my way into the building, but was cut off by another car door shutting.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

                It wasn’t everyday a grown 22 year old man, who also happened to be baby-sitting your 6-year old nephew, drove you home and accompanied you into your apartment.

“Helping you in, you don’t want that monster waking up, do you?” he said, an obvious grin spreading on his face.

                I sighed, obviously in defeat. I couldn’t exactly bring a kid and skateboard in without making a disturbance. We made our way up the stairs fine; until he tripped. You heard me right, that bastard tripped, dropping my skateboard and waking Ji Woon up. At that exact moment, curses spewed out of his mouth from the pain of the skateboard dropping onto his foot, insults at his utter stupidity out of mine.

“Can’t you do anything; you’re the one who offered your help!” I yelled, the six year old on my back now seeming to register the situation.

                Yongguk threw back a few insults through gritted teeth, the pain still evident in his voice, until Ji Woon started crying. He wasn’t used to fussing, as he had only before lived with Hyosung and her boyfriend, who lived a rather peaceful life together. I patted him lightly on the back, swaying him every now and then, and sent daggers towards a confused Yongguk.

Don’t think I’ll let this go.

                Since he had already taken a ‘nap’, it was relatively easy to get Ji Woon back to sleep once I got the apartment. Yongguk had left almost immediately after I unlocked the door, and I was now changing. After setting Ji Woon down on his bed and covering him up, those things, I went back to my room, a breeze slapping me in the face as I opened my door. I sighed, laying on my bed and wrapping my cover securely around myself, and shut my eyes.

If everyday turns out like today, then I’ll have to get a new babysitter.

A/N: Thanks for all the subs, everyone. c: If you didn't read the story feed, I'll be updating this every Sunday.

I'd also like to shamelessly promote my Tumblr, and feel free to talk with me. ;u;

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I will post an update Sunday and from then on, there will be regular updates. ;)


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zucchini #1
I just finished reading your story and just wanted to say that I really like it :)
Kelp_Dreams #2
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update~ I was actually wondering about this fic earlier today haha...wondering what happened to it...

I totally understand. Please don't feel pressured to update sooner that you feel ready, just know that I really love this story, and it would make my day to see it update =)
Chapter 13: Thats okay, take your time! I do enjoy this story a lot so I´m happy you didn´t decide to discontinue :D Looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 13: No problem ♥ I'll be happy to see you back !
TOPJaeLoveChild #5
Chapter 12: How much interesting????? e.e'!!!!
Kelp_Dreams #6
Chapter 12: HEHE...this is so adorable ^~^


Is he gunna be in the story again?? =D
Chapter 12: Awww so much cuteness is this even possible ;w; ?

Yongguk pleaseeeee
I didn't know you were THIS fluffy...
Chapter 11: How adorable.
They're just perfect.
Chapter 11: please make Yongguk jealous ;)
Kelp_Dreams #10
Chapter 11: Aww~ This is so awesome! ^^ I love it!