Moment 1: Himchan is Banned From the Kitchen

Tiny Moments, Precious Memories

The first thing Yongguk learned about loving Kim Himchan is to never let that man near a kitchen. Ever.

"Yongguk! It's not cooking properly! It keeps sticking! Yong-GUK!!!"

With a heavy sigh, Yongguk put down his movie catalogue (he had been staring longingly at the long list of war movies for several minutes) and went to the kitchen to save his boyfriend from burning the apartment down.

Kim Himchan was the last person Yongguk ever thought he would fall in love with. Sure, he was pretty -- Yongguk would never deny that -- with his sparkling eyes and that small waist and his cute little smile; but he was also flamboyant, obnoxious, childish, whiny, over-emotional, bad with liquor, and in general a total idiot.

Actually, Yongguk didn't even know he WAS gay until he met the man six months ago -- and even then, he assumed that his ideal partner would be a man as stoic and manly as himself (he wasn't going to be humble about it), one who could watch war movies as eagerly as he could, who could down three bottles of soju without getting hammered, and who could generally be independent and strong.

But here they were, dating for six months already and finally moving in together in a small but comfortable apartment. That is, if they could ever last through the night before Himchan destroys something important, such as their miniscule food supply.

"Himchan, you can't just cook it straight off the bat like that," Yongguk attempted to explain to Himchan, trying his best to control the irritation that was flaring up inside of him. He told him time and time again to just NOT COOK. Nevertheless, Himchan was so excited over the fact that they were moving in together, and Yongguk couldn't bear to burst that bubble. "You have to add some olive oil first, so it won't stick. See?"

"Ohhh!" Himchan's eyes widened. "No wonder!"

Yongguk fought the temptation to roll his eyes at his lover. Instead, he just handed him the bottle and returned to the living room, picking up the magazine again. In seconds, his eyes glazed over as he began to daydream of owning all those war movies. Every single one.

Of course, Himchan would never let him. He was a pacifist through and through, and hated war or fighting of any kind. Yongguk tried to get him to watch an American war movie with him before, and Himchan burst into tears at the first gunshot. So Yongguk was forced to watch his movies in secret on his laptop, headphones placed firmly in his ears.

Of course, then Himchan would get suspicious at all his secrecy and think he was watching or something, and that just sparked a whole new fire. But that wasn't important.

It wasn't too long before Himchan's frantic voice was calling to Yongguk again. "Yongguk! Am I supposed to put soy sauce in kimchi?! Yongguk!"

Yongguk tossed his magazine aside impatiently and stomped into the kitchen. "No, Himchan. Soy sauce does NOT go with kimchi." In his opinion, soy sauce was good only for sushi, and nothing else. With a good bit of wasabi mixed in of course. Yongguk loved a challenge, and one of the challenges he often did with his friends -- mainly Youngjae and Jongup, because the others were too chicken to do it -- was to see who could eat the most wasabi without throwing up.

"Eh?" Himchan's ulzzang face pouted in confusion. "I thought kimchi always had soy sauce in it......"

"It doesn't, Himchan." Yongguk's voice came out a bit clipped due to his annoyance, but Himchan didn't notice. "Am I done here?"

"Yup, no problem!" Himchan beamed at him. "Don't worry, I'll cook really good kimchi stew!"

"I'm sure," Yongguk couldn't keep the sarcastic tone out of his voice, but luckily Himchan was preoccupied with something that started to spill smoke out on the stove, and turned away.

Yongguk returned to his war fantasies on the couch. When he was younger, he went to military school and dreamt of being a famous leader in the army -- perhaps THAT sparked his lifelong interest in blood and explosions. After that was over, he returned to normal life and became a simple office worker. Sure, it was plenty boring sometimes -- actually, all of the time -- but it was there that he met his friends, and it led to meeting his boyfriend. So he wouldn't trade it for anything, even the army.

A strange smell was starting to crawl up Yongguk's sense. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the thick, smoky smell of something burnt. What the flipping hell was Himchan doing in there?

Irritation was slowly eating him alive inside out. He hated it when good food was ruined, and he hated that his boyfriend just wouldn't LISTEN to him when he told him to just order pizza. For once, why couldn't Himchan just LISTEN?

"Yongguk!! Something happened to the rice! Yongguk!! Yongguk!!"

Yongguk snapped. He saw red. Flinging the magazine halfway across the room, he strode into the kitchen -- which still had the acrid smell of burning food in there -- and bellowed out;


Himchan, who had been busy over the stove, froze. He stared at Yongguk.


There was a long silence where Yongguk breathed heavily, his hands clenched into fists.

Himchan looked down onto the ground. "I'm.....sorry......Yongguk....." He whispered, his eyes filling with tears.

Almost instantly, Yongguk's anger flared down to be replaced with concern and shame. He hated it when Himchan cried.

However, this time he forced himself to stay angry. In every single fight they've had -- even minor ones concerning the mysterious disappearance of television remotes -- Yongguk always gave way for Himchan, especially if the younger man was close to crying.

But not this time. Yongguk was a man. He was going to stand his ground, tears or not.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" He snapped, trying to ignore the tight pinching feeling in his chest when a tear slid down Himchan's smooth cheek.

"I just.....wanted to....make our first meal in this house......" He whispered.

Yongguk didn't know how to respond to that, so he did the next best thing -- he walked away.

He furiously threw himself onto the couch and flipped on the television. He wasn't really watching it, more like using the volume to drown out Himchan's heart-wrenching little sniffles and hiccups as he cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.

By the time night fell, Yongguk still wasn't talking to Himchan, who was spending a ridiculous amount of time in the kitchen or the bedroom and avoiding the living room. Instead of feeling satisfied, Yongguk felt sickened with himself.

Finally, at nine o' clock, he turned off the television and headed towards the bedroom. Himchan wasn't in there, which was good. Yongguk couldn't face him now, when he felt so guilty. So he showered and dressed himself into his loose sweatpants and ratty old wife beater. He wasn't sure what to do when he and Himchan slept in the same bed. What could he say?

Himchan made the desicion for him. The door to the bedroom opened slowly, and even though Yongguk's back was to him as he pretended to sleep, he knew it was Himchan. Of course.

Himchan shuffled towards him, and Yongguk braced himself for whatever Himchan was about to do. Scream? Cry? Yell? Get angry? What?

Instead, he was shocked to feel lips against his cheek. "Goodnight, Yongguk," came Himchan's voice sadly, hoarse from all the crying.

And then he left, to go sleep on the couch.

Yongguk sat straight up, his heart pounding in his chest. He could hear Himchan's muffled sobs and sniffles coming from the living room.

"Ah, !" He groaned, tossing the blanket aside and jumping out of bed. He ran as fast as he could to the living room, nearly ripping the bedroom door off its hinges when he wrenched it open.

"Himchan!" He called out desperately. "Himchan!"

He saw the younger man huddled up on the couch, knees pressed up to his chest and staring blankly into the dark room. He felt his heart break.

Himchan looked up and hiccuped. "Y-Yongguk?"

In three strides Yongguk had crossed the living room and grabbed Himchan into a tight hug. "Oh, god, I'm so sorry, Himchan. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I should have been more patient. I'm sorry, please don't cry, please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yongguk felt that he couldn't forgive himself, no matter how many times he apologized.

"Y-Yongguk...." Himchan started to say, but Yongguk shushed him. "No, don't. Please. Just forgive me." He made small circles with his palm on Himchan's back, the other hand in his hair and pulling him close.

"Y-Yongguk.....of course I forgive y-you....." Himchan hiccuped and wiped away his tears, giving Yongguk a small smile. "It was m-my fault because I didn't l-listen to you. I just w-wanted our first meal h-here to be s-special."

"Don't say it was your fault. It's not, okay? Nothing was." Yongguk wiped away the tear tracks on his face and softly kissed him. "And it was special, in a way. I can't believe what an I am. You were prepared to sleep on the couch."

"It's a-alright." Himchan hiccuped loudly at the end of the sentence and turned red, making Yongguk laugh and his face at the cuteness.

"Come on, let's go to bed, okay?" He picked up Himchan bridal style, making the man squeak and blush even more. He clung to Yongguk's shoulders as he led him into the bedroom, carefully placing Himchan into the bed and crawling in after him, pulling the blanket over them both.

Himchan snuggled closer to Yongguk, who automatically wrapped his arms around him. He sighed softly in contentment.

Right before Yongguk was about to fall asleep, Himchan's voice broke into the silence. "Yongguk?"


Silence. Then, "I love you."

Smiling to himself, Yongguk kissed the top of his head. "I love you too, Channie."


Bang Yongguk's first day living with his boyfriend Kim Himchan was a total disaster.

Himchan is obnoxious, stubborn, childish, over-emotional, and clueless to the fact that he has no culinary skills whatsoever.

Yongguk felt like the luckiest man on earth.

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Chapter 3: Poor Goyangee... poor Himchannie... TT_____TT

Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have the cat that got hit be a random other cat with a white ribbon around its neck? PLEASE? I don't like seeing/reading about Himchan being so sad....
Kacichan #3
Chapter 3: This was so sad. I have never had a pet but it still hurts me.
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: poor kitty ;_________; /sobs sobs/
Chapter 3: awwwww.....
i know how himchan felt..when you have to witnessed your cat being hit by a car....sobs why that cat have to die T______T
seenevermore6 #8
Chapter 3: I felt the same way about my dog when he died. I never really liked him, but seeing him dead, I couldn't hold back tears. Omo... poor Goyangee. Poor Himchan and Yongukkie too.