Moment 2: Friendship

Tiny Moments, Precious Memories

Hey, guys! LOL I've decided to with their ages a bit. Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae will all be in their early twenties and working and living alone, while Jongup and Zelo will be high school seniors. Just because I felt like it ^^


After a long day's work on Friday, Yongguk invited his friends over. Himchan would be delighted. They haven't had any company yet so far.

At five o' clock, Daehyun and Youngjae arrived first. It didn't make any sense to Yongguk how they still had so much to talk to him about, considering they all worked in the same office -- just on different floors -- and hung out whenever they could after work.

They came in with their usual noisy bang, talking loudly and admiring the spacious rooms and decent furniture. Youngjae was a smartass, adventurous, big-mouthed, but kind-hearted man. His boyfriend, Daehyun, appeared to be quiet and shy on the outside, but in reality he was a tough boy who sure knew how to swear if the situation called for it. So those two were basically perfect for each other.

"You guys want a drink?" Yongguk asked, grabbing two beers from the fridge and tossing it to them. They both caught it expertly and sat down on the couch.

"I'm telling you, man, when we get our apartment set up, it's gonna look as gorgous as this one does," Youngjae bragged. Yongguk snorted and took a swig from his bottle. "Yeahh, right. Keep thinking that." Himchan was the one who designed the layout of all the furniture in the place, and in Yongguk's opinion it couldn't look better.

"Nice view," Daehyun added, pointing to the large windows. "I bet it lets in lots of light."

"Yeah, it does. We barely ever turn on the lights in the daytime."

The conversation soon turned to work. Despite being in the same job, the company was very large, and each floor was a different work, with a different boss to manage it. So, in a way, they basically had separate jobs with different work dramas and different problems.

Currently, Youngjae's problem was his issue with his new promotion, and Daehyun's problem was all because of his pretty little face.

"....and she keeps asking me if I want to go out for drinks with her! Sooner or later, I'm just going to go out and tell her 'I'm gay, !'" Daehyun scoffed. "Honestly, you'd think the picture of me and Youngjae in my cubicle would give her enough hints."

"You keep a picture of me in the office? Awww." Youngjae pretended to blush and Yongguk snorted. "Thank god I don't have that problem."

"Why not? I think you're pretty handsome, hyung," Daehyun added with a slight smirk on his pretty-boy face.

"Of course I am, dip. But everyone at work already knows I'm gay."

"You told them?" Youngjae's eyes grew wide.

"Didn't need to. Himchan pops in every now and then during lunch breaks. And you know how he is with skinship." Yongguk chuckled at the memory. He was already dating Himchan, and had just gotten a new job on the third floor. All the girls stared longingly at him and seemed to be making bets on who should make the first move. All their dreams were shattered into nonexistent pieces when Himchan walked in holding a bagel and coffee for him, and kissed him right on the cheek as though it was the most natural thing.

"Lucky," Youngjae grumbled. "I want to put up pictures of Daehyun too, but my new boss is a ing homophobe and I can't lose my position now, I just reached the sixth floor."

", man," Yongguk said in sympathy, and Daehyun patted his lover's knee. It was hard to be openly gay in South Korea. Yongguk was lucky that he was manly and intimidating enough, gay or not, to have people respect him at his workplace. Daehyun and Himchan, who were both openly gay and didn't give a rat's about others, could pull it off since they had pretty faces and good co-workers.

The door opened, and Himchan appeared, followed by Jongup and Zelo. Himchan tossed the keys onto the side table and sat next to Yongguk, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry I'm late. The second I got off work, I went to go pick up Jongup and Junhong."

"For the last time, it's ZELO, hyung!" Zelo ruffled his pink hair -- the kid was going through a 'phase' -- and pouted cutely at the man, who just laughed.

"You guys at the legal drinking age yet? I forgot," Yongguk teased as they sat down. Jongup was a shy, quiet boy who always went along with everyone else, while Zelo was hyperactive, cute, and jumpy. Both loved dancing.

Sure, it was probably awkward to see four grown men hanging out with two high school students, but none of them cared. It was hard to find true friends in this world, and for Yongguk, his friends were the idiots he shared a job with, and two cute little high schoolers. Although Zelo was taller than him, something he didn't like at all.

If Yongguk had to pity any of his friends, it would be Jongup and Zelo. Being a homoual was one thing, but being homoual in school was torture. Yongguk sailed through high school safely enough, since he didn't realize he was gay until his boyfriend appeared in his life, but he wondered about the openly gay boys like Himchan and Daehyun. He never had the courage to ask what their school life was like.

These days, Jongup and Zelo could only pretend to be close friends at school, waiting for their senior year to finish so they could get out and get into college or start working. However, once they were safely out of school and hanging with them, they could be as affectionate as they liked.

Zelo curled up close to Jongup and mewled like a happy cat. Jongup smiled and his hand. Yongguk couldn't help but smile at the two boys.

"Your exams should be coming up soon, right?" Youngjae added. "It'll all be over soon."

"I hope so," Jongup said with a sigh. "I wanna work in the same company as you hyungs."

Yongguk snorted. "Don't bother. It's boring as and the pay's only decent. You're a great dancer, Jonguppie, you should try something in the Arts."

"What about me, hyung?" Zelo said, rocking his body forward and backward in excitement.

"You? Aren't you already planning to be a professional rapper?" Daehyun teased, tossing a chip into his mouth. "You already forced everyone to start calling you Zelo instead of Junhong."

"Zelo sounds cooler," he sulked. Jongup comforted him. "It's very cool, Junhong," he assured him. Zelo smiled. He only allowed Jongup to call him by his real name now.

They the TV and found a random variety show, bursting into laughter at all the stupid antics the contestants were forced to do. They drank a few more beers and bullied Himchan, Zelo, and Jongup relentlessly about not drinking it themselves: the younger ones because they weren't 18 and technically legal yet, and Himchan because Yongguk would rather eat a live lizard than let Himchan go anywhere near an alcoholic beverage.

Finally, they had to leave. Making promises to hang out again tomorrow, they said their goodbyes. Daehyun was driving Youngjae home. Himchan offered to give a ride to the maknae line, but Jongup shook his head and said they could take the bus.

Yongguk and Himchan watched the two couples walking away, before closing the door again.

"It's getting late, Yongguk, we should get to bed." Himchan said. "You've worked so hard, you deserve a little rest. Let's go out for brunch tomorrow, just the two of us, yeah?"

"Sure. No problem, Channie." Yongguk kissed his boyfriend and helped him clean up the empty beer cans and plates of food. "It's nice having them over, huh?"

"Of course. Homes are the best places to throw parties. Remember last time when we went to a restaurant?"

"You mean the one where everyone assumed we were just friends until we started kissing?" Yongguk snickered. "I thought you didn't care if people stare or not."

"I don't," Himchan gave him a cute pout. "But it makes me mad when they stare at my boyfriend all weirdly."

Yongguk laughed and kissed him, his cheek.

In all his life, the closest friends he had were four other gay men, and his very own boyfriend, Kim Himchan. Despite the suffocating pressure of disapproving society around them, they were openly affectionate and didn't give a ing fish what others thought about them and their ual orientation.

Because, in Yongguk's opinion, they could all go and kiss his . Or just look away if seeing two men kiss makes them uncomfortable.

Being with his friends was a tiny little moment in his life, but it carried some of the best of his memories.

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Chapter 3: Poor Goyangee... poor Himchannie... TT_____TT

Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have the cat that got hit be a random other cat with a white ribbon around its neck? PLEASE? I don't like seeing/reading about Himchan being so sad....
Kacichan #3
Chapter 3: This was so sad. I have never had a pet but it still hurts me.
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: awwwww.....
i know how himchan felt..when you have to witnessed your cat being hit by a car....sobs why that cat have to die T______T
seenevermore6 #8
Chapter 3: I felt the same way about my dog when he died. I never really liked him, but seeing him dead, I couldn't hold back tears. Omo... poor Goyangee. Poor Himchan and Yongukkie too.