Chapter 2

To Love a Kirin


\ˌmi-thə-ˈlä-ji-kəl\ : based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity.


“This little treasure right here?” The man asked almost rhetorically, but Minho still managed to make a response.

“Yes that thing. I’ve never seen a deer that looked like that before…and are those scales? Are they real? Is it safe to dye their fur those colors?”

He laughed an almost sophisticated sound. “That’s because it’s not a deer. Not quite. Not fully.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a deer dragon hybrid. Quite possibly something else, but I’m not quite sure… He is still very fairly young.”

“Now I know you’re bullting me.” Minho said flatly. What kind of scam was this man running?

“I’m not joking around, and watch your language around the little one, he can hear everything you’re saying and he understands it.”

“He? That thing is a boy?”

“Yes, and this thing here is a Kirin. Please address it as such."

Minho nearly laughed at how offended the man seemed about the silly deer. “My apologies.” He said with hints of mocking in his tone.

The man sighed and looked down at the creature with bright blue eyes that stared up at him curiously. “Of all the people to choose from, you picked him out?” His tone was one of disbelief and it simply swished its tail and slightly nodded.

“Woah…that’s a neat trick you taught it.” Minho said in reference to the nodding. “And what do you mean choose me? Is this some hidden camera show? Am I being pranked?”

The man laughed a full authentic sound. “No. It’s nothing like that, I assure you. Will you at least hear me out?” He asked with a small tilt of his head.

Minho sighed. Why the hell not.  “Sure.”

“This little one right here is a Kirin. A mythical, horned deer-like creature that is said to be a good omen that brings serenity and prosperity. It is said that a Kirin could recognize whether a person was guilty of something or not and has the ability to see the true content of people’s hearts. It’s so benevolent that when it walks on grass, it is said to not trample it. Some Kirin, if they’re powerful enough have the ability to make plants grow wherever they step. Being a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh and if it were to ever digest it, it could become tainted and evil, or die. The Kirin itself is a sentient beast with somewhat limited shape-shifting abilities. Each Kirin has an elemental specialty that determines what kinds of ‘magic’ they are best at, as well as what their "true" form looks like. The horns are concealable in alternate forms.”

Minho stared wide eyed and then erupted into laughter. “You almost had me there for a second, and then you said it could shape shift. Interesting story sir, maybe you should do shows for children instead of trying to swindle people into buying fake ‘mythical creatures’.”

“Have you looked at his nose?”

“His nose?”

“Does that look like a deer’s nose to you?”

“It’s hard to see in this light…” Minho said while squinting.

“Then call it over to you and touch its nose.”

Minho raised his eyebrow suspiciously but crouched down calling the animal to him. “C’mere little Kirin.” He nearly cooed and with only slight hesitation did the animal approach him. “Well aren’t you adorable up close. He doesn’t bite does he?”

“If he’s a deer like you say he is, that shouldn’t be a worry of yours.”

“True...let me see your nose.” He said and to his surprise without having to lift its head himself, the creature tilted his head up to Minho, extending his neck toward him. Minho reached out to touch it and was surprised to find it scaly and dry with two nasal cavities…just like “A lizard.” He said in awe. “It’s just like a lizard’s nose. But how? How is that even possible?” His eyes went wide as he stared up at the man with a knowing smirk.

“Because it’s a Kirin. As I said.”

“So let’s say I bought that, even in the slightest…you said it- he chose me. Chose me for what? Why?”

The man shrugged. “That I wouldn’t know. But the fact that you could see him… That he was the first one you saw amongst the cages in the hall. That’s how I knew.”

Minho gently pet the red tuft between the antlers on the Kirin’s head. “But the rest of the cages were empty…”

“No. Some are empty, but most of them are full, waiting for someone special to come along. So this little one right here, he chose you.”

“If that’s the case then how can you see them all? And will other people be able to see him? Or will I be that weird kid with the invisible pet walking around that only I can see?”

The man ignored his first part of the question subtly, responding to his second part. “Well there is nothing tethering him to this world. You have to name him. Give him a name and he will be visible to all who see him. However what people see, will not be what you and those with pets from this shop will see.”

This made Minho scrunch his nose up in slight confusion. “Then what will they see?”

He clicked his tongue twice and crouched down, the Kirin immediately walking over towards him. He petted and the animal affectionately with a small smile. “Well since this guy is a deer based Kirin, they’ll see a small deer. That would be his mundane form and his way of protecting himself. Or maybe when he’s old enough, he’ll walk around with you as a human. Who knows?” His smile widened.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this but…how much?” Minho asked standing upright.

“Just a contract. I don’t sell pets; I hold them until people like you come along. They’re rightfully matched with you for some reason and I just reserve them until you come to get them. You need to read the contract and sign at the bottom. After you’ve done that you can take him home with a small starter kit along with a copy of the contract so you can go over the terms.”

“Alright then, it sounds good.”

Thirty minutes later, Minho wrapped the small Kirin up in his scarf, carrying him in one hand and a large canvas bag packed with essentials in the other after bidding the man goodbye. Then the man said something that sent chills down Minho’s spine that he didn’t understand and assumed it to be because of the frigid snowy winter air that gusted by.

“Good Luck.”



Posted: 8/31/2012

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Chapter 2: I hope u can update this again ^6 its sounds rally good ;D
You have some really REALLY great ideas, but bc of the huge variety of different extra-ordinary topics, it looks like it will take a while to update, right?
I for my part love this story already, partly bc it's SHINee partly bc your style of writing is just amazing! Plus the nice idea...bound to be a success
maedeh #3
Chapter 2: hi
it sound mysterious please update sooooooooooooon
Chapter 2: This sounds so interesting! Please update soon ^^v
DinoFroggy #5
Please update soon! :3
It's really good~
..... gomawo. *screams in delight*
Update soon^^
Anticipatory feels. All of em.