New Home


Mi Young and Jaejoong sat in the back of the car, silent. Kwon watched the two in back, especially Mi Young who he has never seen before and was not like any of the girls that stuck around Jaejoong.  

Jaejoong kept his eyes on Mi Young, who was looking out the window, trying to think of something to say. But he couldn’t think of anything since he was still angry about what her uncle did and how aunt threw her away in a couple of seconds even though they have known each much more than that.

Mi Young kept her mind occupied with the passing cars and trees and people on the street. She saw how peaceful everything was, how the sky was dark with a glowing moon, how the buildings signs lit up the dark city. Why was it only her who had the worst day of her life, why was it only her who was hurt. Tears threatened to fall again so Mi Young tried not to think about it anymore.  

The car pulled up to a big house, Mi young stared at it how nice it looked compared to hers she couldn’t believed she would being living in a house like this, she has never even dreamt to live in a house like.



“Were here” Jaejoong said quietly as the car stopped

Mi Young turned to look at Jaejoong, who was looking with serious face in his eyes she could see he was concerned.

“Thanks for letting me stay here” Mi Young whispered and got out car. Jaejoong smiled to himself and got out as well.

Inside the house filled with paintings and different ornaments and different pictures of the family and awards that Jaejoong had won. Mi Young carefully entered the house she looked at everything around her.

“I’ll show you to your room” Jaejoong said behind Mi Young.

Mi Young followed Jaejoong up the stairs and watched him open the door to her new room. As soon opened Mi Young was surprised how beautiful the room looked even though she just asked to live here a few hours ago.

Lovely Girls Bedroom Ideas 

“Do you like?” Jaejoong asked looking Mi Young who was already making her way to bed

“Yeah” Mi Young said as she sat down

“How did get room like this in a few hours?”

“Well you remember the day I asked to move in with me...”

“Since then?” Mi Young raised her eyebrows

Jaejoong laughed and rubbed the back of his neck

“What if I didn’t move in?”

“But you did” Jaejoong said sitting down beside her. They both sat in silence listening to the wind blowing through the window

“Are you ok” Jaejoong said breaking the silence

“..Not yet” Jaejoong felt a pain in his chest when he heard Mi Young say that

“But I will be because living with you now right”

Jaejoong head turned to face Mi Young

“Because I know you make me forget about them” Mi Young said chuckling at Jaejoong goofy expression

“You can go and wash and get some rest then in the morning you will get to eat my delicious breakfast. Mi Young nodded and got up and followed Jaejoong out the room.  He pointed to the bathroom. Mi Young thanked him again and went inside.

Mi Young entered the shower and let the hot run over her body she got some soap and rub it over her body and let it wash with the water. She repeated what she was doing again, again and again (2pm>.<) and stopped when tears where dripped down her face. Not how many times she washed she was dirty with his touch that stayed on her skin. After staying in shower for while Mi Young finally got out she dried her body and put her clothes on.

Mi Young walked to her room and stopped when she saw Jaejoong sitting outside of her room. He gave a small smile and got up

“What took you so long” he asked

Mi Young didn’t answer.

“Get sleep” Jaejoong said walking away but stopped when he felt a small tug on his sleeve. He turned around and saw Mi Young holding onto his sleeve with her head down

“If you don’t mind but can you sleep next to me tonight?”


i finally finished all my exams YAY!!^.^

but i still have a week and 2 days of school left -.-

Sorry if this chapter is kinda rubbish 

i also want that room and house Mi Young so luck^^

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simranmomin #1
Chapter 17: Ohhh wow, this story is the replica of the Taiwanese drama Autumn's Concerto! Hmm, pretty cool!
PoingPoing #2
AHHHHHH super love it
Chapter 34: awww love this story! =))
Loved the storyyy
omg i love this story <3
so sweet and and and *speechless*
gosh, i just love this story!

but one thing that you need to practice is on grammar C:
bcs sometimes i need to read 2x to know what you meant by, kkk.
awwww love it so much!!!
so sweet! <3
gosh! FINALLY! :D
maivaj90 #8
L<3 ve this story...
awwwww how sweet and cute!!!
sica is being nice?!