
Driving Through Time with Boys

Hi everybody!

I know this will come as a disappointment to many of you, but I’ve decided to discontinue this fic. Writing DTTWB has been stressing me beyond belief for the past few weeks to the point that it’s no longer fun to write but rather a major chore that bogs me down creatively. I’ve tried time and time again to lessen the stress on myself, from weeding out unimportant subplots to quickly ending the other fics that were getting in the way of writing this one. Really, there’s no easy way to do it. I know I would never come back to DTTWB if I put it on hiatus, and I don’t have the energy, drive, willpower, or care to finish it. So I’m ending it. I don’t want to push myself to the point that I feel the only thing left to do is quit writing fanfics altogether.

I hope you guys can forgive me, and I’m sorry that I was unable to give this universe a better ending... or, well, a proper ending at all. But since you’ve stuck around this long, you deserve to know how the story would have ended had it been continued, as well as what would have happened post-DTTWB.

Lana and Kyungsoo are teleported to a giant underground laboratory in the year 2118 only to find that Kyungsoo’s genius dad called the bus back remotely. He accuses Kyungsoo of stealing the bus and takes it back, to which Kyungsoo argues he still has to take Lana back to 2033. He tells Lana to wait outside while he convinces his dad to let him borrow the bus again. Lana finds her way to the surface and finds that the Dos’ laboratory was built underneath an old, unkempt cemetery. She stumbles across the worn-out, almost illegible graves of her parents, the Byuns, and the Lis. At this point, Lana accepts that Yunee will die and decides not to dwell on it anymore and changes her mind about going home yet again. She also realizes she has romantic feelings for Kyungsoo, but she doesn’t tell him yet. When Kyungsoo returns, he has succeeded in convincing his father to let them keep the time machine on the basis that his father was already building a second one.

Lansoo go adventuring through time for a few weeks, during which several things happen. Lana is arrested and thrown into jail for a night, where she meets Uncle Baekhyun and convinces him to make up with Chanyeol, who he has recently broken up with. She’s bailed out by Kyungsoo. She also stumbles onto the set of The Fire of Forgiveness, a movie that Kris was starring in before he unexpectedly walked off set. While on set, she is spotted by Kris who clearly recognizes her from somewhere, but Kyungsoo assures her not to worry about it.

The two eventually end up visiting Kyungsoo’s favorite bar the year it was built, 2052. While heading inside, they spot a poster advertising a show at the very same bar, “One night only! Catheter Wu’s album release party and concert!” Lansoo suspect that “Catheter Wu” must actually be Lana’s little sister who Yunee died giving birth to and decide to head inside to check it out. Upon entering, Lansoo spot a group of familiar people sitting together, confirming their suspicions. The Byuns and Uncle Kevin are present, as well as Sam who is now in his early thirties and appears to have a son nearly twenty years old. (Not revealed in the story, but Sam had impregnated Sehun’s wife, Tiffany, at fourteen.)

Lana also sees her sixty-something father with a teenage son who is practically his spitting image, indicating that Kris remarried shortly after Yunee died and had another child, which angers Lana. The new wife, Lana, and Marina are nowhere to be seen, and the lights dim and the show starts almost immediately. A teenage girl of about eighteen years who looks exactly like a young Yunee comes on stage. She has a big puff of rainbow-dyed hair with green face paint and orange mascara, wearing a tutu over a kimono with a radiator welded to her waist. Her “performance” consists of sliding around stage on butter while reciting the phone book to whale songs. Midway through the act, someone runs into the bar late and bumps into Lana, which she finds rude but quickly brushes off. When the show is over, Catheter tells the audience that her younger brother of less than one year, Cockonuts, is releasing his first film soon and asks the audience to check it out. She then dedicates the show to her beloved parents and asks them to come on stage. Lana of course expects to see the wicked stepmother saunter on stage, but NO! PLOT TWIST!!! Yunee is the one who shows up, very much alive and in her fifties and still happily clinging to Kris. Apparently, she didn’t die after all. That sort of misunderstanding is to be expected when you only hear one side of a phone call!

Lana is happy to see that Yunee will live a long, happy life after all, and so she and Kyungsoo disembark yet again. They wander through time for a while, stealing electronics (which is what Lana was previously arrested for) and paying young Dragnee a few more visits. Most notably, Kyungsoo takes to pranking Dragnee (and all of Exoplanet High) by donning a superhero suit and pretending to be a vigilante superhero named the Cinnamon Roll. At one point, he accidentally gets Yunee arrested for “being his accomplice.” During this time, Lansoo ascertain that Kyungsoo, at some point after meeting Lana, traveled back to 2012 and spent some time at Exoplanet High as a lunch lady for reasons unknown. On their last visit, Lansoo break into Dragnee’s apartment and do a little tidying, including throwing away a note left under Kris’s pillow.

At this point, Lana decides to make a quick stop back in 2033, wanting to introduce Kyungsoo to her parents before she goes back into exploring time. She casually returns home—only to find an entirely different family living in the house. After looking Kris up in the phonebook, she searches for the apartment he is mysteriously living alone in and finds him drunk and in the middle of a bitter divorce with Marina. He doesn’t recognize Lana, and when she brings up Yunee, he breaks down and claims she took advantage of him, had with him and left after getting his body. Police promptly arrive and arrest Kris for having ual affairs with his students, and that’s the last Lansoo see of him.

The teens search for Yunee and find her married to Sehun and pregnant with the couple’s 230950239502th child. Yunee is obviously depressed and hates all of the kids. She too does not recognize Lana, but she ends up explaining what had happened. As it turns out, Yunee’s parents kidnapped her when she was seventeen and forced her into an arranged marriage with Sehun. She left a note to Kris asking him to save her, but he never came. Chanyeol tried to stop the wedding and was shot, which resulted in Baekhyun going crazy and being sent to a mental hospital. Yunee resented Kris ever since.

As Lana and Kyungsoo leave, they are stopped by a questionably dressed time cop named Kuuchie. She places Kyungsoo under arrest for having previously prevented a Dunkin’ Donuts space station from crashing into a moon colony and thus altering the course of the future, which is of course highly illegal under time laws. She also explains that Lansoo altered the course of time again when Lana threw away the note that was left under Kris’s pillow—the note Yunee left when she asked him to save her from the arranged marriage. Since Lana no longer exists and is a time paradox, she is placed under arrest as well. The teens are taken to the time police headquarters and placed in an interrogation room. Here, Kyungsoo admits to loving Lana and begs for Time Officer Kuuchie to give them one chance to return to the past and correct the mistake. Kuuchie actually agrees, and so the bus is returned to Lansoo for a limited time so they can fix the past.

Lansoo return to the past on the day of Sehun and Yunee’s wedding. To disguise herself, Lana pretends to be the Cinnamon Roll’s sidekick, Icing Girl, and wears a mask so Kris won’t recognize her. The teens first pick up the members of EXO (who are all teachers at Exoplanet High) and bring them to help crash the wedding and save Yunee. Everyone rides the bus to Kris’s apartment, where they find him grieving the loss of Yunee, who he thinks left him because she never loved him. They toss him into the bus with the rest of EXO and race off to the wedding chapel while Lana quickly explains the situation to him. Along the way, cops begin to chase the bus, and Kyungsoo accidentally crashes it into a mall, drives through the concourse, and eventually reemerges on the other side of the building—right in front of the church. He parks the bus behind the church and pulls a clown car filled with elephants, tigers, lions, etc. off of his table of everything. Suho and Lana lead the animals into the church while Kyungsoo and Kris sneak around to the back of the church. They scale the building and crash in through a stained glass window, interrupting the ceremony right before Sehun and Yunee exchange their vows. Kris reclaims Yunee and avows to never let her go again, sentimental stuff etc. etc. Baekhyun and Chanyeol get married in Sehun and Yunee’s place.

Having successfully completed the mission, Lansoo return to 2033 on the day that Lana initially vanished and make a beeline for the airport where Kris is supposed to pick up Yunee. They see Kris’s car parked outside the airport, and shortly after, Kris and Yunee arrive, signifying that Lansoo were successful in repairing the past. As Lana starts to run off of the bus to greet Yunee, Kyungsoo quickly hugs her and tells her he loves her. He says he has to make one last trip but will be back before she knows it. Lana tells him she loves him too and runs off of the bus, immediately tackle hugging Yunee. Kris is still angry that Lana ran away from school a few hours earlier, but he can’t get more than a few words out before Lana begins hysterically apologizing to Yunee for being so bitter toward her all of her life. Two seconds later, Kyungsoo runs up and bear hugs Lana. (In the few seconds that Lana was reuniting with her parents, Kyungsoo had returned to the past to spend a few months as a lunch lady at Exoplanet High: he saw himself as a lunch lady in the past and realized that getting the teachers’ help and saving the wedding wouldn’t have been successful if the teachers didn’t know him beforehand.)

Lana explains to Dragnee that she’s been time traveling with Kyungsoo, and they believe her on the basis that they knew him twenty years ago and he has apparently not aged since then. (Also, Kris still remembers seeing Lana on the movie set seventeen years in the past.) At this point, Kuuchie suddenly emerges from inside the bus carrying a giant mallet, having destroyed the time traveling components of Kyungsoo’s bus now that the teens have completed the mission. She offers Kyungsoo a ride home to 2118, but Lana begs her parents to let him stay in 2033 with her. Kris says no, but Yunee quickly accepts and persuades Kris to let him stay. Kyungsoo stays in 2033 with Lana, and everyone lives happily ever after! Except there’s more!!!

After the events of DTTWB, Yunee gives birth to a daughter named Katherine. Despite nearly dying during childbirth, she pulls through thanks to the state-of-the-art hospital Lana and Kyungsoo advised her to transfer to. Due to her inability to pronounce the baby’s name, she calls her “Catheter”, which is where Katherine gets her future stage name, Catheter Wu.

Less than a year later, Yunee also gives birth to a son, this time opting for a natural home birth against Kris’s wishes. During the birth, he passes out, so Yunee happily takes the opportunity to finally name the baby something of her own choice. She settles for “Coconut” because “all the other kids have western names, and celebrities always name their kids after fruits.”

Lansoo eventually marry when Lana is twenty-five. Kyungsoo’s dad, who has completed the new time machine, comes to see the wedding. For the honeymoon, Lansoo borrow the time machine and spend a year traveling through time again. During this time, Lana becomes pregnant with a single baby. However she doesn’t realize she’s pregnant at first, and so she and Kyungsoo continue to travel through time. Through traveling back and forth, they accidentally create two copies of the baby, so Lana is expecting triplets by the time they realize they’re expecting. They promptly return to the present and settle down there for good.

Marina is the first to die after going senile and walking out of the window of a tall tower in her castle. Chanyeol dies at sixty-five in a tragic blimp crash. Baekhyun nearly goes crazy, but Yunee keeps him alive through the power of friendship. He outlives Chanyeol by twelve years before finally succumbing to prostate cancer. With Kris’s help, Yunee miraculously lives to be ninety before passing away, and Kris dies a few months later at ninety-eight.

When Kris arrives in heaven, he finds Yunee in bed with Chanyeol of all people. She explains that the two were making a film as part of a campaign to get Chanyeol elected God. As it turns out, God is an elected official and Chanyeol is running for the position with Yunee as his campaign manager. Kris easily shrugs the film off; after all, he knows Yunee’s soul loves him and only him. Chanyeol then approaches Kris with a huge favor to ask: he needs Kris to travel down to the bowels of hell and rescue his beloved Baekhyun, who has been trapped there for twenty or thirty years after never making it to heaven. Chanyeol explains that Kris’s best friend, Marina, is now in charge of hell, and Kris is the only one who can talk her into freeing Baekhyun. Though he doesn’t want to leave Yunee after finally being reunited with her, he grudgingly agrees, and thus begins his journey to hell.

In hell, Kris finds Marina sitting on a throne with Kevin tied to it on a leash. She tells him she killed Satan with her stiletto and took over once he was out of the way. She agrees to let both Baekhyun and Kevin free from hell, and so Kris soon returns after his arduous journey to the netherworld. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are reunited for the first time in decades. With Yunee’s help, Chanyeol wins the election and becomes the next God. Everyone’s soul (except Marina’s) can finally rest in peace, together at last, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

Thanks again for sticking with this failed attempt at a fanfic until its untimely end. Feel free to check out 1987, which will hopefully have a much better fate.

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I just realized: in real-world time, Yunee and Kris just met this month! The beginning of MTIAPS is officially in the past now! :'(


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fredgesh #1
Chapter 30: Wow…that summary of the ending is everything. 😭 I’ve been lurking around this universe for years but I never got around to starting because the latest sequel was unfinished. But I had no idea this part of DTTWB existed. Now I can just take this as the canon ending, with Chanyeol ruling The Good Place as God-elect.
Congrats and it sounds so cooooool too
Iminthezone #3
It's this!!! Dkdjdjskeke
Chapter 30: Sad. So sad. :/
EVERY FIC YOU DONT FINISH IS A CRIME AGAINST MANKIND. your writing is so amusing and fun and light.. i remember i read this back in highschool two years ago ;; i REALLY WANTED AN ENDING
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 30: well, actually i read the 'discontinued' chapter...

thanks for writing this story anyway! =)
boreddddd_xoxo #7
Chapter 30: argh..... i was hooked and then i saw the 'discontinued' chapter. XC
boreddddd_xoxo #8
ugh srsly such a good story!