The Audition

S.M. Youth Star Audition - The Trainee Stage

After watching the same MV for the 5th time, my group gets called to line up for the audition.

We line up in ascending order of group A and group B, and are finally let inside of the audition room after 5 mins of standing. The staff tell us to only sing the of the song - e.g. the chorus, and to always look at the camera.

Inside, we are greeted by 2 female judges, 1 female translator and 1 female cameraperson positioned at the far end of the room. The younger judge was playing with her phone and the older judge was playing with her hair. The translator tells us to place our bags and belongings into a hideaway space in the back corner diagonal from the door, and then gets the first 10 auditions in group A to line up in order behind the black line and in front of the wall which was hanging the same S.M. banner as the one outside.

The remaining 10 auditionees in group B are told to take a seat off to the left and the auditions begin. The first auditionee was a singer and strongly starts off the auditions. The next few auditionees were average singers - one of which had to be reminded to look at the camera and not the judges, then we had a dancer. Being the only dancer in the group, the auditionee had the floor all to himself and the judges played the random music. What is this? A mix of dubstep electronica with funky synths were pumping out of the speakers. This is definitely one of the harder songs to dance to. I could tell that the dance auditionee also felt the same when he jumped a little at the song and froze for a few seconds before getting into the groove of it.

One more till my turn. The auditionee next to me was also a singer and had very nice tone. I focus on the camera and try to block out her singing. Breathe in, breathe out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Remember all of the tips and tricks that I've learnt from performing all of these years. I can do this. I focus and try to steady my breathing and heartbeat. "Yes, thank you, next!" The judges called.

I take a quick breath and inhale. My voice resonates loud and clearly across and around the room, my eyes focusing on one thing and one thing only - the small video camera. Ok, first phrase complete, now onto my second phrase. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the younger female judge watching me attentively. Ah! The older judge looked up from the paper forms on the judges desk. Uh-oh, was that a slip on the high note? No, maybe just a slight wobble - it sounded to be the right note. Ok, gotta push more air for my final high belting note. Focus now. Regulate breathing and sing it out loud! It felt amazing - belting out that high note and hearing it fill the long audition room. But I couldn't smile just yet. I finish off my third phrase with a nice vibrato and transition into my falsetto voice. Three and a half phrases. The judges cut me off, they cut me off right at 30 seconds. Does this mean that I did bad? Or was it because they heard all that they wanted to hear already - I had shown my potential already in just three and a half phrases of singing. I smile at the camera and take a step back towards the wall.

After our group finished auditioning, we swapped places with group B and the process repeated itself again. Group B also had many singers, but instead of 1 dancer, they had 2 - which were made to audition together. They also had a model who showed some fierce poses that were full of emotion. After group B finished auditioning, the judges called the audition to an end and that was it. No one got held back. But I was happy. Very happy. I never thought that my first audition would go so well. I stand up from my seat and skip lightly towards the back corner to grab my bag, and smiled all the way out of the audition room.

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Chapter 44: Im reading something that has being a trainee in the story, when I feel like this is so unreal in reality for me. But I have a feeling about something (; Fighting authornim. You seem like a trainee to me.
Babysaurus #2
Chapter 15: Is this what usually happens?
Miney26 #3
Chapter 5: How is my user name on this, cool!!!!!!
Okay. So, Is this real or something? eue
yemakim #5
Chapter 43: congrats to Sunshine and Nox!!!!
yemakim #6
Chapter 44: oh So-So tsk :'(
next time.
Chapter 44: Awwww So-so! :c
koreanchibi #8
Chapter 44: Awww~ so-so didn't make it :( I hope she does become an official trainee in the future ^^
yemakim #9
Chapter 42: whoah! congrats for you as the Official Trainee at SMEnt whoah! that was really amazing~ Good job, girls! haha is Tatties became one, too? haha xD