Chapter 9: Part 1


A/N: Okay, here is Chapter 9. It is very very very very long. Therefore it will be in parts! So, this is part 1. After this chapter, this story will officially go on hiatus. T_T


Chapter 9

Before the accident...


Changmin just got out off his last class. Once the bell rang for dismissal, Changmin immediately hurried pack his belonging and ran out of the classroom, not waiting for his friends.

“Minnie, what’s the rush?” Eunhyuk shouted after him.

“Sorry, guys! I won’t be going home with you guys today.” Changmin sprinted out of the classroom into the busy hallway, hoping to escape from a certain person.


“Going somewhere, Mr. Jung.” The older man asks with his arms cross over his chest as he leans on the wall by his locker.


“P-professor P-Park...” The young man stutters as he heard the unwanted man’s voice. “W-what are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you the same question, Mr. Jung.” Yoochun answered. “Didn’t we have an appointment together?”

Changmin gulps his saliva. ‘! I thought I can escape from him. Stupid luck! Why aren’t you on my side this time?’

“Shall we proceed to my office now, Mr. Jung?” Yoochun asks the student.

All Changmin can do is sigh and nods his head. “But first let me put my books away.” Then he sluggishly drags himself after the professor.


“So, are you going to tell me who is your mother?” Yoochun asks, getting straight to the point since he figured that it would be a hassle to go around the bush.

“You want it straight forward, I see.” Changmin mutters to himself.

Unfortunately, Yoochun heard him. However, he did not make a comment, knowing it wasn’t for him to answer. Therefore, he waited for the young man to answer him.

“Uh...” Changmin becomes hesitated to answer. “You would not freak out when you hear what I have to say, right?” He wanted to make sure of the older man’s condition before giving him a shock.


“Just tell me who is your mother.” Yoochun rolls his eyes, not understanding why the younger man wants to keep his mother’s identity a secret. “It is not like your mother is not a woman, right?”

Changmin nervously chuckles and nods his head as his response.

“WHAT!” Yoochun’s eyes becomes wide in shock and choked on his coffee that he just took a sip from. ‘, I shouldn’t have drank that coffee yet.’ He thought to himself as he tries to recover from the shocking news. “You’re saying that your mother is NOT a woman.”

Changmin nods his head. “Yeah, my mother is a man and not a woman.”

“Okay.” Yoochun changes his position on his comfortable chair. “What is his name?”

Changmin sighs and replies to the older man’s question. “My mother name is Kim Jaejoong.”


“Kim Jaejoong...” The older man repeats the name of the young student’s mother. ‘Where have I heard this name from?’ He wondered to himself. ‘I must ask this to Lord Leeteuk. He must know why this name sounds so familiar.’


“Professor Park, hello...” Changmin waves his hand in front of the professor’s face because he was staring out into space. “Earth to Yoochun.” He keeps on waving his hand until the older man gives him a reaction that he has been waiting for. “Professor Park!” He shouts into the older man’s ear.

“What! What is it?” The older man jumps at of his seat as he glares that younger man, who is laughing at him. “Was that even necessary?”

“Actually, yes.” The student laughs. “You were wasting my time by zoning out into space.”

“Well, sorry, can’t a man think to himself for a while.” Yoochun complains.

Changmin just shrugs and says, “Whatever. Anyways, I’m going to go now. It is getting pretty late. My parents, especially that crazy mother of mine, will be worried if I don’t go home now.”

“Oh, right.” Yoochun waves him off, carelessly. “Yeah, go on ahead. Bye.”

Changmin just looks at the professor weirdly. ‘He is so strange. First, he is eager to be near me. Then the next, he acts if I’m just an annoying boy. Why the am I worried for? Who gives a ? I shouldn’t care if he is crazy or weird. He has nothing to do with me!’

Meanwhile, when Changmin left the office, Yoochun immediately grabs a small device from his drawer and presses the center button.

Then the device shot a visible blurry screen in front of him. The device made a ringing sound like a regular telephone would.

Ring, ring, ring


“ing lord, pick up your stupid phone already.” Yoochun cusses as he is getting impatient with his lousy boss. “, stop ing around with the other lords.”

“YAH!” A big loud roar surround the room. “WHY THE ARE YOU CALLING ME FOR!”

“Well, nice to see that you finally pick up the phone.” Yoochun rolls his eyes as he saw his boss’s messy appearance and to top of that half-.

“, I was getting to the good part too! And your have to ruin it. Thanks a lot, Pucker.” His boss comments.

“Whatever, I called you because I got business to talk about unlike you who just lay around and do nothing but other lords.”

“Yah, I only one of them okay. So, there shouldn’t be a plural on the word lord.” His boss retorts back.

“Yah, why do you always have to bring me into the conversation for?” Another voice was heard in the room. “Every single time you two talk to each other, you guys just got to talk about me.”

“Well, if you don’t want me to talk about you, Kang In, then stop hanging out with this man.” Yoochun reasoned. “Anyways, lets get to business.”

“Yes, please... and not about our goddamn relationship.” Kang In replies.

“Anyways, do you guys know anything about this man name Kim Jaejoong?” Yoochun asks the two lords. “The name sound familiar, but I can’t seem to know where I have heard it from.”

“Kim Jaejoong... Hmm...” The two lords look at each other before answering the angel. “Nope, sorry.”

“Are you two ing serious?” Yoochun is getting annoyed by his boss and his boyfriend.

“Yeah, why?” Leeteuk asks. “What’s so special about this man?”

Yoochun heaves a sigh. “Forget it.” He was about to hang up the phone until Kang In interrupts him.

“Wait, Chun...” Kang In stops him from hanging up the phone. “Explain to us why you want to know about this Kim Jaejoong. What does this got to do with your mission?”

“Actually, it doesn’t.” Yoochun honestly answered. “However, I told Leeteuk about this student in my class who can see what we see.”

“Uh-hmm...” Kang In nods his head as he listens to the angel’s story.

“And then he admits himself that he can see them.” Yoochun explains. “Not to mention that both of his parents are MEN!”

“Are you trying to say that this Changmin boy can be one of us?” Kang In asks.

“Well, I’m not sure, but something along that line.” Yoochun shrugs his shoulders.


“Why don’t you come to our library and look through the history of our bloodline?” Leeteuk asks. “I think you will find your answer there.”

“Okay, I will go there immediately.” Yoochun hangs up the phone and teleports himself to his destination.

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lunanegra #1
I found this fic on your LJ, reading it because of yoomin, but then Dongwan's there (my k-pop biasss <3)..
please do continue this fic if you have time and willingness, because I love it so much... *chu*
Chapter 12: I'm waitting for ur update ^*^
pimprime #3
i'll be waiting patiently for the update ^^
You should make a sequel to this story pwease
CinqLuna #5
ahh I really waiting for you to update
maedeh #6
Chapter 12: hi
it was fun and unexpected!!! thanks for chapter
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: ooh... now we know the truth... :)