"Our Wedding Day (Part 2)

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

Umma and Appa left this world on my wedding day.. They promised that they would be here for me on my wedding day. Although Umma and Appa are not here in person and physically, they are still here with me on my wedding day. Because Umma and Appa are watching from above. I must make them proud and not dissapoint the Kim family. I have to be strong.. I told myself. Umma and Appa would be dissapointed in me if I failed to make the wedding go on. For Umma and Appa... I'll be strong. Maybe just until this day is over.. Behind a fake smile that I'll be putting on, its nothing behind it but sorrow.

"Are you okay dear?" Mrs. Kim asked while wiping her tears. I was still sobbing but I nodded my head weakly. There was a knock on the door and a man walked in.

"I'm sorry to interupt everyone, but the wedding will begin in 10 mintues." he informed us and left with a bow. Everyone looked at me.

"Hunni, are you okay? Do you want to continue the wedding some other time?" Mr. Kim asked. No, I couldn't let them do that. They've worked too hard for this day to come. They went through many sleepless nights to prepare for this day. Everyone put so much time, effort, and money into this wedding. I can't dissapoint anyone.

"No, it's okay.. Ap- Appa.." I said and Mrs. Kim gave me a smile.

"Such a strong little girl." She said and patted my back and help me up.

"Get the makeup artist back in here!"Mr. Kim said. They rushed the makeup artist back in. I apolozied to her for redoing the makeup. She smiled and said its fine. After we looked refreshed.. It was time for the ceremony. Everyone left me alone in the room.


I picked up the boquet and stood behind the big white door. The door that was the border between everyone and me. As soon as I walked through that door, I will no longer be a Moon... I'll become a Kim. Just like Umma and Appa wanted. I'll be sharing his last name.. Kim Yukwon. I don't want to ruin his life. Im Yukwon.. the man who doesn't need me. He doesn't even like me to begin with. I don't even know what I've done to him that cause him to hate me. I really dont. I lost both my parents on this day.. They day which all brides love and dreamed of. If this is the day where all brides call their happiness... this isn't it. There's nothing to be happy about. I lost everything.. I lost my house, my parents, and now I'm losing my last name, and I'm losing my status to being married. At this point in time... I wish I could dissapear. I felt like I needed to run. But I can't. I can't leave... I'm here to make Umma & Appa happy. I'm here to make the Kims happy... but I don't know if I can ever make Yukwon Oppa happy.. I'm trapped.

The piano began to play and the door began to open. As I walked inside the room filled with people, everyone raised from their seats. Yunah was the flower girl. The news reporters were everywhere and the cameras were flashing. There I saw Yukwon Oppa standing at the alter, waiting for me. He had a smile on his face, but I knew it was a fake smile. It is just there to fool everyone around us... it can even fool me. After a couple of steps, Oppa reached out his hand and I grabbed it. He helped me up and he removed the white viel from the face. Now we are standing side bye side.nding side by side. Everyone took their seats and the pasture began to speak.


"We are all gathered here for the joy of Yukwon and Hunni's wedding day. Does anyone here oppose of their wedding. If so, you may speak now or forever hold your peace." said the pasture. Everyone was silent. So he went on.

"Do you, Kim Yukwon, take Moon Hunni to be your wedded wife in sickness and in health in the good times and bad times and love each other til death do you part?" He asked Oppa. Oppa looked at me.

"I do." Oppa said with a smile. He said that as he held my hand. I felt as if everything is all happening with love and nothing was fake. It felt as if everything was perfect and he needed me. He looks happy.. But it's not it.. it's all lies, come on Hunni!!! You know that its just all pretend! Pabo! Don't fall for him!! I told myself.

"Do you, Moon Hunni, take Kim Yukwon to be your wedded husband in sickness and in health in good times and bad times and love each other til death do you part? He asked me. I looked at Oppa and he just smiled.

"I do." I smiled back. Mrs. Kim was crying in happiness and Yunah was very happy. It was time to to exchange rings. The ring boy and ring girl came to us.

"You may now exchange rings." he said. The little boy gave Yukwon Oppa the ring and Oppa took my hand and put the ring on my finger. The little girl came to me and gave me the ring. I took it, and put the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kim Yukwon, you may now kiss the bride." The pasture said. Oh no, I forgot about this! How can I forget! Oppa is going to kill me! He doesn't like me... He has to kiss me? I looked at Oppa and he looked at me. He leaned in and I was trying to apologize to him. I thought he was going to be mad at me, but he leaned in closer and took my lips with his. One of his hands were placed softly upon my back and the other was on my face. While he kissed me, everyone was clapping and cheering. I was shocked! Why did he kiss me?! He stole my first kiss! But his lips... they were so gentle and soft..

(Yukwon's POV)

In the crowd of people... I saw Ahlis. Ahlis attended my wedding... who invited her? She still has the guts to show up to my wedding? Since today is mine and that brat's wedding day, I'll act nice to that brat! I'll pretend that we really are in love infront of everyone. I won't lose to her. She will be having my last name, but she don't be having my heart. When she walked into the room, she was glowing! She was beautiful in her wedding dress... she out shined everyone! Wait.. what am I saying? Why am I complimenting her? Pabo! I'll even fake the kiss that we have to share infront of everyone. The words that I promise to the pasture in front of everyone... they have no meaning to it. I'll make her regret that she came into my life. I'll make her feel that pain that I felt. All woman are heartless. Ahlis has no heart at all. Hunni as well. They are all fake. Two can play this fake game. And for sure, I'll be the one who wins in the end!

"You may now kiss the bride." The pasture said. I just leaned in and captured her lips with mine. Her lips were so soft... But it's probably been kissed by many. She can't fool me. The church bell rang and the door opened. All the crowd was heading outside. They all stood outside and waited for us to go out. They made a path for us to get through. I took her hand and she stood there cluelessly. We walked out the door. Everyone was throwing rice, flower petals and blowing bubbles. Hunni was smiling. I've never really seen her smile like this before. She looks happy. We stopped on the steps and the females were standing waiting for her to throw the flower. Hunni turned around and then she tossed the boquet over her head. The girls were fighting for it. Mali caught the flower and Hunni smiled and laughed. Everyone was yelled congraulations to us. We thanked everyone and got intot he limo. And the limo driver drove us to our next destination... the after party/reception. I looked at Hunni and her smile was now gone. It was silent... until I spoke

"It was all pretend. This marriage will be over within a year." Was the only thing I said. She looked at me for a split second then looked down.

"I know.. thank you." She said and continued looking outside the window.

(Your POV)

I just wasn't thinking straight. I knew that it was all pretend, but for a while. I let myself believe. That was dumb of me. Those little words he just said, hurted me. I felt that my heart was being ripped apart. Why'd I have to feel this pain. I know he doesn't love me or even like me. Hearing that our marriage wouldn't last, broke my heart. I know there's no love in it, but it hurts. Yes, I know that this marriage is just for show, I know that this marriage is fake. but even though its fake, I wish for this marriage to be a happy marriage.. although it isn't going to last. I can't change anything... my job is just to make this family happy... my temporary family. I'll do what ever it takes. Only one year... I told myself. Only one year of being together. Being his, sharing his last name, being his wife... only one year. After one year of the show we will be putting on, everything will no longer exist. I'd have no one.. No Umma.. no Appa.. No family.. No one left at all.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)