Chapter 3 TRUE UPDATE!!!!!

Wanted: Mr. Dream Guy's Personal Maid

Author's POV

After that incident you lost your job, the only job you'd have. So you got home early but, thankfully you can still be able to have a job. For you applied on many agencies, you only have to do is just wait for their call if they already has an available for you.


You woke up in the morning with a hope that there's one of the agency will call you this day and telling you a good news.

"Unnie, your phone!" mi Eun called out in the bedroom.

"Can you please bring my phone in here 'cuz I'm not yet done and I can't leave it in here."

Then Mi Eun handed you the phone but, as you look at the screen it was only a number. So you'd thought that it's the call you've waited for but, it's not. It was only a wrong number.

"What's with the call?" your younger sister asked.

"Nothing, just a wrong number." then the excitement that built in you was faded slowly.

"Take a bath and I'll finished this so we can both eat already." You added.

While you were eating you had a call again from the unknown number again but, this time it is the one you've really waited for. It was a call form one of the agency. Finally  a good news and you hurriedly grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, written down all those information that the person on the other line was telling you.

Song Eun's POV

I'm really excited and I'd jumped so high for so many times because of happiness. I also didn't notice too what I was written on the paper it was "WOO RESIDENCE".

Author's POV



Kevin was in his room waiting for your arrival which is he had no clue just like you that the both of you are going to meet again. While he was waiting one of the old maids came and knocks on his room.

"The new maid is waiting downstairs, what do you want me to do?" The old lady asked.

"Send her in my room, please."

"Yes, young master."

"Thank you!"

The old lady came and guided you to Kevin's room and tells you to get in.

"The young master is waiting inside." 

"Thank you!" You said and take a bow.

You started to feel nervous and before you could knock you take a breath first just to make yourself calm. As you knock the man inside it tells you to came in and when you got in you were amazed on what you sees in there. It was a huge bedroom and you were still on your gazed on every corner of the room when a man suddenly speak and asked you.

"You're the agencies send to me to be my personal maid, right?"

"Ne!" Then you bow to show a respect on your boss and after it your eyes got widen.

"You!"  Both of you said in unison and pointing a finger on each other.


Sorry!! For the late update!!!


Hope all of you liked it!!


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theeiphyu97 #1
Chapter 6: I'll be waiting :) fighting! author-nim~~today's Kevin's birthday :) #23rdKEVINday
theeiphyu97 #2
Chapter 5: Awesome story!
Kevin is so mean! But still looks cute....
I love it <3
Pls continue the story~~~
Chapter 4: Lol I can't imagined kevin being mean...
HeXm1_Park #4
Chapter 4: Freaking Kevin =__=
Chapter 4: :O KEVIN! THATS SO TERRIBLE! ㅠㅠ aigoo! Update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Kevin . *sigh* Soohyun ! Punish him ! Update soon , authornim , ^^
Chapter 4: He really want to regret what she did~!!

So cute.........

Please update
Chapter 3: they meet again!!!!!!!!!

please update
Chapter 3: Kevin Woo Sunghyun ! Why are you sooooooooo evil !? Update soon , authornim ! =)