"Our Wedding Day (Part 1)"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

Here I sat in a room of a beautiful church in this very beautiful wedding dress. The beautiful dress that all brides want, belongs to me. The dress that I don't deserve. This beautiful dress... I get to wear on this day, my wedding day. A day that is not filled with love from my soon to be husband. Behind all the fake smiles he will be showing, there will only always be hatred for me, no love. I took a deep breath. Today is my wedding day with Oppa. Umma and Appa aren't even here yet. It will only be an hour before the wedding starts. I called Appa's phone, but he didn't answer. I called Umma's phone and she didn't answer. After many times of calling, I finally gave up. Umma... Appa... it's my wedding day, your not going to come wish me goodluck with Oppa? Umma.. Appa... why are you so mean to me? Do you not love me anymore? I asked out loud. There was a knock on the door, suprisingly, Mali walked in.

"Mali..." a soft smile appeared on my face but I was about to cry. Mali came closer to me and hugged me.

"Omo, so beautiful!!! Lucky bride, getting married to Kim Yukwon." She smiled. My eyes were getting all teary.

"Yah! Don't cry. It's your wedding day. Be happy." Mali said.

"Mali... Umma and Appa are not here." I told her. Mali froze.

"Here.. they gave me this to give to you on your wedding day." She said as she handed me an envalope from her purse. I looked at her and took the envalope.

"Open it." She said. I was about to open it, I slowly opened it and inside was a letter. I began to read the letter as my heart started to beat faster.

"Dear Hunni,

Your wedding day has finally came. Umma and Appa are so proud of you. Umma and Appa are very sorry that we can't attend yours and Yukwon's wedding. We truely are. I'm very happy and thankful that you've accepted this marriage. Is Yukwon treating you well? I bet he is. But Appa said if anyone hurts his little girl, he'll beat them. I can't tell you how happy I am right now. I'm sorry dear.. I'm sorry that I can't attend your wedding. But we give you all our blessings. Sweetie, thank you. Thank you for giving me this day to become a part of the Kim's family. In our next life, I hope that I have you as my daughter again and this time, there will be no more hiding and no more pain. We will be one happy family just you Umma and Appa. Doesn't that sound nice Hunni? Umma and Appa promise you that life. But Umma and Appa are sorry that this life of ours is nothing but sadness and coldness. But no matter what, Umma's only light is Hunni. The only thing that keeps Umma warm and happy is you. Appa and Umma are fighting for your safety. Please forgive Umma and Appa. Please take good care of yourself and the Kim family. Goodbye Hunni. Umma and Appa loves you very much.

- Love Umma and Appa"


The letter really got to me and Mali. We were both crying. What does Umma mean? I don't get it.

"Mali... where's Umma and Appa?"I asked her. She hugged me.

"Hunni I honestly don't know." She answered. Just then, I recieved a phone call from an unknown number. I picked the phone up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Yes, hello? Is this the daughter of Moon Junsu and Moon Jinhee?" the male voice said over the phone. My heart stopped. This can not be.. not again, another call like that... Something must of happened.

"Y-yes.." I said.

"I'm officer Joon. I'm sorry to inform you Ms. Moon, but your parents have gotten into an accident and are now found dead." the man said. I dropped my phone an started crying. My heart is shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. I was now crying on the floor. Mali was hugging me the whole time as we cried together.


"APPA!!!!" I cried out.


"Mali... where are they? They didn't leave me right? They are on their way to the wedding right?" I asked her. She didn't answer and just hugged me tighter.

"Umma I need you so much. Umma!!!"

"Appa!!! You said that you'll beat all the mean people who bully me!!"

"Appa!! I need you in my life!!"

"UMMA!! Appa!" I cried my heart out. Soon Mr. & Mrs. Kim came running inside.

"OMO Hunni!" Mrs. Kim came running to me. She held me tightly in her arms and my sobbing didn't stop. I held the letter tightly in my hands and held it closer to my heart. That's the only thing left I have from Umma and Appa.

"Mali... what happened to Hunni?" Mr. Kim asked. Mali was still crying so she pulled herself together and spoke.

"Mr. & Mrs. Moon are gone... They got into an accident..." She cried. Mr. and Mrs. Kim froze.

"Oh my dear, Hunni!" Mrs. Kim rocked me back and forth in her arms. It felt like Umma's arms, Umma's hugs... but they its not Umma's arms. It's not the same.

"I'm so sorry dear." Mr. Kim said. Mrs. Kim was crying as well. Mr. Kim held back his tears. The room was filled with sobbings and tears. How can this happen to Umma and Appa?


-Authors Note-

Hello everyone! How have you been? While writing this part of the story, it made me cry. I don't know about you guys.. but grab a tissue just in case :) thank you for reading. Please don't forget to comment :) Have a wonderful day.



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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)