Part 2

The Little Merman


Jongin rushed home, excited that he actually talked to a human and that he actually touched a human. His face was so pale and soft, his lips were full and pink, and his eyes, his eyes were so huge I felt as if he was looking right at my soul! He twirled around in circles and laughed to himself. When will I see him again? Jongin stopped spinning and let out a sigh. “Probably never.” He dropped his chin and looked at the sandy ocean floor. “I can still hope at least!” A smile returned to his face as he entered his room. Not to his surprise, Luhan was already waiting there with a hesitant smile on his face.

“Luhan! Guess what?!” Jongin swam over and embraced his friend in a loose hug.

“You caught a shark?”

Jongin laughed. “No, it’s way better than that. I met a human. I met an actual human!” Little butterflies erupted in his stomach as he told Luhan what had happened earlier.


“I don’t know Jongin, it doesn’t sound like a great idea. I mean, I don’t want you to get into trouble or anything, but you should stay away from him. So I say no to your ideas. Don’t go looking for him, it’s not like you’re in love with him.” Luhan’s voice trailed off. “Right?” He gave Jongin a puzzled look.

Jongin looked away and bit his lip in embarrassment. “Right…”

“Right as in you’re not in love?”

He looked at Luhan and spoke gently, “Right as in, I think I am in love.”

Silence surrounded them until Luhan groaned in frustration. “Jongin! You just met this guy and now you’re saying you’re in love with him?! That’s crazy talk!”

“Luhan, don’t you believe in love at first sight?! Or how about the idea of soul mates? Cause I feel as if he is my other half. Now I know why I haven’t felt complete my entire life, because he’s been missing the whole time.” Jongin stared at Luhan waiting for an answer. He sighed and sadly looked at Jongin.

“Yes I understand how you feel. Just- just be careful about this okay? Keep it away from Jongdae, he’s always getting other people into trouble.”

Someone knocked at the door. “Come in.” Jongin and Luhan said simultaneously.

“Hey Jongin! Hey Luhan!” Sehun cheerfully said and waved at them. “Do you guys want to grab something for dinner tonight?”

Luhan gave him a cheeky smile. “Of course”

Sehun looked at Jongin for his answer. He shook his head and said, “No I’m actually not that hungry right now.  You guys can go have fun.” They both nodded in response and Luhan hung a loose arm around Sehun’s shoulder. “See ya!” He said and left the room.

Jongin chuckled to himself and laid on his bed, trying to remember every little detail that had to do with the human he just met. His eyes started to feel heavy and Jongin feel asleep to the gentle current rocking him to bed.



Kyungsoo wakes up to the blaring sound of his alarm going off 7 in the morning. It’s been a week since the meeting with the merman. He reaches over and turns it off and lies back on his bed, pulling the blanket over him. He lies awake thinking about the merman, hoping that it wasn’t just a dream. Kyungsoo closes his eyes. Just another 5 minutes and I will get up, get ready, and join Baekhyun for breakfast. He nodded to himself and lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“Kyungsoo!” Someone with a deep voice shouted in his room. “Wake up! It’s not nice to sleep when guests are over!”


“Come on! Wake up!” Chanyeol jumps on his bed and rips the covers off his head. “Good morning!” He cheerfully says and jumps up and down.

“Okay, okay! I’m awake!” Kyungsoo yells and couldn’t help but sound angry. You just messed up my plan of sleeping an extra 5 minutes. He grunts as Chanyeol pulls him up.

“Sorry…” He quietly mumbles and looks away towards Baekhyun, who was leaning against the door frame. Kyungsoo sighs, “It’s fine, I’ll see you guys downstairs for breakfast.” He shoos them out and heads towards the bathroom to get ready.


Silverware was clanking and scraping against the plates as Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were eating breakfast. This morning, they were eating pancakes smothered in syrup outside on the deck which was overlooking the ocean.

“Whaaa, you guys have an amazing view out here!” Chanyeol said and laughed in amazement. Kyungsoo paid no mind to Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s chatter as he intensely tried to look for any signs of the merman. Since the day he met the merman, it Kyungsoo hasn’t been feeling the same, he was always feeling half empty or half full. Once in a while, when Kyungsoo was cutting his pancake, something would glimmer at the corner of his eyes, reminding him of how the merman’s tail shined. It happened a couple of times until Kyungsoo quickly turned his head and caught a glimpse of a shiny object in the water. “Found you.” With a feeling in his heart, he knows for certain that it is the same merman from last week.

“Who did you find?” Chanyeol asked while swallowing a huge bite of food.

“No one. Uh- I won’t be back. See you tonight at rehearsal.” Kyungsoo mumbled an apology and left the deck.

“Wait, does he even know what the dinner is for?” Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.

 “Nope, not yet.” He responded and reached for Chanyeol’s hand. “But he will soon.”



Kyungsoo looked around in the corridors and saw that no one was there and he ran for the beach. Please don’t be just my imagination! Stay there, stay where you are and come see me again! Once he reached the beach, Kyungsoo carefully took off his shoes and rolled up his pants. I can’t get wet. Father will kill me if I come home wet. He slipped off his long sleeve button down and the breeze ruffled his hair. Kyungsoo slowly approached the shoreline and yelled out, “Hey, if you’re out there, let’s meet again!” I will wait for 15 minutes and if he doesn’t come by then, I will leave and get ready for my afternoon fencing class. Something shimmered a couple of yards from the shore. “Yah, let’s meet!” He yelled again and the shimmer disappeared. Saddened, Kyungsoo hung his head down and wiggled his toes into the hot sand. “Fine.” He sighed and was about to leave, when a rock was thrown at his feet. Kyungsoo’s head shot up and his eyes were met with the sight of Jongin hiding behind the same rocks from last time. Jongin waved him over and had a wide smile plastered on his face.

“Hi there.” Kyungsoo shyly said and sat down on a rock, across from Jongin. “My name is Kyungsoo, What’s yours?” Jongin shook his head and pointed to his throat again. “Oh yeah, I forgot that you can’t speak.” He chuckled at his stupidity and the hem of his shirt. “Well, I’m just trying to figure out why you’ve been on my mind so much. And it’s really making me start to wonder if it was just by chance that I woke up late that one day.” He bashfully looked up and met eyes with Jongin. “I always seem to feel half empty and I now have troubles going to sleep and staying on schedule.” He chuckled nervously and looked at his bare feet. “But, I hope we can meet more often. I have to go now, I have fencing class.” Kyungsoo stood up to leave but paused. “Can we meet here in about two hours or so?” He asked and gave Jongin a timid smile. Jongin nodded. “Good, see you soon.”



Jongin stayed there near the rocks waiting for Kyungsoo to return. “Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo, his name feels good to say.” He laughed and twirled in the water. “A-And he says that he feels half empty, half! That means… that means he feels the same way about me!” Jongin laughed again and bubbles escaped his lips. For the next two hours, Jongin swam near the rocks and periodically checked to see if Kyungsoo was coming back.

It was nearly sunset, and Jongin was feeling and disappointed. So he didn’t come. Midway of his turn, he heard Kyungsoo shout, “Hey!” and Jongin’s heart raced at the sound of his voice. He’s back! Jongin popped up from the water and waved at Kyungsoo. Welcome back Kyungsoo! He flashed him a bright smile and lifted himself back onto the rocks and waited for Kyungsoo to speak.

“Sorry! I forgot that I had to eat lunch! And I’m sorry for coming late!” He gave Jongin a small bow. “But I kind of have to go right now. I have dinner rehearsal in about 10 minutes.” He glanced at his shiny silver watch. Jongin frowned and sighed.

“I only have 3 more dinner rehearsals before the real ‘dinner’. So can you wait until then?” Kyungsoo looked upset, he didn’t want to lose this new found feeling for the merman. Jongin shrugged and dived back into the ocean. “Wait!” Kyungsoo called out. He looked around and yelled out in frustration. “Aish! I need to follow my schedule!” Kyungsoo looked into the ocean and pulled his hair in irritation.

“Fine, fine! You win! You better save me if I drown!”

He took off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers and his pale skin exposed to the last rays of the sunlight. Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and plunges underwater, letting himself be swallowed up by the deep blue ocean. God, why did I let Jongin talk me into doing this? I am supposed to be at a dinner rehearsal right now. He opens up his eyes and discovers a whole new world that he never knew existed. A flash of shimmery green passes before his eyes and Kyungsoo feels himself being dragged down to the ocean floor. 


“Jongin is my name.” A deep voice came from his left ear and he turned towards him. Air bubbles escaped Kyungsoo’s mouth in surprise. His voice is deep, deeper than what I had imagined.

Jongin laughed, “Please don’t be surprised. I just want you to relax and don’t worry about dying… Kyungsoo.” His name easily rolled off the tip of his tongue. He felt his knees turn into cooked spaghetti noodles and Jongin put an arm around his waist. “Careful, I don’t want you to faint!” He laughed and Kyungsoo listened carefully, trying to memorize it all. “And about what you said earlier, you also have constantly been on my mind as well.” Kyungsoo felt his heart leap in his chest as Jongin continued to speak.

“I don’t think that it was an accident that you woke up late that day, I think that it was fate. Because… because I also feel half empty since the day I met you. But now, now I feel complete when you’re right here by my side.” Jongin gave him a tight squeeze. Kyungsoo was feeling dizzy from the lack of air and his eyes closed. “Kyungsoo?” Jongin mentally slapped himself and forgot that Kyungsoo needed air, unlike him. He breathed in the water around him and planted his mouth on Kyungsoo’s, pushing the oxygen his gills made into Kyungsoo’s lungs. His eyes reopened and widened at the sight in front of him. Jongin is kissing me, he’s actually kissing me. Jongin pulled away, “I told you not to worry.” He laughed and laced his fingers between Kyungsoo’s. “When can I see you? Can I see you tomorrow morning?” Jongin asked, hoping for a yes. Kyungsoo pondered and slowly nodded a yes.

“Great!” Jongin shouted and embraced Kyungsoo. “Okay, get ready for a fun filled day tomorrow!”



Kyungsoo arrived home, clutching his dry clothes and shivering once more. “Kyungsoo!” Baekhyun ran towards him like last time, but this time, Chanyeol was following close behind. “Why are you wet!?” He pulled his brother into a hug. “You missed dinner rehearsal again.” He pouted and took a hold of Chanyeol’s hand. “You know, the dinner is very important this week.” Kyungsoo slowly nodded and let out a happy sigh.

“Yes, I’m not stupid Hyung.” Kyungsoo said with a glazed over look.

“Okay, well father wants to see you and introduce you to someone so go get ready.” Baekhyun patted him goodluck on the back and left.


He looked at his reflection in the mirror and touched his lips, remembering how Jongin’s lips felt. Kyungsoo smiled to himself and hummed a tune. I can’t wait until tomorrow. He slipped on his dress pants and shirt. He checked himself once more and left to go to his father’s chamber.

Once there, he sits next to his father and quietly asks, “Why am I here?” Suho just grins.

“That’s because I’ve found someone for you to marry.” With the clap of his hands, a tall handsome man appears and bows before them. “This is Tao, and he is an important Prince from China. Please take good care of him.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and his jaw slightly drops.

“But father, I barely know him father! We can’t date!” He shouts out in protest.

“Of course you guys aren’t going to date. The dinner rehearsals have been preparing you for your engagement announcement this week. I skipped the dating stage and went straight to marriage.” Suho chuckled and motioned for Tao to come over. “His father is friends of King Wu Fan, so you better take good care of him.” Suho stood up and left them both alone.

Kyungsoo turned his back to Tao and bit his lips. No, I cannot marry him. Jongin is the only one for me.

“Um, excuse me Kyungsoo-shi, but since we’re alone, can I ask you a question?” Tao meekly said. Kyungsoo turned around and glared at him.

“Fine, go ahead.”

“Can I eat the fruits on the tables?” Tao gave him a sweet smile and pointed to the food. Kyungsoo’s pretend hard exterior broke and he pouted.

“Yes, go ahead.”



Jongin arrived late and bumped into Jongdae before entering his room. “Yah, where have you been?” He asked. Jongin flashed him a smile and high of his rendezvous with Kyungsoo, told Jongdae what happened that day.

“Jongin, you know that he’s human right? And that this relationship will never work.”

Jongin nodded. “But I-I just love him. I love him a lot.”

He smiled and casually said, “I can help you with that problem. Come with me, I’ll give you something amazing.”


They enter Jongdae’s room, it was dark as Jongin followed close behind. “Ahh, here it is.” Jongdae pulls out a small purple vial and hands it over to Jongin. “This is one of my master pieces, it is a potion, a potion that will give you legs,” He motions to Jongin’s tail. “And it will give you the chance to marry your prince charming.”

Jongin holds it tightly in his hands. “The only drawback is that you will have no voice to speak to him and when you drink this, it will feel as if a sword is being passed through you and that every time you dance, it will feel as if you’re dancing on sharp swords.” He chuckled. “And you must marry him before anyone else does and kiss him so that you will remain human forever and you then, will finally be able to speak to him. Otherwise, if he marries someone else, you will turn into foam.”

He looks at Jongdae and hesitates before speaking, “And what if I want to return back to a merman?”

Jongdae laughs, “Then, you will have to kill the prince and let his blood drip onto your feet.”

Jongin pauses and then opens the vial. For Kyungsoo, my love. He tips back the potion and swallows it in one gulp. Immediately his chest feels the pain of a sword being slowly ed into him and excruciatingly pulled out. He clutches his chest, surprised to see that there is no blood. The pain spreads to his head and Jongin passes out.





Kungsoo stays with Tao and waits for him to finish eating all of the fruits. “Yah- I think that’s enough for tonight.” He mutters and half drags Tao from the table. “Where is your assigned room?”

Tao laughs, “I actually don’t know.” Kyungsoo rubs the temple of his forehead and brings Tao upstairs into his room. “You can stay here for the night.”

Kyungsoo was about to leave when Tao says, “I’m hungry, can you cook me something?” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. I can’t leave him hungry, even though he ate the whole fruit table…

“Fine, but after this I’m going to bed.”

An hour later, Kyungsoo ends up falling asleep on the couch and Tao picks him up and gently lays him on the bed. “Goodnight.” He mumbles and also drifts off to sleep next to him. 

Word Count: 2,853

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almost done ! sorry for the wait!


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Chapter 4: what the way to ruin my happiness jk jk it was amazing
foyezza91 #4
Chapter 4: Ahh whyyyyy!!!!!!! Someone give kyungie a potion to bring him back to live!!!!!!! Here the potion! Oh thank you.(pour it in kyungie mouth)there you go,welcome back to live kyungie!!!!this is a diving attire so you can swim with jongin in the ocean without one of you changing or something.jongin and kyungsoo live happily ever after.the end of this nonsence.(i just can't!)
ok literally, i was ok for the first 3 and a half parts, but i immediately started crying on the fifth to last paragraph AHHHHHHH!!! WTFFFF
ThreeBlackPearl #6
Chapter 4: Ouch. My heart now hurts even more because of this. Thank you for this pain. *criesss*
Chapter 4: omo. i'm crying.... ; ~ ; author-nim hug me ; ~ ;
Chapter 4: and i thought it would be happily ever after for them,, and i dont really like angst, but it's just so beautiful i cant stop read T___T
poor jongin,, oh my..... T___T
Chapter 4: omg... I'm crying so hard.... author-nim.... omo.... <3
trinitivox44 #10
Chapter 4: Omo!!!!! It's a great fic, but why would it be like that T_T Poor.. Jonginnie .... :