To Love a Kirin


So, we all know that I'm full of absolutely Bizarre Ideas right? Right? Well this is another one.  2min based. Don't know where its going ,btu I don't think its been done before. I didn't plan on writing it really, it was just an idea that popped in my head one day so yeah... 

Anywho this:

Is what Taemin would look like as a Kirin. He's roughly about two feet tall in this form, very tiny.


To be honest... I don't know how this is going to all play out, so I hope it' least interesting.


Why was I here? He always said  ‘You're different, special. And one day someone will come for you and take you home. Someone just as different, just as special.’ when he saw my sad expression, but why? How long was it going to be before that happened? I glanced out of my cage, poking my nose through the thin bars. There was someone here. He was talking to a customer. But they walked right past me. He wasn't here for me. He wasn't different. Or special. I snorted slightly and sat down, making a soft sad sound as I did every day. When would I be able to get out of here and find my purpose?


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Chapter 2: I hope u can update this again ^6 its sounds rally good ;D
You have some really REALLY great ideas, but bc of the huge variety of different extra-ordinary topics, it looks like it will take a while to update, right?
I for my part love this story already, partly bc it's SHINee partly bc your style of writing is just amazing! Plus the nice idea...bound to be a success
maedeh #3
Chapter 2: hi
it sound mysterious please update sooooooooooooon
Chapter 2: This sounds so interesting! Please update soon ^^v
DinoFroggy #5
Please update soon! :3
It's really good~
..... gomawo. *screams in delight*
Update soon^^
Anticipatory feels. All of em.