Chapter 1: An Interview

Fifty Shades of Seunghyun

The sun shines too brightly today, almost blinding me to be exact. The birds chirping to waking me up. Today must be another great day, before Shin-young broke in to my room and told me--almost shouted exactly---that I should help her to doing an interview with Choi Seunghyun. What? In this early bright and shiny day? She kept smiling and begging to me because she knows very well how much I hate to wake up early and prepare myself to meet an important person like him. Of course, I can't just wearing my converse, white shirt and jeans to meet this guy. I should wear a formal dress with my heels, seems like will doing an interview for a job. But this guy is no joke. I know how much efforts that Shin-young has been put for this interview.

This guy, Choi Seunghyun, is known as the hottest business man in Seoul. Maybe in the world. His father owns almost everything in S. Korea, airplanes company, hotels, restaurants, properties, apartments, telephones and many things that I can't even counting with own two hands. Their family is really no jokes. Despite of their wealth, this Choi clan has the best genes from what I have ever known. They all are completely good looking! Even I can go gay for his older sister but what can I do? She is so much straight LOL

He might be very well known because his smart- brain with his really well predictions about stocks but he also has some under-ground music career. Shin-young explained to me a lot about this guy, take a note that Shin-young liking this guy a lot. Choi Seunghyun has another name, TOP. He is part of BIGBANG, an under-ground group that just hang out with few people. Really elitist. From what I know, they can be spot easily in Gangnam and few clubs that being owned by Yang Hyun-suk at night. Not to be mentioned how elitist BIGBANG is because BIGBANG is also part of YG fam, a group that really being appreciated among clubbers. Too hard to explain how great BIGBANG is, because they wont performing right away in your party if you aren't high-class enough.

Shin-young once mentioned, that Choi Seunghyun doesn't have any girlfriends. Surprise? At first I was. But Shin-young told me, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any girls. He is also known to be a guy that often sleeps around with any girls. Too many rumours about this too. I heard a lot about it. Choi Seunghyun will sleep with you, if he wants to. This guy is such a bastard.

Enough for an explanation about this guy. This guy has such a completely complicated life. Not easy to understand this in a minute.

So here I am now, waiting in front of Choi Seunghyun's secretaries' desks. He has so many secretaries. The women whose sitting behind the desks are just so beautiful, they have slender bodies, wearing pencil skirts with two buttons that ed. I even see some of their cleavages. Choi Seunghyun's junior must be so much happy to seeing these views. I admit, I feel very nervous now, not only because I meet this hot guy. But because I feel like I pick wrong dress for today's interview, I wear something that very simple. I am wearing a white shirt, with dark blazer and pencil skirt that having similiar colour like my blazer and black stiletto. Even I am just pulling my hair up, not doing my hair like these women. How poor my fashion sense is! Shin-young kept convincing me that I look great, so I still can agree to go and do this interview? Great baby! So I didn't change what I wear and now I feel like going to bury myself.

One of the secretaries finally called my name and telling me to enter Choi Seunghyun's room. I take a deep breathe before finally entering his room. The huge dark-wood door separating the crowded secretaries room with such a beautiful and well-decorated office room of Choi Seunghyun. You can see not much things in the room but everything seems like well designed there. He is a simple person, I thought. I don't see much decorations and the room seems very calming.

The huge window with such a beautiful views of Seoul. The white wall with some black-and-white photos hanging in one of the wall. The furnitures looks latest, really having a taste of design. Choi Seunghyun standing in front of the window, facing the city of Seoul by putting his hands inside of the pocket of his pants. His hair is black and short, clean cut. He is wearing a blue stripes shirt with grey pants. This guy is so hot from back-side, I wonder how awesome his front-looks will be. Once his secretary calls his name, he turns and...

My world finally meets its end.

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Chapter 3: Please update the story with new chapters! Pretty please~
I have finished reading the trilogy and all that time, I always think that Choi Seunghyun is Christian Grey.... and now...

where are the chapters? hope you'll update soon ;)