"Umma..Appa..Please Wait For Me"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

I wasn't in the mood to dance anymore. I was worried about my parents. For some reason, my heart felt heavy. Tonight felt as if something bad was heading for my way. I felt as if getting pushed into the pool wasn't the only bad thing that was going to happen tonight.

"Mali, I don't feel like dancing." I told her.

"Oh, alright. Do you want me to sit out with you?" Mali asked. I knew she wanted to dance, I didn't want to ruin her night.

"No its fine Mali, Thank you. Enjoy okay?" I smiled and she did the same. I walked off and she continued dancing.

As I got farther and farther away from the loud music, my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and it was from my Appa. A smile grew on my face.

"Hello Appa? How is your New Yea-" I was cut off by an unfamiluar voice.

"Hello is this Moon Hunni?" Asked the man on the other line. I couldn't speak for a few seconds.

"Ye-ess." I answerd.

"Ms. Moon, I'm sorry to inform you but your parent's just got into an accident. Their conditions don't look so great. We'll need you here as soon as possible. They want to see you. You're the only name they keep calling out for." The man said. I felt my eyes burning.

"Neeh.." I said and hung up. My knees felt weak. But I had to get to the hospital. Appa... wait for me. Umma... please wait. I'm coming I thought to myself as I was finding my way out of here. I was trying to hold back my tears. But I couldn't. My tears ran down my face uncontrollably. I headed for the exit but I was stopped.

(Mrs. Kim's POV)

As soon as my husband and I were finished dancing. I saw Hunni recieve a phone call. As soon as she picked up, she started to cry. She hung up and headed out of the party.

"Honey! Look, Hunni is crying!" I told my husband.

"Where is she going? It's dangerous at night."My husband said.

"Let's go see whats wrong." I suggested and my husband agreed.

We walked to Hunni together and I grabbed for her hand before she could leave. She turned around and her eyes were all red. She was crying very badly. I pulled Hunni into a hug.

"Umma! Appa!" Hunni said and she tried to break away from my hug.

"Hunni, what's wrong?" I asked her as I hugged her tighter and rubbed her back.

"Mrs. Kim, please let my go. I have to go see my Appa and Umma." Hunni begged me.

"Dear, it's dark and dangerous out. We'll take you to them." Mr. Kim said.

"No, its-" We cut Hunni off.

"Hunni, listen to us. We'll take you there. What happened?" I asked her. When I asked Hunni that question. She began to breathe heavier and broke down.

"Umma and Appa.... the-they go-t into an aa-cc-dddient." She said quietly. I was so shocked I felt so bad for Hunni.

"Omo! Hunni!" I hugged her tighter.

"Let's go Hunni. We'll bring you to them." My husband said and we walked out.

(Your POV)

During the ride to the hospital, Mrs. Kim never let go of my hands. I couldn't stop crying. When we arrived to the hospital, we all rushed inside. We went to the information counter.

"Excuse me, where is the two patients who just got into an accident? Their daughter is here to see them." Mr. Kim spoke.

"Oh, right this way sir." The nurse said and we followed the nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Kim thanked the nurse. As soon as we got to the ICU room, the doctor stepped out. I rushed to the the doctor.

"Doctor! Hows my parents!? Please save my Appa and Umma!" I begged. Mrs. Kim was in tears along with me. She patted my back. The doctor took off his face mask and took a deep breath.

"Ms. Moon... Your parents condition are both weak. Your Umma is out of danger, but your Appa is still unconsious. The doctor informed me. I fell on my knees and Mrs. Kim still stayed by my side.

"You may see your Umma and Appa now." The doctor said. I sat there crying my heart out. I didn't want to go inside and cry infront of my parents. It will only make them weak and lose strength. After I regained my strength to meet my parents, I stood up and I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Kim. They nodded and we walked into the room.

As I entered the room, I see moniters flashing and beeping. I looked at the machine that helped my Appa breathe. His chest was heaving in and out slowly. I looked over to Umma and she had scars all over her arms and some on her forehead. I couldnt help but cry silently. I hate seeing my parents like this. Why couldn't it be me? Suddenly I heard Mrs. Kim gasp.

"Moon Junsu?! Moon Jinhee?!" Mrs. Kim said loudly. How did she know my parents name?


-Authors Note-

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been adding new chapters. Here's chapter 6, sorry it's short. I hope you enjoy it. Please dont forget to leave your comments. Thank you :) Have a wonderful day.



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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)