Please welcome theshortlittleasian

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layzyunicorn/ShadowYin: we've actually accepted theshortlittleasian into our family a while ago, but we kept forgetting to put this up >< sorry. Here it is! And thanks for all our followers and subscribers! Here is theshortlittleasian's answer!
Damn, I knew I should have just snapped a picture of that old couple down the block. I thought to myself as I walked down on, once again, another deserted street. It was earlier in the day that I found out from my photography class that we had to do a photoset based on the topic of love, which was due the following day. 

And since I was sick with the flu that whole entire week, well you get the drift right? A photoset based on love…I know, a very interesting topic, I suppose. Living in the city, there aren’t that many places for couples to go to for them to hang out and go on dates. So it was extremely excruciating walking around block after block, looking through every restaurant and boutique shop, searching for a male and female, hand in hand, laughing and playing along with each other. Having the time of their lives in each other’s company. 

So far I have a total of nine love drunk pictures filled with smooches and innocent love. And all I need is just one more. Just one more but I want to make this last shot count. Looking up at the sidewalk ahead of me, I spy a couple. No wait, scratch that, I spy two friends. And you may ask me, Well how do you know they’re just friends? I know because that young female kept going on and on about her new boyfriend to the young male besides her. She told him stories of her first date with him in a manner so completely filled with joy and happiness; that the boy couldn’t do anything, but just watch her through glossy and pain lit eyes. 
Taking a few glances from the couple to my camera every now and then, I debate on whether or not I should snap a picture. Since the lighting was just perfect, with the sun just about ready to set, it looked so magical that I couldn’t waste an opportunity like this. But I also didn’t want to lie, since when I take this picture, their emotions will forever be engraved on a colored piece of memory. One face will be of longing and despair while one face will be of joy and excitement. And that wasn’t love at all. 
Turning back on my heels, I walk back towards the way that I came from when I heard a voice of a young adolescent man, his voice filled to the brim with sadness, “Please stop talking. Just please stop talking about another man if front of me. One who was able to catch you and not me…” Turning yet again, I see the young friends no longer chatting together, just only walking side by side. Avoiding one another’s eyes and just looking straight ahead. Now this I can do. I slowly lifted the camera hanging loosely from my neck and snapped my last and finally picture. Unrequited Love.
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I really want to apply but sadly, I don't have a tumblr. Is that okay? :)
I applied as a reviewer :)