Chapter 3: Going Home

Fifty Shades of Seunghyun

I keep shaking my head to delete the voice that has been echoing in my mind since that interview.

"Lee Hyemi-sshi, I am asking you now, what do you want if you are my girlfriend?"

I still don't have any ideas, what the hell is wrong with Choi Seunghyun. I mean, if the girl who were sitting there and interviewing were Shin-young, does she will feel that exact memories like me? I hit my face with my bag. Please go away! Please! I don't even know how that question can affecting me this much.

After he asked me that question, I quickly ended the interview. I told him, that I have some appointments after the interview. But he didn't that easy to let me go, he grabbed my blazer from the sofa and accompanied me to the elevator. Even his secretaries starring at us, he even told us to preparing a taxi for me. Sounds better because at first he told me he would drive me home, after I told him that I went there with taxi.

Why he should really that humble and nice to me?

Does he do the same things with others?

I hope so.


"So, how does he looks like?"

First thing that Shin-young said to me once I step into the living room. I throw my body on the coach and the voice, still in my mind. I shake my head really hard to let the voice dissapear.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hyemi-ya?"

"Oh please don't ask me"

I try to gain some energy and walk to the kitchen, open the fridge and grab a bottle of juice. I drink it right away from the bottle. Like being over thirsty after running around Seoul.

"Ya, something gone wrong?"

I shake my head.

"Your friend has gone crazy"

Hyemi suddenly burst in laughing. Like laughing for such a funny things. She holds her stomach and laughing very hard.

"Ya!",she hits the back of my head. "Omg you are just so funny! I know you must be falling in love with him! He is indeed such a hottie baby!"

I just glare at her and give such a, I-don't-give-a--about-what-you-think looks.

"Oh so I am wrong?"

"So much!",with some supressions on my tones. "Now I am going to sleep"

But before I am walking, she grabs my hands and forcing me to tell her the story. I take a deep breathe and cross my finger so the story might find its end after I tell Hyemi about the story.

After Hyemi listens the story, she looks so shock.

"Are you serious?"

I nod my head. "So much"

"He. Asked. That?", asked her with stacatto tones. I nod my head once again. "He is interested in you? That sounds weird"

I glare at her and she smiles too wide and too forcing.

"I don't get what his intention is", I throw my head to behind and close my eyes. Try to make the sound of his voice dissapear from my mind. It feels very hard to forgetting that voice and those words. Girlfriend after a question of his ual orientation. "Maybe he tried to explain that he is straight"

"Or maybe he is really interested in you!"

Oh please Hyemi, please not put me into such a weirdo feeling like this.


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Chapter 3: Please update the story with new chapters! Pretty please~
I have finished reading the trilogy and all that time, I always think that Choi Seunghyun is Christian Grey.... and now...

where are the chapters? hope you'll update soon ;)