Chapter 1

To Love a Kirin



 /kiːˈrɪn/ : A mythical horned deer-like creature that is said to be a good omen that brings serenity and prosperity.  It is said that a Kirin could recognize whether a person was guilty or not. When it walks on grass, it is said to not trample it. Being a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh. The Kirin itself is a sentient beast with somewhat limited shape-shifting abilities. Each Kirin has an elemental specialty that determines what kinds of magic they are best at, as well as what their "true" form looks like. The horns are concealable in alternate forms.


I remember… I remember there was a time where I followed another, someone just like me. Someone… who knew. Someone who understood me, what I was. She was the one who created me. I remember one day where she took me to the water.

Dip your horns into it so that the animals may once again drink from it, and that their life is once again in balance.

The water was polluted; it smelled of death and despair. I remember not wanting to, I was afraid of it, of the stagnant purple liquid, but I did as I was asked. Nothing happened.

Concentrate. For within you lies the ability of purification. Will the water to dispel the disease within it, cleanse it with your mind and the rest will follow.

I tried. I had tried so hard to concentrate, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t seem to clean it all. I felt the filth and decay absorb into me and I panicked. She told me that feeling was a part of the cleansing; it was the very essence of purification itself. I remember when she did it, it was effortless. Right before my eyes the water cleaned itself, she seemed to breathe life into the liquid and it went from a murky thick purple, to a fluid crystal blue. She said it was alright, that I couldn’t do it. Things like that were going to take time and practice. Wherever she walked, flowers bloomed, she could make sick things healthy and everything was in Harmony.

I remember waking up one day and she was gone, everything had died. The grass, the trees. The water polluted, the birds and insects had gone silent. Everything. It was one of the scariest moments of my life and I remember him. He found me beneath the root of one of the dead trees. He spoke a language that wasn’t ours, but I understood. I could read his heart. He wasn’t going to hurt me, so I let him scoop me up and take me wherever he did. Once we started walking away from the tree…it was the tree we always slept under, she and I, it began to rain.


 But that’s all I remember.


It’s been a while since that time…I don’t know how long, but I know it’s been some time since I got here. Since I last had a purpose which I no longer remembered. That’s all I remember. I know I have an ability…but I've never understood the purpose... Why was I here? He always said  ‘You're different, special. And one day someone will come for you and take you home. Someone just as different, just as special.’ when he saw my sad expression, but why? How long was it going to be before that happened? I glanced out of my cage, poking my nose through the thin bars. There was someone here. He was talking to a customer. But they walked right past me. He wasn't here for me. He wasn't different. Or special. I snorted slightly and sat down, making a soft sad sound as I did every day. When would I be able to get out of here and find my purpose?


Originally Minho had come here just out of a whim. There was no rhyme or reason as to why he’d suddenly decided to walk into the Curiosity Shop he had passed by daily, except maybe because today something had drawn him inside. He couldn’t describe it and yet he didn’t question it. The bells above the door jingled a tinny cherry sound as he set foot inside, the door creaking slightly as he stepped in. The atmosphere was completely different. While outside was blistering cold, inside was warm and cozy. Standing behind the dimly lit counter illuminated by the fireplace behind him was the store clerk. Minho undid his scarf and placed it on the coatrack. When he looked at the man standing behind the counter, he noticed he was smirking. He was tall, pale with long black hair in a ponytail. His garb was a traditional royal purple hanbok with golden ts in an intricate design Minho had never seen before.

“Welcome, how may I help you this afternoon?” He said in an soft but slightly eerie tone that sent chills down Minho’s spine.

“Oh…I’m just looking.”

“Anything specific?”

“No…just curious.”

The man laughed. “Everyone always is. Take a look around and let me know if something meets your fancy.”

Minho nodded and ped his coat, looking at all the curious, odd baubles that decorated the shelves. He had everything, from love potions to books on hexes…weird things like that. Once Minho approached the counter the man spoke again.

“Would you be interested in a pet today?”

Minho cocked his brow in surprise, not sure if it was because the man spoke again, or because he said he sold pets. He hadn’t heard the sound of puppies, birds or kittens.

“Pets? Sure what do you have?” He asked for the sake of curiosity.

“One of a kind animals that I guarantee you will find nowhere else.” His smile bugged Minho. A lot more than it did the first time, but as he followed the man into the back, nothing looked too special, just a bunch of fish and lizards. Sure they all had cool colors but they looked awfully familiar.

“Uh-uh. Not there. Back here.” He pointed to a door down the narrow corridor lined with reptiles on the right and fish on the left. Minho followed him a bit cautiously. He knew he could handle himself in this situation if things got funny, he was taller and from what appearances could tell, much stronger than this man.

It was dark inside this hall and all lined with cages that seemed to be empty. He was led down what seemed like never-ending narrow path until suddenly something in one of the caged caught his eye. He stopped immediately and the man noticed, making a sound that usually went with a confirming smirk.

“Whats in there?” Minho asked pointing to the pare of pale blue eyes in the cage.

“Oh that? That’s a Kirin.”

“A Kirin?”


“You’re lying, those don’t exist…is it a breed of exotic pet then? One with a similar name?”

“No. It’s the real thing.” He chuckled.

Minho stared at him incredulously. “Take it out then, I want to see it.”

“Alright then. Come on little one, you’ve been picked today.” He cooed, opening the cage door and picking up the most peculiar little deer Minho had ever seen. At least… He thought it was a deer. It had long hair from what he could see, given that the only light came from the door at the end of the hall that they entered from.

“Come with me.” The man almost chimed, carrying the creature further into the back. He opened another door to reveal a replica of a small forest or meadow, except everything smelled real. Was this some sort of greenhouse habitat for his deer? Minho had heard of people selling pygmy deer before so maybe this guy had his own breed.

The man set the small creature down. It was up to Minho’s knee cap, so around two feet tall if you didn’t include the antlers. He flicked a light switch that let in some sort of light that seemed almost natural, but it was still pretty dim. Why was that? Probably to not startle the poor thing. He decided. He gasped slightly once his eyes adjusted to see one of the most bizarre creatures he ever laid eyes on.

“What is that?” 



 Posted: 8/29/2012

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Chapter 2: I hope u can update this again ^6 its sounds rally good ;D
You have some really REALLY great ideas, but bc of the huge variety of different extra-ordinary topics, it looks like it will take a while to update, right?
I for my part love this story already, partly bc it's SHINee partly bc your style of writing is just amazing! Plus the nice idea...bound to be a success
maedeh #3
Chapter 2: hi
it sound mysterious please update sooooooooooooon
Chapter 2: This sounds so interesting! Please update soon ^^v
DinoFroggy #5
Please update soon! :3
It's really good~
..... gomawo. *screams in delight*
Update soon^^
Anticipatory feels. All of em.