What Difference?




Mi Young paced around her room, muttering to herself, she would head towards her doom her hand would reach for the the door handle only to pulls back again. It's been a whole week and she still hasn't told Jaejoong her feeling for him. She was stuck. She feared the embrassment she would have when she confeesing to him. Her face would turn red, she wouldn't be able to talk, her breathe would become uneven and her heart would feel like it was about to explode. She finally gathered her courage, she stumbled out of her door just to walk right inot the person she been avoiding for the whole month.

He gave her a weak smile, he looked diffrent, more tired, thinner...sad.

"Jae-" Mi Young spoke, only to be cut off by the cold slam of his door that echoed in her ears. This wasn't going to work, she needed help.


Mi Young pushed passed poeple eyes scaning her surroundings. Her eyes lit up when she saw the person she was looking for the whole afternoon.

"Jessica!" Mi Young called making the blonde girl to turn her head towards her. Jessica smiled and waved to her new friend she got up from her seat and headed towards Mi Young.

"What's up" Jessica greeted her new friend

"I need your help" Mi Young watched Jessica raise her eyebrows

"With what?...Don't tell me. JaeJoong?" Jessica watched Mi Young nod. Jessica sighed, she knew Mi Young wouldn't be able to confess to JaeJoong by herself she was new to these kind of feeeling she never felt loved for a while, so there was no way she would be ablr to confess her feelings to someone so quickly.

"Listen, just be confident. Try taking him to  a place where it willl be just you two and confess your feeling for him there."

"I can't. I can't even talk to him right now." Mi Young felt pathetic, the way she was acting, it wasn't like her it seem liked someone eles. She nevered asked anyone for help before. She like to work alone therefore no one can disagree with the way she does things.

"Come on let's go" Jessica said pulling Mi young into her car

"Where are we going?" mi Young asked

"Somewhere where I can make you beautiful. Whether you like it or not you're confessing today"


"No but's. You're doing today. It's not good to keep your feeling to yourself. Look at Jaejoong, have you seen what he looks like? He looks horrible, it's because of you" 

Jessica was right JaeJoong looked horrible because she kept avoiding him, refusing his feelings, she made him that way. Today she make up to him, by confessing.

Jessica pulled Mi Young into a shop that was full of dresses. Mi Young jaw dropped.

"Jessica I don't need to wear a dress you know."

"You're wearing a dress. Today you have to look beautiful so Jaejoong won't changed his mind." Jessica said looking at the dresses that were in every direction you looked.

"How about this one?" Jessica held up a dress for Mi Young

"Too short."

"This one?"

"Too long."

"This one?"

"Too revealing."

"This one?"

"Hmm... I don't like the colour"

"Yah!" Jessica snapped causing Mi Young to flinch slightly "You're confessing today not a week later. So go and pick a dress. Now!" Jessica ordered. Mi Young listened and followed her instructions. She looked around, dresses weren't really the types of clothes she would wear she wasn't the girly types that loved pink or...dresses.

Mi young stopped her head turned towards the dress that caught her eye. It this or nothing she thought.

"Jessica what about this one?" Mi Young showed the dress to Jessica causing Jessica to smile

"Let's go and get some shoes and get your hair done."

Both if them waled around finding shoes was easier and getting Mi young hair done was the most simple job to do. Mi Yougn stared at her reflection, it didn't look like her.

"JaeJoong is going to love this."

"Isn't this a bit too much?" Mi Young asked "I'm just confessing to him not going to a ball"

"Oh trust me it will be more than just confessing to him."

"What do you mean?"

"My house, we're having a party I invited everyone."

"What!" Mi Young screamed causing a few people to turn their heads.

"Don't worry just confess to him." Jessica said


Mi Young entered the house it already full of prople from school, music ponding, noise from everyone, sweaty boides grinding against each other. It was the type of places that Mi Young hated the most.

"Go look for him" Jessica shouted into Mi Young ears over the music.

Mi Young nodded and went into the sea of people, as she pushed past people she feel their eyes boring into her. She wrapped her arms around herself, regreting the choice she made. Mi young felt sick there was too many people and the loud music didn't help either.

She headed out the house into the garden, into the cold, she felt the cold night breeze wrap around the exposed legs and arms.

"Wow... You look beautiful." Mi Young head spun aroung to the voice she longed for. It was him the guy was in love with.

"Thanks" Mi Young whispered barely audible. She looked at Jaejoong he was wearing a balck suit and didn't look bad himself.

"It's been a while, even though we live in the same house" Jaejoong said making his way to sit next to her.


"Cold?" Jaejoong asked, his voice sending chills down Mi Young spine. Before she could reply she felt his jacket around. His scent welcomed itself into her nose and his warmth around her body.

Mi young knew she had to confess but she had no idea how to. Her mind was blank she could hear her heart pounding against her chest, her palms felt moist, eyes that wouldn't dare to look at him.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I like you-No I think I'm in love with you" Jaejoong confessed. He wanted to get over with even if she would reject him he had to tell her. It was silent, the music from the house was the only thing they heard.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way" Jaejoong said running his and through his hair


"No don't feel sorry"

"No I-"

"Don't worry you don't have to move out"


"We still can be friends"


"I-" Jaejoong stopped as he felt her soft lips make contact with his. She slowly pulled away, her face tinted with the colour pink.

"I like you too" She told him.

When you're in love it doesn't matter whether you're rich, poor. It doens't matter if you have different past, if you have diferent background, different culture, language. Because being happy doesn't mean everything has to be perfect. Being in love doesn't mean you have have the same views in life. It means that you're willing to looks past the imperfections.There is no diference between two people who love each other.




This is the last chapter T^T sorry if this chapter is rubbish but I didn't know how to end it 

I would like to thank every subsciber, I Love You guy without you I really would have never finished this story

And I know I'm a horrible author for updating all the time but I would like to thanks you for waiting for me

Thanks to every Subscriber thanks for all the comments. Thank you everyone who read this story

I Love You Guys <3




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simranmomin #1
Chapter 17: Ohhh wow, this story is the replica of the Taiwanese drama Autumn's Concerto! Hmm, pretty cool!
PoingPoing #2
AHHHHHH super love it
Chapter 34: awww love this story! =))
Loved the storyyy
omg i love this story <3
so sweet and and and *speechless*
gosh, i just love this story!

but one thing that you need to practice is on grammar C:
bcs sometimes i need to read 2x to know what you meant by, kkk.
awwww love it so much!!!
so sweet! <3
gosh! FINALLY! :D
maivaj90 #8
L<3 ve this story...
awwwww how sweet and cute!!!
sica is being nice?!