Chapter 9: Final Part


A/N: Okay, so now I am officially on hiatus until my partner writes chapter 10. I am thinkin that we will be gone until December since my partner is bzy with her exams and finals. So, please wait until then. Sorry, for delaying the stry for so long.


Chapter 9: Final Part


“You’re highness.” Dongwan bows down to the King of Heaven.

“I have heard things that are going on in the human world.” He begins the meeting.

“May I know what you have heard?” Dongwan feared for the worst for him and his lover, most of all.

“Is it true that you have fallen for a human?” The King of Heaven asks. “Especially a female human.”

Dongwan did not answer to his highness but nod.

The King of Heaven huffs and puffs in anger once he has heard that his most loyal man has broken the rules of the Heaven.


“I am deeply sorry for my disloyalty to the Heavens. However, love comes unexpectedly. My love is down there who needs your help at this moment.” Dongwan pleads. “Please save her. Please Eric, can you help this friend of yours? Like you said, we are best friends... heck, we are like brothers. Please... I will take all of the punishment that you had for me, but I’m begging you to help my love.”

Eric heaves a sigh. “Alright, I will help you. However, you have to choose who do you want to save.”

“What do you mean?” Dongwan asks. “Of course, you are going to save Song Mi-Rin.”

Eric shakes his head and says, “This is telling me that you do not that she is pregnant.”

“WHAT? She is pregnant!” Dongwan gulps in fear now. He does not that he is going to be a father to an unborn child. Now this is where the fear comes in, who should he save? His lover who he loves so much or his unborn child? “Please Eric, don’t let me do this. You know that I cannot choose. I will love them both dearly.”

Eric shakes his head. “I’m sorry, my friend. I am not able to save both of them. It is one or the other.”

Dongwan nods his head. “What if... I resign myself as a dark angel? May you help my family?”

Eric was not surprise to hear that his best friend would give up his position just to be with the human, who he loves. Heck, he knows that anyone would do that for their love, no matter if it is a human or not, or a man or a woman. Love is love. He knows it himself as he has walked that path once. Therefore, he knew how his best friend is feeling at this moment.

“Please Eric, I would do anything you want. Please, I am begging you.” At this moment, Dongwan is in tears since the moment he found out that he will become a father of an unborn baby.

Eric heaves a sigh. “Hyesung would be devastated if I do not help my best friend, right?”

Dongwan looks up at his best friend and grins. “Does this mean you are going to help me?”

Eric nods his head. “However, I still need to continue with your punishment for not obeying the orders of the Heaven. As for helping your unborn child, I have some conditions for you.”

“I’ll take it!” Dongwan immediately respond without knowing what the conditions and punishment are.

“But you don’t know what I have to say about your punishment and conditions.” Eric pouts.

“Like I said earlier, I will take anything you have in your sleeves if you save the person I love.” Dongwan honestly says. He knew for the fact what he is getting himself into. Therefore, it is the best to accept it than to fight it.

“Man, you are no fun.” Eric pouts even more. “Well, I still need to state the punishment and condition to you.”

“Whatever, do it quickly, we don’t have much time.”

“Alright, your punishment is that you are no longer the dark angel. You will live your life as an ordinary human in the human world.” Eric says. “I wish you with the best life with your new family. You got my blessing to be with your love ones.”

“Thank you, your the best. I hope one day, you will find another dark angel who will be loyal to you as I was.” Dongwan continues, “So, what is the condition on saving the baby?”

“He will be born as an ordinary human. However, when he has a child, the child will be the awakening dark angel.” Eric says. “Your grandchild will be able to see what all the dark angels see. However, he will be born as an ordinary human. To awake his inner abilities is that he needs to be reborn as one.”

“Reborn as one?” Dongwan asks. “How is that possible?”

“Easy. All your grandchild needs to do is die.” Eric says. “When he dies, he will be reborn as a dark angel not an ordinary human that he thinks he is.”

Dongwan did not respond back and listen to what the King of Heaven has to say.

“So, are we ready?” Eric asks.

Dongwan walks to his best friends and gives him a big hug. “I will miss you.”

Eric nods his head. “Yeah, I am sure you will.”

Dongwan laughs. “Tell the others that I will miss them too especially Hyesung.”

“I will.” Eric tries to keep his tears from falling. It is hard to see yourself punishing your own best friend right in front of your eyes. Now, you understand how it feels when you see your own father punishing his best friends. “I promise you this will hurt you a little.”

Dongwan gives him his famous smile. “I know. Don’t worry, I can handle it. Farewell, my brother.”

“Farewell, Wan.” Eric raises his arms in the air as he chants some spell and closes his eyes as tears cascade. “VANISH!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Dongwan cried in pain as his scar from his right shoulder begins to dissolve. The black wings that were attached to his backbone are no longer there. His body began to change as he does not hold any magic abilities or weapons. “Argh!” Dongwan groans as all of the powers left his body.

After the punishment is done, Dongwan faints in exhaustion. Eric wipes his tears away and carries his best friend away from the Heaven’s world. “Goodbye, my friend. Goodbye forever.”


“So, that’s how Kim Jaejoong is born.” The bookworm explains them the story.

“That’s it?” Taemin complains. “I was hoping that there was more to it.”

“Sorry, I could only tell you this much. As for the rest, you need to ask the person, himself.” Ryeowook says. “But I am sure it is pointless since I kind of doubt that he, himself, knows that his father was once a dark angel.”

Yoochun smirks. “No, the information that you gave me is perfect. It is what I am looking for. Thank you, Ryeowook. Thank you so much.” Then he transports himself back to the human world just in time to see Changmin crossing the streets.

Immediately, he cast a spell and BAM! Changmin is unconscious in the middle of the streets.

“Welcome back, Jung Changmin.” Yoochun smiled to himself.

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lunanegra #1
I found this fic on your LJ, reading it because of yoomin, but then Dongwan's there (my k-pop biasss <3)..
please do continue this fic if you have time and willingness, because I love it so much... *chu*
Chapter 12: I'm waitting for ur update ^*^
pimprime #3
i'll be waiting patiently for the update ^^
You should make a sequel to this story pwease
CinqLuna #5
ahh I really waiting for you to update
maedeh #6
Chapter 12: hi
it was fun and unexpected!!! thanks for chapter
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: updata soon
Chapter 12: ooh... now we know the truth... :)