"Yunah's Little Plan"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Yunah's POV)

I feel so bad for Unnie. She was very cold. Yukwon Oppa was standing on the door way in the other room with one of his legs on the wall and arms crossed. I'm glad that Oppa saved Unnie. Maybe this will be a good begining for the two of them... well except for Unnie drowning, that was unessacry. But it did help, I guess. I thought to myself and smiled. I called Umma to the office and she came running inside.

"Yukwon! What are you doing in here? Get out first! This is girls situations. No boys allowed!" Umma said as she chased Oppa out. All I could do was laugh at Oppa and Umma. Oh how I miss this moment very much. I miss everything about it. But now that I have it all back, I'm one happy kid again! I looked for at Unnie and she didn't look too happy. I wanted to ask her what's wrong, but Umma came in first.

"Oh dear! Hunni, what happened to you sweetie?" Umma came running inside and held onto Unnie's hand.

"Mrs. Kim, it's nothing. I just fell into the pool.. it was an accident." Unnie told Umma. Umma let out a little laugh.

"Oh dear Hunni. Your so clumsy. Please be more careful. You'll get hurt." Umma told Unnie.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim. I'm sorry. I'll be more careful." Unnie said as she looked down. Umma just smiled.

"You must be cold! Let's get you changed and dressed up." Umma said with a wide smile.

"No thank you Mrs. Kim. I'm okay. I'll be going home now." Unnie said refusing my Umma.

"Why? No Unnie. Unnie can't leave yet! The party just begun and I haven't even danced with Unnie yet. Please stay." I begged Unnie.

"Yes I agree with Yunah. Why don't you stay dear? Enjoy the party. I'm sure your parent's wont mind you staying out late for just one night." Umma tried to talk her into staying a while longer.

"Now come on, I'll help you get dressed." Umma said as she took Unnie's hand and led her into her walk in closet. I followed Umma and Unnie. Umma pulled out a very beautiful cream colored dress.

"Here, put this on." Umma told her. Unnie took the dress and went into the dressing room. 3 minutes later, Unnie came out. Umma's eyes were glittering and I smiled so big my mouth started to hurt.

"Wow! Unnie!!!! You look so beautiful." I said as I ran up to her side.

"You look so beautiful in this dress!" Umma said.

"Thank you.." Unnie said with a shy smile.

"Aigoo dont be shy." Umma said.

"Come on, let's get your hair and make up done." Umma pulled Unnie to the make up table and did her make up and hair for her. After she was done, Unnie looked like a angel! Umma admired what she's done and she was happy.

"Yunah, when you grow up, Umma is going to dress you up too!" Umma said as she hugged me. I just nodded and went along with Umma. Unnie smiled.

"Okay, let's go!" Umma said and we walked out of the room and outside into the party.

"You guys did a very good job with this place Hunni." Umma commented her.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Kim." Unnie thanked Umma.

As we stepped outside onto the dance floor. Appa came to Umma and kissed her on the forehead.

"Honey, may I have this dance?" Appa asked Umma as he reached out for her hand and kissed it. Unnie and I stood her smiling like idots. I love seeing my parents happy.

"Why, yes you may." Umma laughed. Umma waved us goodbye and stepped into the dance floor with Appa. They started dancing together to the slow song that was being played. I looked up at Unnie and she looked as if she was going to cry. *Sigh* I really want to know why she's so sad but she always manage to keep a smile on her face.

(Your POV)

I felt my eyes getting watery as I watched Mr. and Mrs. Kim dance their night away together happily. I wish this is what my parents are doing right now. I wish my parent's were as happy as they are right now. I'm sorry Umma, I'm sorry Appa that I can't make you this happy. I remember the night when my parents and I attended a party. And how they also had the time of their lives dancing together to a slow song as well. They had such beautiful smiles on their faces. And they way they looked each other in the eyes. I couldn't understand what it meant, but I know that it was full of love.

(Yunah's POV)

Where is this Oppa of mine? He still hasen't greeted Hunni the correct way yet. Hmm... where can he be? I thought to myself while looking around. Then I saw him standing with six other guys they were smiling and chatting. Oppa seemed to be having fun with the guys. As I was in my own world Mali Unnie came up to us.

"Hunni! What happened? Where were you? Why did you change your dress?" She asked.

"It fell into the pool..." Unnie told Mali Unnie.

"Gosh Hunni! Are you okay? How can you be so clumsy?!" Mali asked while giggleing a little. Unnie just smiled.

"Let's go dance!" Mali Unnie said and she took Hunni into the dance floor.

"Wait! Mali." Unnie said and let go of her hands.

"Yunah, lets go dance too." Unnie invited me to join them. I looked at Oppa... then back at Unnie.

"No, it's okay Unnie. I gotta go to the rest room. I'll be right back." I told Unnie.

"Oh, do you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"NO!" i said too strongly. I could tell that Unnie was a bit surprised.

"I'm sorry Unnie... I didn't mean to say no like that. I just want you to have fun for tonight. I'll be fine." I apologized.

"It's okay. Be careful okay Yunah." She said understandingly. I nodded and we parted ways. Now I gotta go find Oppa. It took me 3 mintues to find Oppa. He was still chatting with this friends. I went up to Oppa and his friends.

"Oppa!" I said and he reached for my hand. I took his hand.

"Wah... is that you Yunah!?" one of them asked me. I was confused.. But I nodded yes.

"Whoa, you've grown so much little girl!" the other one said with a nice smile. How come I don't remember any of them.. yet they know me?

"Neh..." I answered. I looked at Oppa and he looked at me.

"Oppa...? Who are they?" I whispered.

"Oh, they are my friends. I stayed with them while I was overseas." I told her.

"Oh.." She said.

"Yunah, this is Lee Tae Il Hyung, Lee Min Hyuk Hyung, Ahn Jae Hyo Hyung, Park Kyung, Woo JiHo, and Pyo JiHoon." Oppa introduced me to his friends one by one.

"Hello Oppas, nice to meet you all. Thank you for taking care of my brother while overseas. I'm Yunah, please watch over me as well." Yunah greeted them.

"Neh~ Yunah." All the guys said to me with a bright smile. They are all very friendly. Then I looked up at Oppa again.


"Yes Yunah?" He asked.

"I wanna dance with Oppa.." I said to him.

"Oh okay Yunah." Oppa said with a smile.

"I'll be back you guys, I'll dance with my little princess first." Oppa said to his friends. His friends nodded.

"Have fun okay Yunah?" JiHo Oppa said.

"Yes, I will. Thank you JiHo Oppa." I said and walked away with Oppa. Let the dance began I secrectly smiled to myself.



-Author's Note-

Hello everyone! How are you doing today? Yay, I did two chapters today :) I feel some what accomplished.. Hmm.. I wonder what Yunah is up to? Please dont forget to comment. Thank you, have a wonderful day.



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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)