Stay Together. Forever? A Mir one-shot.

Stay together. Forever?

“Happy 5th monthsary oppa!“ Yumi smiled opening her arms wide.

“Oh is it our monthsary today?!” Mir pretended to be shocked.

“You forgot??” Yumi’s bottom lip quivered.

“Ah! I will never forget our monthsary baby,” Mir crooned wrapping his arms around his sulking girlfriend.

“Oppa, I thought you did. Don’t play jokes on me like that.” Yumi pouted.

“Stop that, you know I can’t resist your cuteness.” Mir sighed.

“I got you a present!” Yumi bounced.
Mir waited eagerly as Yumi took out something from her handbag. It was a little teddy bear carrying a heart that says “best boyfriend”. Mir gasped as he saw what his wonderful girlfriend got him.

“You think I’m the best boyfriend?” He asked.

“Duh.” Yumi rolled her eyes.

“Well I’ve got a present for you too baby. It’s up in your bedroom.” Mir grinned like a fool.

“OMO! You snuck into my room again!” Yumi gasped. “That’s creepy!”

“I always do that anyway!” Mir laughed.

Yumi laughed too and took her boyfriend’s hand as they ran up the stairs to go to her bedroom. She let out a little squeal when she saw what was waiting for her in her bedroom. It was her best friend whom she hasn’t seen for months.

“Ya! Cheon Doong! What are you doing here?!” She gasped.

“Surprise!!!” Cheon Doong grinned.

“Happy monthsary. I hope you liked your present!” Mir whispered behind her.

“OMO OMO OMO!!” She jumped up and down, hugged Mir and then ran over to Cheon Doong to hug him as well.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Yumi mentioned.

“I wasn’t gonna come back til the next 2 months but Mir here paid for me to get here now.” Cheon Doong explained.

“Thank you oppa,” Yumi turned to Mir.

“Anything to make you happy,” Mir smiled.

“Well I’ll leave you two to enjoy your day, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow okay? I’m gonna go get some rest.” Cheon Doong declared giving his best friend another hug.

“Oh okay, we’ll catch up tomorrow! “ Yumi mused.

“See you later hyung!” Mir called out.

Cheon Doong waved at them goodbye and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Yumi looked at Mir lovingly. She was so happy right now and it’s all because of him.

“You are amazing.” She told him.

“I do my best.” Mir grinned adorably.

Yumi locked her hands around his neck and started kissing him tenderly on the lips. Mir liked it a lot when she initiates the kiss first and when this happens, he takes advantage of it. His hands tightened around her waist as their kiss deepened.

“Saranghaeyo Kim Young Yumi,” Mir breathed when their lips parted.

“I love you more,” Yumi winked at him.

Mir smiled sweetly at her and kissed her softly.

“Oppa, I’m ready…” Yumi whispered.

“Hmmm? Chincha?” Mir can’t believe what he was hearing. Was he actually hearing it right? He thought. He has never pressured her into doing it and he has made it clear to her that he will wait until she’s ready. And now she was.

“I’m ready. I love you and I want you.” Yumi declared.

Mir was over the moon hearing those words. He loves her more than anything in this world and hearing those is just music to his ears. He took her into his arms and then carried her towards the bed.


A few months later…

Yumi was hanging out with her best friend Cheon Doong. Lately she has been keeping a secret that no one knows about.

“How are you and Mir?” Cheon Doong asked.

“Good, good.” Yumi answered flatly. Cheon Doong noticed the nervousness in Yumi’s voice.

“What’s wrong? Have you been fighting?” He asked with concern.

“Anio, he’s been really nice and sweet. Too sweet in fact.” Yumi gulped.

“What’s wrong with that?”
“I’m thinking of breaking up with him.” Yumi stated.

“Mwuh??! What are you talking about all of a sudden?” Cheon Doong gasped.

“I’m not happy with him anymore.” Yumi sighed.

“But you love him. You said you can’t live without him. What happened?”

“I guess I just don’t love him anymore…” Yumi trailed off.

“I don’t believe it…” Cheon Doong murmured to himself.

Cheon Doong didn’t know what to say to her. He took his best friend’s hand and squeezed it, assuring her that he’s there for her no matter what. It seems like Yumi has already made up her mind and that no one can change her decision anymore.


That night…

“Where are we going?” Yumi asked as Mir kept hold of her hand tight.

“To the beach.” Mir grinned.

“Wae?? It’s 8 o’clock in the evening.” Yumi complained.

“Cos I’ve got a surprise for you…” Mir smiled sheepishly.
“No,” Yumi thought to herself.

“Wait, I have to tell you something.” Yumi said stopping Mir in his tracks.

“Oh baby, you can tell me when we get there, we’re nearly there! Look!” Mir pointed at the beach straight ahead. There was a cold breeze and the waves were quiet. Mir’s parents owns a beach house and that’s where he is taking her. He has decorated it himself and there’s a candlelit dinner waiting. When they finally got there, Yumi saw the beach house covered in twinkly lights. She instantly felt bad.

When they were standing in front of the beach house, she stopped Mir.

“Stop, I really need to talk to you now.” She said firmly.

“Oh okay baby, what is it?” Mir asked calmly. Yumi took a deep breath.

Mir took her hands in his. “What’s wrong Yumi-shi?”

“Mir. I think we should break-up.” She declared.

Mir’s heart sank. He didn’t expect this at all. Sure, Yumi has been cold and distant for the past few days but he didn’t think of any of it.

“Come on baby, be serious. What are you going to tell me?” Mir laughed nervously.

“I’m serious,” Yumi gulped.

“But why?” Mir croaked.

“I’m not happy anymore. I’m sorry.”

“Is there someone else?”
“No of course not. There’s no other person involved in this. This is my decision. My own.”

“So you’re saying you don’t love me anymore?” Mir’s bottom lip quivered.

Yumi looked down on her feet. She feels so guilty but there is no other way. If she continues on with this relationship, it will be one-sided and that will hurt Mir too.

“I’m sorry.” Was all Yumi could say.

“No. Give me another chance, please I’ll do anything. Just don’t break up with me.” Mir pleaded. Tears were forming in his eyes and if he blinked, it will all fall down.

“Mir, I’ve made up my mind. It’s better if we just stay friends.”


“I’m sorry Mir.” Yumi finished.

Mir took one last look at her. She was serious and he knows that no matter how much he begged and pleaded, Yumi wouldn’t change her mind.

“Araso, I guess I better take you home now or will you be okay going home on your own?” Mir asked his voice shaking.

“I guess I’ll be fine to go home on my own.” Yumi answered.

“Good, I’m gonna go take a swim.” Mir declared turning his back on her.

“No, wait, take me home.” Yumi said pulling his arm. She knew Mir was capable of doing something stupid like drowning himself into the sea.

“Fine.” Mir answered.

2 days later…

Yumi just got home one evening. She was just gonna get ready for bed when her phone rang.

Yumi: “Yoboseyo?”

Cheon Doong: “Yumi-ah, you better come quick. Mir is drunk.”
Yumi: “Mwuh?!”
Cheon Doong: “I’m at his apartment. Hurry.”

Yumi: “I’m on my way.”

Yumi worriedly went to Mir’s apartment. She hasn’t spoke to him since that night she broke up with him. She has handled the break-up very well; after all she is the one who wanted the break-up in the first place however Mir is taking it really badly.

A few minutes later, Yumi arrived at Mir’s place and she hurriedly walked in not even bothering to lock her car.

“Mir? Cheon Doong?” She called out once she got in the front door which was unlocked. She looked around Mir’s apartment and it was turned upside down as if a hurricane just came and ruined everything. There were broken glasses everywhere on the floor, the TV was smashed and there was a broken lamp on the sofa. She suddenly heard heavy footsteps and glass smashing.

“Yumi!!” Cheon Doong shouted from Mir’s bedroom upstairs.

She ran upstairs and found her best friend trying to control Mir from grabbing another thing to break and smash on the wall. Yumi was so hurt at what she’s seeing.

“Mir how much did you drink??” Cheon Doong asked as he tightened his grip around him. Yumi took a few steps forward.

“I still can’t believe that she’s gone…” Mir murmured.

“She’s not dead…” Cheon Doong mentioned.

“I am though hyung.” Mir answered slumping down on the floor. He covered his face with his hands and started crying softly. Yumi walked over to him and then crouched down and started running her fingers through his hair.

“I’m so sorry,” She whispered.

“Yumi?” Mir spoke, sitting up right to face her.

“I’m here…” She mumbled.

Cheon Doong glanced over at both of them and he thought that there’s nothing to worry about anymore so he decided to leave them so they can have privacy.

“You’re here…” Mir said weakly.

“Yes, now come on, that’s enough breaking stuff for one day, let’s get you some sleep, okay?” Yumi said sweetly. Mir nodded. Yumi crawled on his bed, sat upright and waited for Mir. She placed a pillow on her lap and told Mir to lay his head there.

“Yumi-ah, stay with me.” Mir whispered.

“I promise I will stay.” Yumi answered.

Just a few minutes later, Mir has fallen asleep with a smile on his face.

The next morning…

Mir woke up with a very bad headache. But when he looked up, he saw the most beautiful person and he forgot all about his headache. Yumi’s hand was gripped on Mir’s hand as if she never wants to let him go but Mir did something which ended the magical moment too soon. He lifted her hand and kissed it swiftly waking Yumi up abruptly. She realized what just happened and she quickly pulled her hand away.

“Hey,” Mir shot her a smile.

“Hey, you got a hangover?” Yumi asked standing up from the bed.

“I don’t care.” Mir beamed. She pursed her lips.

“See you later.” Yumi told him as she prepared to walk out.

“Yumi,” he called after her.

She turned around to face him.

“Why did you leave me?” Mir asked his voice breaking.

“You know why Mir, please don’t do this to yourself.” Yumi answered coldly.

“I want us to stay together. Forever.”

“It’s over.” Yumi declared. And by that she left, leaving Mir heartbroken all over again.


Minutes, hours, days and weeks passed, Yumi got on with her life like how she wanted to. She has now stopped regretting breaking up with Mir as she has seen an improvement on him. She didn’t want to take him back for the wrong reasons. The last time she’s seen him, Mir was actually hanging out with his friends, laughing and having a good time. What she didn’t know is that Mir is still truly hurt that she’s left him. All of that is just a mask to cover up his heartache even for a little while. Then again, Mir tried to get on with his life; putting on a fake smile everyday for everyone and then breaking down in tears every night. So many countless nights he has cried himself to sleep. He just can’t get over the break-up.

One evening, Mir prepared for another long night of crying and reminiscing. He opened a drawer that was full of stuff that reminded him of Yumi and he picked up the bear she gave him from their 5th monthsary. Tears rolled down as he hugged the bear close. He knows that maybe someday, somehow he will get over her and he’ll find someone else. But he also knows that Yumi will always have a special place in his heart. Forever.

“She will always stay in my heart.” he thought.


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KittenPabo #1
Chapter 1: you made me cry unnieee.....;-; Mir is my ultimate bias, and this is so saaad.... TT TT But it's nice anyway ♥
Uwahh! meanie! you made me cry! TT.TT just joking.. this is so sad yet not all love really end in happy endings..aww..poor mir.
aww, this is sad. But its an awesome oneshot! =)
AdriKimchi #4
Omigawd... This is the best mir one-shot i've read so far, keep up the good work ^.^
That was so touching~<br />
Me and my friend had fun reading it <3<br />
NappeunYeoja #6
Oh NO!! T^T
poor Mir ); soo sad
This is so sad ):
jiayixdubu #9
the ending. <3
aish... i feel mean requesting for it being sad at the end. pabo me :( oh well! <br />
Me loves xD