Someone To Rely On.


No matter how often a sibling quarreled, in the end they will show their love for each other as if nothing happened.






When your closest friends are turning their backs on you,

When your loved ones left you,

When you feel like the universe is starting to hate you,

Remember that you always have someone to rely on.









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blueroses #1
@nizzyool You're welcome, I'm glad you read this ^^
@OnASnowyDay thank you very much :D
nizzyool #2
oh, I miss this kind of siblings story! thanks for sharing one :)
That was cute! :)
blueroses #4
@baekyeonkeyberlove unfortunately I don't ship them as a couple and I think I'll never be able to imagine them as a couple, sorry :| but thank you very much for liking this story ^^
baekyeonkeyberlove #5
I think they are will be a couple's. Make them be a couple,in your next exotaeng story, maybe. but, i like this story. :D