Smack Down

The Popular Project


"Joon! Good to see you again!" he says with a bright smile. What is he doing? I look up at Zelo questioningly. He just smiles at me like it was the most natural thing in the world.

I look over to Miri and Jay who are also smiling. Joon's devilish smile fades as he hears Zelo's words. Now I understand.

If I know one thing about Joon, it's that he is a er for Zelo. 

"Care to join us Joon?" I ask sweetly. A smile plays on his lips as he starts for us. Sunny cathes him by the collar of his shirt. 

She shakes her head "No he doesn't." she says looking towards us.

She looks back at Joon. "I brought you here, and I can throw you right out. If you want to stay here, you're going to have to listen. Got it?" He nods as he looks down at the floor. 

My eyes wander from Sunny to the hooded figure walking towards her. He wraps an arm around her waist and throws back his hood.

Woo Young flashes his blindingly white teeth towards us. "Why are you guys occupying our tree?" he says putting emphisis on the our. 

"Does it have your name on it?" Jay says challenging him. Woo Young laughs, "Just move, elf."

Jay's fists ball up. Woo Young laughs in disbelief, "You're still here? Why don't you just take that half-breed girlfriend of yours and leave?"

Jay stands up and punches him in the face, causing him to fall over. "Half-breed girlfriend my ! You say something like that again, you will wake up in the hospital with no balls! You got that!?" He yells while dusting his hands off.

Woo Young smirks as he wipes the blood off of his mouth. He stands up and takes a swing at Jay, but misses. Jay ducks under Woo Young's next swing, and trips him. 

"Wow, you really can't fight can you?" He says while raising his fist to punch him again. Miri catches Jay's arm, "I think that's enough..." she says while looking at the floor. 

He nods then takes her hand. "Hey Zelo, I think we are gonna go. I'm to tired to deal with this piece of crap." He says looking over his shoulder and pointing to Woo Young. 

Zelo nods and stands up. I take his out reaching hand, and pull myself up. 

"You just had to ruin our fun didn't you? Well your going to have to think of something better, because this" he says while drawing a circle around Woo Young and Joon, "Isn't affecting us." he says while sliding his hand into mine.

We walk in the opposite direction of a shocked Sunny and head towards the main street. A small drop of what could only be water, lands on my head.

It's raining. "Rain?" Zelo whispers. He pulls me under the roof of a coffee shop. 

"Since were here, wanna go in?" he asks with a smile. I nod hapily as he pulls me inside. 

He pulls out a chair for me, "I'll order for us." he says with another one of his contageous smiles. 

He comes back with a warm cup of coffee. The cream is formed in the shape of a heart. I smile, touched by his gesture. 

The song Raining by F.T. Island comes on. 

"Well that's not ironic." Zelo says sarcastically. 

"I love this song." I say with a smile. I unconsciously start to sing along. 

"Wait. You know how to speak Japanese?" he asks curiously. I shake my head.

"No, it's just that Mirichan used to sing it a lot. I was her director and camera man. We were making a music video." I say, remembering the younger times when we didn't fully "know" what love was. 

I take a sip of my coffee, Vanilla. How did he know? I smile warmly enjoying the taste. 

"That's seriously not attractive,"  he says laughing, "I mean, Iv'e seen this in dramas before but I really didn't think girls did this kind of thing." 

He continues laughing, as I set down my cup. "What?" I ask confused. 

"Hold on." He says while reaching over the table, having our faces meet. "You have cream on your lip." he says before my upper lip. 

He pulls away and starts to laugh again. I can feel my face heating up. I dip my finger into the cream and brush some onto Zelo's nose. 

We are now both laughing, clearly causing a scene. 


After we finish, we go to my house and curl up in bed with a heavy blanket. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, looking up at Zelo's face. 

"Not really. I kinda just want to lay here. It's nice not having to deal with Sunny. Even if it's only for a little while." he says with a sigh. 

I nod. "Hey," Zelo whispers. 

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Come closer." 

"Ah! Zelo! Your feet are freezing!" I say as he bursts into laughter. 

"That's the point!" he giggles. 

I roll over, facing away from Zelo on the far side of the bed. 

He wraps an arm around me.

"I love you."


Sandra (~-_-)~

U know u loved it. 





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Chapter 25: May i ask what performance all those gifs are from where they perform with their birthdays and names on their shirts !
Chapter 27: He's too innocent. Sooooo... NOT A CLUE . =.= asdfghjkl;; this boy x.x
Tinesha #3
Chapter 26: Time for me to re-read the entire Fic because I don't remember anything :( *sigh*
sandiha #4
Chapter 25: oh no, either something happened to jay or or or or or or or. . . . you found out sunny and joon are starting a gang called the pretty rainbow flowers where they go behind people and throw glitter and flowers at them D: omfg im freakin' out
CALAPanda #5
Chapter 25: Either her ex-boyfriend died or something terrible happen to Jay!!
Chapter 25: I. Feel. Like. Something. Happened. To. Jay.
YudaiM #7
Wow, this story sounds like a good one! :D
sandiha #8
Chapter 24: :Oooooo uhhhhhhhh i think i just died xD omfg
Chapter 24: Oh my god ;-;
Chapter 18: This reminds me of the time when my friend was like I'LL DIE IF -insert Korean idol here- HAS A GIRLFRIEND
My Reaction to statements like that is this link: