Part 3

The Little Merman


Kyungsoo wakes up to a pair of built arms wrapped tightly around his waist. “Hmm..?” He rubs his eyes and slowly opens them up. Why is there someone in bed with me? What time is it? Why didn’t my alarm ring? He glances at the clock and it was 5:00am. Oh, I woke up early today. He smiles to himself and then closes his eyes once more, deciding that he had two hours until he had to be awake. Kyungsoo was almost asleep when he remembers that someone was in bed with him. He forced his sleepy eyes to open and lightly shook the guy. “Yah- wake up and get out of my room.” Tao groans and shakes his head. Kyungsoo frowns and tries to unwrap Tao’s arms, but he only succeeds in having his head pulled to Tao’s chest. “Hey kid, let go off me and get out of my room.” He finally pushes Tao off him and jumps out of the bed before he could be pulled back. Tao smiles slightly and returns back to dream land. Sighing, Kyungsoo goes to the bathroom and decides that a peaceful stroll down the beach would make his off morning better.

The sun was just rising over the horizon, turning the water a soft shade of purple, as Kyungsoo leisurely strolls along the shoreline. Water lapped at his toes and the wind tousled his just washed hair. He let his mind wander and he suddenly remembers that he was going to spend the day with Jongin. “Yes!” He punches the air and jumps up in excitement. Looking around, he realizes that it was still too early for Jongin and him to meet up, so he walks over to the rocks to wait patiently. “Jongin my little fishy, he swim swim swims in thee deep blue sea. He makes my heart feel itchy, and never lets my mind be ~ … at rest~” He sang out loud and chuckled to himself. Kyungsoo glances around, bored, and sees something shaped like a squash sprouting from a rock. I thought squashes grew on soil … Curious, he creeps over and realizes that it’s a foot. A foot? Is the person dead or something!? What should I do? Should I call someone for help? I knew I should’ve slept in and waited for my alarm to wake me up! Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and forces himself to look at whole thing the foot was attached to. What if the body has no head? What if the body is ? “J-Jongin?” He stutters and immediately kneels down next to his bare body. “Jongin! What happened to you?! Where’s your tail?!” Kyungsoo roughly shakes Jongin and he wakes up and starts to cough up water. Pulling Jongin into his lap, Kyungsoo hits his back, forcing more water to expel from his body. Finally Jongin stops coughing and tiredly rests his head on Kyungsoo’s chest.

“Jongin?” Kyungsoo meekly says, not sure if this is really him.

Jongin nods and opens his eyes a crack, looking up into his huge doe like eyes. A faint smile appears on his face and he reaches up to brush his thumb over Kyungsoo’s full lips. He tries to say Kyungsoo’s name but only air rushes out. He points to his throat and makes an ‘X’, telling him that he still cannot talk.

“Ahh… Okay… but how did you grow a pair of legs?” Kyungsoo asks, confused. Jongin smiles and puts a finger to his lips.

“A secret?” Kyungsoo chuckles, “Oh alright. Well, come on then, let’s get you to my room and cleaned up.” He takes off his shirt and puts it on Jongin’s built body. Wow, he looks extra muscular. Kyungsoo said to himself as Jongin pulls the shirt on. “Uhh, and here.” Kyungsoo takes off his shorts and throws them on Jongin’s lower half, blushing in embarrassment. Jongin shrugs in defeat and points to his legs, signaling to Kyungsoo that he doesn’t know what to do.

“Really? Jongin….” Kyungsoo groans and blushes madly again. “This is only for one time Kyungsoo…”


Jongin grimaces in pain as Kyungsoo helps him learn how to walk. At first, his legs wobbled and he would buckle at the knee and fall crashing to the ground. On the third try, Jongin walked as if he had been walking his whole life.

“You got it!” Kyungsoo laughed and jumped up and down in circles around him. What he didn’t know was that pain raked the soles of Jongin’s feet with every step he took. He forced a smile on his face as Kyungsoo laced his fingers through his. “I can’t wait to spend the day with you.” He quietly said and gave Jongin’s hand a squeeze. “No matter if you can speak or not.”


Kyungsoo snuck Jongin into his room and noticed that his bed was already made. He made a mental note to thank Tao when he sees him later. Jongin wiped the sweat that accumulated on his brow and leaned against the wall. Kyungsoo gave him a smile and took out the largest set of pajamas he had, and handed it over to Jongin. “Here, put these on. You remember how to put on pants right?” He said while a blush crept across his cheeks. Jongin nodded cutely and started to take off his clothes.

“Whoa whoa!” Kyungsoo covered his eyes. “Just wait until I leave!”


Jongin looked around in Kyungsoo’s room, fascinated by all of the different textures. He pointed to the bed, terrified of what it was. “It’s just a bed Jongin, it’s for us humans to sleep on during the night.” Kyungsoo sat on the bed and patted to the empty space next to him. “Come here, sit.” Jongin hesitated before walking over and taking a seat. His sunk into the plush mattress and he spread his arms out, trying to push himself back into a sitting position. Kyungsoo laughed at his facial expression and he buckled over and laid against the bed as well. Jongin turned his head so that he was looking at him and smiled. Kyungsoo sighed and reached for his hands and held it tightly. “I have to go right now, I’ll be back. I promise.” He nodded and gave Kyungsoo’s hand a squeeze. “Just stay quiet and rest in my bed for a bit.”


For the next two days, they came up with a routine. Jongin would wake up when Kyungsoo woke up. Kyungsoo would leave for classes and they would periodically meet in his room to eat lunch and just see each other for a couple of minutes. Then, at night, Kyungsoo would leave for dinner rehearsal and comeback with food for Jongin. But tonight, tonight was different. Tonight, Kyungsoo stayed with Jongin for the whole day, only leaving to go use the bathroom or to open the door for food.

Kyungsoo felt Jongin wrap his arms around his waist and he smiled blissfully. “Jongin, I-I think it’s time for you to come out of my room and come to dinner tonight. I have already bought you a suit. There’s going to be music and food. You’ll have a great time.” He looked up at Jongin and waited for a reply. Jongin bit his lip and then slowly nodded a yes.

Jongin painfully stood up and almost fell down from the pain shooting up his legs. He held onto the wall as he walked towards the bathroom and when he closed the door, Jongin crumpled to his knees and let out a silent sob. I will not regret this decision. He hugged his legs to his chest and let out a sigh. Taking off his pants, he slipped on a pair of black slacks and held onto the bathroom counter and stood up. Biting his bottom lip, Jongin took off his t shirt in exchange for the crisp white button down shirt. I’m going to walk today, I’m going to dance today for Kyungsoo. Yes, for Kyungsoo.


The lights were dim as they both entered the ballroom. The room was richly filled with people dressed in sparkling gowns and tailored suits. Everyone was laughing and chatting with one another, enjoying each other’s company. “Yes, here we are, this is my son Kyungsoo.” Suho had walked over and was now introducing a married couple to him. “Kyungsoo, greet Tao’s parents.” Suho whispered into his ears.

“Hello, it’s very nice to meet you guys.” Kyungsoo bowed and felt a pair of hands grip his bicep.

“Ah- what a coincidence, hello Tao!” Suho grandly said. Jongin took note of the tall handsome man standing besides Kyungsoo. His heart got a shock as Tao tenderly brushed a stray piece of hair away from Kyungsoo’s face. Jongin turned around and slowly walked away, in his heart he was hoping that Kyungsoo would notice and follow him, but he didn’t.

It’s alright. Maybe they’re just friends. Jongin’s feet led him to the dance floor, where it was filled with younger people, people his age. A pretty brunette girl flashed him a smile and motioned him to join her on the dance floor. He shyly declined and tried to look for a seat to sit down. She wouldn’t take no as an answer and pulled him to the dance floor.

Jongin brightly smiled as the he continued to smoothly dance with the stranger. The pain in his legs had increased, but the feeling of the music combined with his polished dance moves, gave him the energy to continue to dance.



Kyungsoo pulled his father away from all the noise into a secluded room. “Father! I cannot marry this man! I don’t love him!”

“You don’t need to love someone to marry them. I need you to marry Tao. He’s going to help us in the future. Your marriage is going to strengthen this kingdom!” Suho said in an exasperated tone. Kyungsoo angrily shook his head.

“Have Baekhyun marry him then!”

“He’s already betrothed to Chanyeol, King Wu Fan’s son!”

“Father!” Kyungsoo turned towards him and shouted, “I don’t love him, I love someone else!” Suho backed up a few steps in surprise.

“ W-what?”

“I love someone else father, I’m so sorry.” A couple of tears dropped from his eyes as he left the room, leaving behind a stunned Suho.

Love doesn’t need a formula. It doesn’t matter if you’re with someone for 10 years or just 10 minutes. Love, love can start anywhere and anytime. It can also be found in the strangest place on earth or the most common place. I- I love Jongin so much. Kyungsoo searched the ballroom for Jongin as his hot tears fell down. I love Jongin.


Jongin let out a silent scream as someone pulled him off the dance floor. He turned around and was face to face with Kyungsoo. “Come on let’s go somewhere else!” Kyungsoo had a smile on his face, but tears were streaming down his eyes. With Jongin’s hands in his, Kyungsoo dashed through the crowd of people and they finally ended up on the balcony. Breathless, Kyungsoo started to laugh hysterically.

“I-I can’t believe I just did that!”

Jongin cocked his head and walked closer to Kyungsoo, but bit his lips in pain. What’s wrong? He mouthed out to Kyungsoo. He smiled as he looked at Jongin, “Nothing, nothing’s wrong. It’s just- it’s just that I realized something.” Kyungsoo held both of Jongin’s hands and gave them a squeeze. “I just realized that I love you.” He gave Jongin a sweet smile and wiped his forehead. “Stop sweating so much, we barely ran.” Kyungsoo chuckled and tears formed in Jongin’s eyes. “What? Why are you crying?” He panicked and quickly wiped away the tears. “Jongin, why are you crying?!” His eyes grew huge and continued to wipe his tears away. I love you. Jongin mouthed. Kyungsoo pouted in confusion.

“What are you trying to say?”

Jongin clawed at his throat and kept mouthing, ‘I love you’. His knees buckled from the pain and he crashed to the ground. “Jongin!” Kyungsoo knelt beside him and had an arm around his shoulders that were shaking from his sobs. “Please don’t cry Jongin.” Kyungsoo murmured into his ears. He shook his head and tears splashed against the cement. He pointed to his eyes.

“Eyes, you have brown eyes.”

Jongin pointed to his heart.

“Heart, you have a beating heart. Your heart pumps blood for your body, veins carry the blood into your heart, while arteries carry the bad blood away.” 

Lastly, he pointed at Kyungsoo.

“Kyungsoo, yes that’s me.”

Tears had already accumulated in his eyes. “Are you crying because you can’t tell me you love me?” Jongin nodded as more tears fell from his eyes. Kyungsoo gave him a faint smile as he wiped Jongin’s tears away.

“I don’t need to hear you say I love you. Love doesn't need a voice. All it needs is two people, two people who truly care for one another. Because love can be felt, it doesn't need to be said for the whole world to hear." Kyungsoo gently said while leaning in and placing a kiss on Jongin’s lips.

His legs began to glow a warm golden hue, complementing his tanned skin. Inside of him, Jongin felt a warm and tingly sensation tickling him from the inside out. “Are you okay?”

Jongin looked up, a beaming smile was etched on his face and said in his deep voice, “Yes, yes I am okay.” He stood up, pulling Kyungsoo along with him and cupped his chin. “Jongin is my name,” He leaned in closer and finally, in a soft whisper he said, “and I love you.” 

word count: 2,282


A/N: Hey guys, I hope you liked the ending. I made it for the readers who wanted a happy ending. So if you like happy endings, stop reading it after this point. Aha, because I plan to write a quick epilogue. So, yea c: You guys should totally comment and tell me what you liked and didn't like about my story. c: and subscribe because the epilouge is in the works. ~


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almost done ! sorry for the wait!


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Chapter 4: what the way to ruin my happiness jk jk it was amazing
foyezza91 #4
Chapter 4: Ahh whyyyyy!!!!!!! Someone give kyungie a potion to bring him back to live!!!!!!! Here the potion! Oh thank you.(pour it in kyungie mouth)there you go,welcome back to live kyungie!!!!this is a diving attire so you can swim with jongin in the ocean without one of you changing or something.jongin and kyungsoo live happily ever after.the end of this nonsence.(i just can't!)
ok literally, i was ok for the first 3 and a half parts, but i immediately started crying on the fifth to last paragraph AHHHHHHH!!! WTFFFF
ThreeBlackPearl #6
Chapter 4: Ouch. My heart now hurts even more because of this. Thank you for this pain. *criesss*
Chapter 4: omo. i'm crying.... ; ~ ; author-nim hug me ; ~ ;
Chapter 4: and i thought it would be happily ever after for them,, and i dont really like angst, but it's just so beautiful i cant stop read T___T
poor jongin,, oh my..... T___T
Chapter 4: omg... I'm crying so hard.... author-nim.... omo.... <3
trinitivox44 #10
Chapter 4: Omo!!!!! It's a great fic, but why would it be like that T_T Poor.. Jonginnie .... :