I Stare At You When You're Not Looking

I Stare At You When You're Not Looking


Stocks are increasing, X company went bankrupt, star’s wife is pregnant, sale at shoe store…


Jongin took a long sip from his coffee while absently eyeing the day’s newspaper. He was trying hard to interest himself in trivialities, but in reality it was a failed attempt to pry himself away from thinking of a certain person that enjoyed messing with his brain lately.


“You should smile more often.”


And he was doing it again. He put down his mug and ran his hands through his face and hair. Kyungsoo was driving him crazy.



He’d met him three months ago one afternoon he went to help his dad out at work. Kyungsoo was one of his dad’s secretaries, and Kai took an instant interest in him. He had a handsome face with sharp but soft features, perfectly disheveled short dark hair, cute round lips, and big focused eyes that gaped at his computer in disbelief, as if it were insulting him.


He didn’t approach Kyungsoo at first, but watched him from afar every now and then. He watched him fumble awkwardly with his pens while reading an article, look down cluelessly at a stack of papers for a while, randomly stare at the ceiling, do funny shapes with his lips while writing something down, clumsily bump against another employee on his way to the restroom.


Kyungsoo was so entertaining to him, he pondered buying a diary to write down all the adorable things he caught him doing throughout the day.


…Not that he’d ever do it.


Kyungsoo didn’t talk much with his peers, but he wasn’t anti-social either. He had a very friendly personality, and was always smiling and taking care of others.


Before, Jongin had rarely found himself remotely close to his dad’s office; he felt it to be too crowded and serious a place for him. Now he visited every other day, sometimes two days in a row when he felt like it.


It wasn’t because he wanted to see Kyungsoo. Maybe.



It was three weeks after that first day; he bumped into Kyungsoo coming out of the lounge, his red pen dropping quietly to the floor from his white shirt’s pocket and Jongin panicked.


“Oh my God, I am so sorry,” he quickly picked up the pen and frantically handed it to Kyungsoo. “Are you okay?”


“No, yeah I’m fine. It was my fault,” he took the pen offered to him. “I’m a bit clumsy sometimes.” He laughed a little and Kai felt his heartbeat skyrocket.


“No I— I—” Jesus Christ Kim Jongin calm down. What’s wrong with you?


“Hey… aren’t you the boss’ kid?”


“I— What? Oh, yeah, I am. My name is—”


“Kim Jongin,” he interrupted. “I know.” He gave Kai a warm, knowing smile, and extended his hand toward him. ”I’ve seen you around the office a couple of times. My name’s Do Kyungsoo. Nice to meet you Jongin!”


Jongin took Kyungsoo’s hand hesitantly and shook it slowly. It was soft and familiar, and Kai didn’t want to let go.


“Nice to meet you too.”



Over the next few weeks Jongin fell into a routine where he would show up at the office every other day or so, help his dad out with calculations and articles for a couple of hours, then spend the rest of the day with Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo would work while teaching Jongin a few things here and there and making him run small errands for him around the building. Sometimes Kyungsoo teased Jongin when he’d make a mistake. When they had a break they would talk about trivial things or share some facts about each other or tell jokes. Jongin wasn’t usually a laugher, but he found that Kyungsoo was good at making him laugh.


“You should smile more often,” Kyungsoo told him over lunch after sharing a story of how his friend Baekhyun tried to prank call his ex-girlfriend and she called the police on him.


Jongin was still giggling, “What?”


“You have a nice laugh, and when you smile your eyes squint and your mouth makes a pretty shape. You should smile more often.”


Kyungsoo’s bluntness and honesty took Jongin a little by surprise, and he blushed faintly.


“Thanks… I’ll try,” he smiled at Kyungsoo and continued munching on his food.


Their legs brushed lightly under the table.



It was a little over working hours, and they were both still at the office. Kyungsoo was teaching Jongin how to work the system and had offered to take him home when his dad mentioned he had to leave.


“So now I just click enter?”


Jongin was sitting on Kyungsoo’s chair at his desk working on his computer, while Kyungsoo sat on the desk facing Kai so he could check what he was doing. He was absently sipping on a glass of orange juice when he heard the question and looked at the computer screen.


“No, first you have to—” he put his glass down and stood to hover over Jongin. “Look, you missed the records. Go to the index and just drag and drop them like this.”


Kyungsoo put his hand over Jongin’s on the mouse while he guided him and the latter froze. His breath hitched and his heart started beating too fast and Kyungsoo was too close and breathing over his neck and—


“See? There you go. Now click enter.”


Jongin sighed and his shoulders loosened. He did as he was told and saved the file. Kyungsoo was already picking up his things.



It was now a lazy Sunday afternoon and last time Jongin had been in the office had been Wednesday and he missed Kyungsoo. He wanted to talk to him about his day and how this girl he was friends with injured herself during ballet practice last night. He wanted to tell him how his coffee was bitter when he wasn’t around and nothing made sense and everything was boring.


He dug up his phone from his back pocket.



“Your place is nice,” Jongin complimented. “Ah, sorry for intruding so suddenly.”


Kyungsoo laughed and Jongin felt butterflies.


“No, it’s fine! I wasn’t doing anything today anyway.” Kyungsoo closed the front door behind Jongin. “Make yourself at home, I’m just finishing in the kitchen, wait for me in the living room.”


“Um, okay.”


Jongin sat on the couch in front of the television, and took a good look around the apartment. Even though Kyungsoo lived alone, his home had a motherly feel about it, and objects were neatly placed and dusted.


Kyungsoo came out of the kitchen with two plates of kimchi spaghetti and handed one to Jongin.


“Here, it’s my specialty,” he beamed. He set up the TV with a video, then sat down next to Jongin on the couch.


“Iffsh rery gooff,” Jongin said with surprised eyes and a mouthfull.


“Thanks, but don’t talk with food in your mouth,” Kyungsoo laughed and Jongin couldn't help but giggle along.


“Sorry Hyung.”



Jongin honestly didn’t remember how they ended up like this, but they were cuddling in a blanket on the couch and Kyungsoo was resting his head on Kai’s shoulder. Their feet were tangled and Jongin was nervous. He didn’t want to budge but he was uncomfortable so he squirmed a little and his hand accidentally touched Kyungsoo’s under the covers.


Again not knowing what to do, Kai froze and he felt Kyungsoo stiffen next to him as well. There was an awkward moment of silence until Jongin felt the side of a pinky finger nudge his right hand softly. He relaxed and moved his hand onto Kyungsoo’s, and their fingers laced softly together. They never took their eyes off the TV.


Jongin thought it was the best feeling.


Their first kiss at the door of Kyungsoo’s apartment before Jongin left was slow and loving. It was soft lips against soft lips and lidded eyes and Jongin’s hand on Kyungsoo’s waist and a hot hand caressing Jongin’s face.


They parted promising to meet the next day, and Jongin left with a big, undying grin. On the elevator he slid down to his knees and gripped his shirt over his chest tightly as if his heart would run away if he didn't hold onto it. He was still nervous and shaking and excited, and so happy.


Crap. He ruffled his hair shyly.


I’m in love.



Kyungsoo closed the door behind Jongin and took a moment to register the past few hours. He pressed his back against the door, slid down until his knees were pressed against his chest and covered his blushing face with his arms. He whispered quietly to himself.


I think I’m in love.

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i love this so freaking much , update soon love <3
The first chapter is soo good.
And so fluffy I like it very much LOL.
I hope this will be a chaptered fic but I totally understand it if this is going to be a two (?) shot. C:
Anticipating for your next update!
Awwww ^___^ how cute :)) update soon <3
yunjae11 #5
i love it! pls make it into multi-chaptered fic!