


Kris is sleeping


On the armchair


At the living room


Raining Sunday noon.



It’s rare, Zitao thinks.




Kris is sleeping while sitting on the armchair, a book opened is between his thighs. His head nods, his eyes are closed. Steadily breathing.


Zitao stands behind him, bents down, putting his head leans on the top of the chair.


so nice.


Now he can see his side face easier.


Kris has sand color hair, somehow sparkles in the warm light, and covers the forehead, looked so soft, Zitao thinks.


Yup, he agrees with “soft” , but sparkle sand color ,eh, it’s just dyed hair.

His eye lashes are so long.

His skin is really bright.


Well,”bright” thanks to the entire cosmetic he put on that so called “ face”.






Zitao glances at the book. Kris’s hand is relaxing on the opened page. Big hands, long fingers look very comfortable.


Chicken soups for soul.


Well, such a boring book, not surprised why he fell to sleep.


Zitao snorts, stands up, suddenly realizes. In this point of view, he can see the top of Kris’s head.

It’s quaint.




The boy runs to his room, holding out his slender blanket. Zitao sits down next to Kris, spreads it covering them two. Suddenly just so happy he feels, breathes out a smile, leaning against Kris.



Raining Sunday noon, at the living room, on the armchair, Kris and Zitao are sleeping

Against each other.




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joeji93 #1
Chapter 1: so sweettttt
it's short but... lovely <3
can i translate this fic?
i promise to give credit fully xD
Chapter 1: Soooo cute
AegyoJangmi #3
Chapter 1: Awww!!! Cute!!!
thanks for reading XD
Super cute!