

Wu Yifan reflects on the time he met Tao in the most unusual place sorrounded by the most unusual people - on an abandoned dock,sorrounded by degrading youth. Meeting was just the beginning of unexpected series of events. Kris rewinds it all till the beginning,till the very last detail and let's the memories play observing all the good and bad in the film of his memories

Genre:Angst,slice of life,slight!humor

Authors notes:

!}The pace will be somewhat slow and at the beginning it will have little to no angst.Only later on it will be brought out as the plot progresses

!}The whole story will be written from Kris' point of view




I'd never think something like this could happen to me,but it did. I wonder where had it all began and where had each emotion that I tried to push away set it's roots. Such a fool i was trying to deny my feelings and emotions,but in the end i wasn't the only one who had tried to do that - that makes two fools instead of a single one. A shy timid boy that somewhat would remind the passing by souls of a panda and an anti-social boy who smoked cigarettes like a child would eat candy. How did we end up with the deliquent gang that at times seemed to swallow us up in all it's horrible games? How did we end up becoming friends with those people who we had nothing in common with except the dock we lay our steps on?How come somethings couldn't have been saved despite our attempts? So many questions..Questions without answers make me angry. I want to understand it all. I want to find all the answers hidden by rewinding and rewatching it all again to see the things for what they were even if all I can do is just rewatch the rewinded film instead of changing the flow.

The first chapter will be out most likely tomorrow


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dolcehk21 #2
;A; Thank you for updating this. I was really curious as to what this story would be like and how it would be written, glad to find it was better than I thought!!! Thank you for writing this.

Is Tao a druggie or something??? ;A; Seems like they're involved in some deep stuff. I wonder why Lay would involve Kris.