Those Things I Think About When The Sun Rises ♥

Those Things I Think About When The Sun Rises ♥


I always loved you.

I’ll always will.


From the very first time I met you

Your beautiful smile

Your lively hand moves

Your smooth soft hair

Your clear voice

Your small figure


I was afraid at first

Afraid that you will hate me

I was just a scary giant after all

But no.

You looked at me with your sparkling eyes and my heart skipped a beat as you smiled brightly at me

We became friends & roommates

The more I got to know you the more I fell in love with you


Every day was a blessing for me

I always woke up earlier than you just to turn my body & head to face you

My eyes would travel through your sleeping face which was the cutest thing I ever saw

Then my eyes would continue to your neck

And that’s when I’d stop

Any further examination would make me die from love


Then... I’d start thinking about what you’re dreaming of

What kind of peaceful things are running through your mind that make you look like a sleeping angel?

When will you open your eyes and greet me good morning?

What breakfast do you want to eat today?

What kind of fun things we will do today?


I would think whether this is a good day to tell you how I feel

I’d start to figure out the most appropriate way to confess my feelings

I’d practice every single word in my head again and again just to make sure I’d remember all of it


You’ll open your eyes annoyed by the morning light disturbing your sleep

You’ll look at your phone to check the time and make an adorable pouting sound because you overslept again

You’ll turn to face me and greet me

“Good morning Chanyeol” you’ll say in the sweetest way

“Good Morning Baekhyun” I’ll reply

Seeing my thoughtful dreamy eyes you’ll ask me if there’s something wrong and I’ll say that everything is perfect

You’ll smile and I’ll feel my heart squeeze from happiness that you’re in a good mood


I’ll decide not to tell you again

Not because I’m afraid you’ll turn me down

Your little morning moves have already taken these kind worries away

But because I’ll realize how happy I am just the way we are


I’ll treasure happily our every little thing we do together whether this is dancing, singing, eating, playing games

I’ll treasure your every little action

Your laughs

Your dreams

Even your fears..

The things we talk about before we fall asleep

You know what Baekhyun ? 

As long as I have those things I’m not alone

I’m the luckiest person in this world


Yes.. I'm Park Chanyeol & I'll think about all those things when the sun rises~






                                        THE END ♥







Author's Comments

Yeah i know i know 

There's not an actual happy ending in this oneshot

But i don't know..

I just felt like writing it like this

It felt...peaceful 

I hope you liked it  too :)

If not..then sorry for taking your time xD


I wish you all the best ~


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Chapter 1: Wow! This is so poetic and sweet! I really love the way you wrote this! Well done and keep writing! :D
@DarkDreamer Thank you for commenting :) You really don't know how much happiness your comment brought to me~ It's a relief and a happiness to know that i'm not the only one loving these kind of endings xD Thank you once more & Have a nice day :))
It is peaceful!! I adore things like this! More of a "I prefer not to make my biases awkwardly in a relationship" is something us love to read more. :)