Her Secret Admirer

Mr. Playboy and Ms.Gangster

Hey guys... i'm REALLY sorry for not updating sooner.... i have a lot of tests and homework so there wasn't enough time to update.. 4GIVE MEEEE!! XD I don't know if you guys like this.. hehe..My class have to go on a field trip to some place, take photos and videos and then make a short movie with them using movie maker... AAAAHHHH!! My application is call Windows Live Movie Maker.. I anyone can teach me how to make a GREAT film using that app.. PLEASE TELL ME!! XD The project is worth 130 points so if I do a bad job I'd probably get an F... WAAAAAAHHH!! PLEASE HELP ME!!! ( I'm begging here )

Dara's Pov~

The next day on my way to school, I saw a couple of familiar figures in a small street with boxes of drugs in their hands. It seems that they weren't experienced since I could see their hands shaking. I walked closer and saw... IT WAS CL AND YOUNGBAE!! I ran to them and quickly slapped the bags of drugs out of their hands and started beating them up. I pinned Youngbae down and started punching him with my fists. I didn't use all my power since I didn't want to hurt him... much. I just wanted to teach him a lesson. I stood up, dusted my pants off, and walked towards CL. Then I slapped her face. She held her cheek with both of her hands and started sobbing a little. I could see my hand print on her cheek. She deserved it. Then I started shouting," ARE YOU BOTH OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MINDS?? DO YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR LIVES?? ON PURPOSE???" They both hanged their heads down in shame. Youngbae tried to explain," We just wanted to know how it tasted like... we heard a lot of people saying it's like heave-" I cut him off. I picked up the bag of drugs on the floor and shoved it into his face. "Here!! IF YOU WANT TO DIE, HERE! TAKE IT!" He didn't move. He was too shocked by what I did. I started losing control and screamed uncontrollably, "I'M TELLING YOU TO TAKE IT!! WHY? NOW YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE DYING ANYMORE??" The reason I care about them so much is when I lost my dad and my brother, I walked on the streets alone and I saw them in a corner of a street getting bullied by bigger kids. I walked up to them and beat them up. SInce then, they've been just like little brothers and sisters to me. I was screaming at the top of my lungs when Seunghyun showed up and held my wrists tightly. I tried to move but my body was too small against his. Don't get me wrong, I'm WAAAAYYY stronger than him in fights but after all he was a well built boy and I'm just a small girl. Seunghyun, or TOP, was my friend since before my dad died. His parents died waaayy before mine did. My dad used to take care of him. He was just like a brother to me too. He protects me from bullies since I was really fragile when I was a little girl. Since Seunghyn was too long I have him a nickname, Tabi. I know, childish right? But I can't help it. It was the name I called him since i knew how to speak. He looked me in the eye for about 30 seconds and I calmed down. Yes, that's one of the effects Tabi could do to me. I sighed and said,"Promise me that you guys will never do that again, arraso?" " YES MA'M!" Youngbae joked. CL hung her head and said," Mianhe unnie..." I smiled. I walked toward my way to school with them following me. I always felt uncomforable when they would follow me like I'm their leader or something. It's true, I'm the strongest fighter in the group but still......

Seunghyun's Pov~

I was looking for Dara and I didn't find her in her house. 'She must be on her way' I thought. Then on my way to school, I saw a girl screaming at a younger looking man and a girl that was hanging her head down. I walked forward and I could see that it was Dara. It's never good when Dara loses her temper. I walked from behind her and I could see her holding a bag of drugs and shoving them in front of Youngbae's face. I didn't know what was going on but I grabbed her wrists from behind, turned her around and looked into those big brown orbs of hers. She seemed to calm down. It always works. I don't know why and I can't help it but ever since we were kids, I always admired her. I would always take glances at her and she was too oblivioius to know. I would always protect her from bullies. I slowly reconized that I was having FEELINGS for her.....

So sorry about the short update.. it's a school day 2mrw so I have to get up early....... i don't know when I'll update again though. XD


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Chapter 3: lol who is she mrs. halk xD lolz
Chapter 5: aww~ that was cute :D
update soon author-nim
Chapter 5: Bae and CL don't try dat It's bad 4 your health.
Please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee(^-^)
myjoyce1986 #4
Chapter 5: oh my tabisan please update more soon
Chapter 5: so top is in love with her intersting xDD
abya01 #6
Chapter 5: Please update soon :)
abya01 #7
Please update soon :)
Authornim Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Please update soon (^-^)v
I really really want 2 read the next chapter !!!!!

Authornim fighting \(^o^)/