My Heart Only For You

My Heart Only For You


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


One Year Later

“Eonnie, is this all? Do you not forget anything else?” Jaejoong put the last box on the ground next my car when I putting another box into my car trunk. I smile at her and nodded.

“I’m sure Jae. That is the last box I’ll be carried by my car. The rest it’s already sealed, signed, and deliver.” I take the box that Jaejoong had put on the ground and put into the trunk and close it.

“I’m going to miss you eonnie.” Jaejoong look like a lost kitten when she said that. I smile and ruffled her long blonde dyed hair and take her to my arms and hold her close. She returns my hug the same tightness I gave her. I kissed her check before let her go completely.

“You can visit me sometimes and your campus is just two blocks from my apartment, so anytime you miss me, you can call me and I would greet my lovely sister to my humble abode.” I while rub my nose to her. She always feel annoyed if I do that to her. She said, only Yunho could rub her nose like that. So much for having a loving sister.  

“I know that but why you choose to move right now? I mean, you can always move out when you finished your study couple years ago or when you decide to have a coffee shop to run. So why now?” she asked me that while making this pout that would made Yunho jump her in a second. My little sister is just too adorable for her own good. While she sulking likes this, she would turn into a spoiled little princess and act bratty to me. Like now, when she circle her hands and put her head in my shoulder blade, snuffling my smell. Seriously, Jae. If you like this all the time when you’re sulking, and Yunho see it, I think I would be dead the minute you take your sight off me. However, like always, I just let my baby sister do this every time she wants to do it. I mean, I only have one sister. It’s not a crime to spoil her once at a time. Although, when I realize her question before, I could only thinks that my sister could be so oblivious sometimes.

“And you’re seriously asked me that, Jae?”

“Well yeah..” And I have to ask the question when I know exactly the answer. I face palm my own face when I hear she said that. I let go of her hold on me and turned around to face he. I disheveled her hair once more and giving her a pat in the back of her head.

“Oh Jae, are you even hear what you said just now. I move because I need to, not because I want to. In a matter of days, you’re going to stay in that dorm of yours while I have to stay in this big apartment on my own. Are you insane?!”

“Well yeah, I know that you’re going to be alone most of the time, but I promise to come home in weekends. So please stay here.” She still has the nerves to say that. Really this girl. I mean she really thinks about leaving me alone in that huge apartment where we share it. I saw her puppy eyes, begging me to rethink the whole moving scenario. Well, Jae. I’m sorry to say, it’s not working on me this time.

“Kim Jaejoong, name me one good reason why I should stay here?!” I asked her, urging her to give me a good reason that I know she couldn’t get an idea to answer me.

“Um.. Cause it’s an apartment that our parent give to us before they going abroad?!” See. If that the reason she could come up with, I already gone by now because I really don’t care about what my parents give me. I only live here to accompany Jaejoong. The truth is this apartment was giving to us so Jaejoong could be closer to her school. Our real house is too far away from her school. She’s really appa’s favorite.

“Silly reason. I know you couldn’t come up with a better reason in the first place. Well, for your information little sister, I can name a few. First, this apartment is too big for me alone. Second, the rent is too high, although our parent is the one who’s paying it. Third, my new apartment is much closer to the coffee shop.”

“Okay, fine. You win. Although I still want you to stay in here, but your reason all make sense.”

“Of course it does. It’s you who doesn’t make sense at all. Why you keep insisting me to stay in this apartment? I really don’t get you sometimes.”

“Maybe because someone would pop out and give you surprise.” She mumbled something which I can’t hear clearly.

“What was that? I can’t hear you.”

“Nothing. Is this all, let me put it in your car.” I look at my sister suspiciously. One moment she’s complaint about me being move out from our apartment, and the next thing she seem eager to help. Is she on drugs or something? But I let it go since I have too much to do right now and I really don’t need any distraction especially from Jajeoong.

After we loaded my car with the rest of my things, Jaejoong and I drive to my new apartment. It took about thirty minutes by car to reach our destination. When we get there, Jaejoong help unloaded the box inside my car and took them upstairs. I unlooked the apartment while balancing with my own box to carried.

Coming inside to the apartment, Jaejoong step carefully so she’s not accidently hurt herself by my boxes that still unpacked. She put the box she carried in a corner of my living room before relax herself in my newly fresh from the furniture store couch. She looked around and nodded to herself, like she agreeing in my choice of an apartment.

“Well, what do you think? It’s quite nice, don’t you think.”

“Yeah. It’s cozy. It’s so you, eonnie.”

“I know.”

“You do have two bedroom right?!”

“Of course. I would have guessed that you would bunk in my apartment once in awhile, so I choose this apartment to accommodate yours too.”

“I feel so loved.”

“You should be.” We laugh together because of that comment. Remembering that this scene is going to be less and less from now on, I could only smile bitterly. I love my sister and by leaving her, there is a pang of worry in my heart. But, I know, she would be fine by herself and I also know that Yunho would take care of her.

I walk to the kitchen to find something to drink. I already fill up the refrigerator first when I arranging this apartment. It’s only bedroom and living room that need a little adjustment. That’s why the box are scattered in the living room. When I pour some orange juice for Jaejoong and myself, I heard Jaejoong cell phone is ringing.

“Yoboseyo. Oh, Siwon-ah.” When I heard that name, I halt my movement of pouring the juice. I stare at Jaejoong who didn’t notice me looking at her with curiosity and surprise stare. 

“Yes she’s perfectly fine. Don’t worry so much.” I amble to Jaejoong slowly and offer her the juice. She’s became aware of my presence ever since she answer her cell phone. She quickly takes the juice from my hand and put it on the table in front of her. She mouthed a silent thank you before continuing her conversation with Siwon, as she mention earlier.

“Yes, I will help you. I already set up the time. Relax will you. Tomorrow you’ll be able to meet her.” Who is the girl that Siwon want to meet? Why Jaejoong seems so excited about it? Oh, Yesung, stop it! You don’t have any right to feel jealous toward the girl that Jaejjong and Siwon is discussing about. You reject the guy remember.

“Okay. Bye.” Jaejoong ended her cell phone conversation with Siwon and then looked at me. She notices the curiosity is written all over my face, but her reaction is just a simple smile.

“That was Siwon, eonnie. Do you remember him? He was my junior in high school.” Jaejoong said, tried to ease my oddity. I rolled my eyes at her attempt to make me remember something that obviously I never forget.

“Yeah, I know him. The guy whose act so rude to me, even when that was our first meeting”

“Yup, that’s the one.”

“How is he?” I asked really interested about his wellbeing. Conversely, it makes Jaejoong gleeful at my sudden interest. I could see the star in her eyes. What is she hoping for?

“Why the sudden attention, eonnie?”

“Just want to know. If you don’t want to tell, fine by me.”

“Why so grumpy, eonnie. I tell you. He’s fine. Actually he’s doing great. Do you know that Siwon is the president of student council?!” Okay, Jaejoong need to stop her habit of telling every person life details to me when I asked one. It’s getting on my nerves. I don’t care what that said person do or thinks. However, since her so eager to tell me about Siwon, I will humor her.

“He is?”

“Yeah. He’s changing. He’s more active now. He’s mingle with everyone, tries to care about his surrounding and different perspective of people, and he’s nice now. All smile and helping people. His fan base is growing pretty big and that makes a lot of girls throwing themselves to him even more than before.” Is Siwon really changing like that? Good for him I guess, although I won’t deny that I’m really peculiar about his decision to change.

“Oh, I see.”

“Yeah eonnie. I think he’s changing because he wants to prove himself to a girl. Siwon-ah seems reserved to that particular girl. He never accepts any attempt from those blood vampires. He’s only thinks about that one. Lucky girl. I mean, beside his good look, the new Siwon-ah is really a perfect man every girl could be dream of. He’s smart, from a very respected and rich family, and has good manners. Only a crazy person would reject his love.” Ouch. You really got me Jae. I’m that crazy person. Well, not totally because the one I reject is the old Siwon. However, I don’t really care if Siwon is a perfect man or not. My feelings for him still stand the same, although he will never know that.

“Well, I think that if the girl really loves him than she should accept him the way him are. I mean every flaw is also his every attractive point isn’t it?! Never minding anything beside Siwon and be true to herself.” I’ve pointed out my opinion which sometime I think it’s a little bit hypocritical because I’m not the one who’s been true to myself and I have the guts to tell myself that I love him when I don’t have the courage to admit it to him.

“You really think so, eonnie.” Jaejoong respond to my comment, looking really astonish by that.

“I do.”

“So why do you reject Siwon last year, eonnie.” This time it was me who rather shock hearing Jaejoong said that. She knows about Siwon and me? From who? Is it Siwon?

“Before you blame Siwon, eonnie, no, he wasn’t. He never told anyone except Yunho. So you know who is telling me about that don’t you?!” She read my mind too well. I nodded my head when I know from whom Jaejoong found out about Siwon confession and my rejection.

“Hm.. Figures.”

“Well eonnie, why you did it? You don’t like Siwon?” She repeated her question one more time. I sighed deeply because this is one topic I wish never be brought back to surface. I’m still feeling guilty at the same time dejected when I remembered Siwon face a year ago.

“It’s complicated Jae and I don’t want to talk about it. Just drop it, okay.” I asked for Jaejoong understanding for this matter. I really don’t want to talk about it.

“But, eonnie?” Jaejoong, being the over helper that she is, insist to know the reason behind my decision. I think Jaejoong want to help me sort out my problems with Siwon, but I don’t want to be a burden to Jaejoong. Beside this is my personal matter.

“Jae… Please..” Jaejoong look unsatisfied with my stubbornness, but she indulges to my pleaded. She looks at me and nodded her head.


“Thank you.” I smile at her, making her smile at me too. Even though she does sometime annoy me to no end, I’m still feeling very lucky to have a wonderful sister like her. Whilst I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have Jaejoong as my sister, I come across that Jaejoong intent to leave, when she takes her bag and stand up and walked to the front door.

“Well, I’m out of here. I need to prepare myself too for moving out to the dorm. I’ll see you tomorrow at your coffee shop?” she asked after putting her shoes on. She turned around and faces me in front. I smile again and ruffled her hair again.

“You bet. Be careful okay.” I said while giving her a brief hug. She hugs me back and afterward releases me so she could open the door and walk outside my apartment.

“I will. Bye eonnie.” She said her goodbye, wave at me a little and stroll downstairs.

“Bye.” I said to myself because Jaejoong already too far away. She didn’t wait for my replied because she knows I will say it subsequently.

After Jaejoong leave my apartment, I walked to my couch and sit down. I reach for my bag and pull out my cell phone and I open it. I look through the folder in image and stop in one folder. I open it and scan through it. It shows various pictures of Siwon and I, whom I had taken when we still see each other, bear it in front of me. Unconsciously, I touch my cell phone screen when Siwon smiling faces staring at me from the screen.

“I miss you.” I said softly to myself and out of nowhere, I feel wetness in my checks. I touch the tears and shock to myself. I’ll already promise myself that I won’t cry. I don’t have the right to cry because this is my own decision. I made this by myself.

“Why are you crying Yesung? It’s your own doing. Stop it. Stop it! Hiks… hiks..” I don’t know what makes me cry like this. Is it because I know that he’s changing for someone else? Is it because he’s already forgotten about me? Or is it because after a year, I finally realize that I made the stupid mistake I’ve ever occurs. I let go the only person I’ve ever love and will always do.

I harshly wipe away my tears. I’m not going to be depressed over this. It’s over for Siwon and me. I should pray for his happiness. That’s the only thing I could do now. I have to be happy for him because he’s finally move on. Yes, I have to be happy for him. I have to.




( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : Originally I was going to make it a two-shot. But my finger is rebelling against my brain, again. So I was still doing the next chapter. However, don’t worry; it’s not going to be a full multi chapter story. I think it will be finished in one or two chapters more. Stay tuned people and don’t forget to leave a trace. It’s my fuel to keep going.


Sankyu and peace all




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Chapter 3: I loved this. Thanks for sharing. <3

How funny~ somehow, I can relate this fic. xD
ochyyyy #2
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
ochyyyy #3
Ahh I lovee this :)
I lovee siwon here, he's a fighter :) and _______ one haha wonder if he is in reality

Their love is really cute

Lovee thiss :)
cloudy_28 #4
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...What a sweet ending,ME like this so much. And love each other is the main ingredients to keep a relationship last?? I do agree with that. Woahhh..i just couldnt say a word,this's so good n sweet story
n4oK0_ #5
Hi amazing readers, check out my LJ ( for more updates story and new one... Have a blast people...
KcuLL22 #6
I'm in love with this story!
If only you make sequel of it, I'll be soo much happy! Puuhleaaaseee *puppy eyes*
I don't know how can I missed this lovely story ><

oh, btw what"s ur LJ?
Actually, I'm not that well with LJ it's just aff is easier to read. Why not aff?
P/s: but why don't you think when you set Yesung is seven ages years older than Siwon is too much? lol. I wish Yesung is just one year or two years older than him, lol~
You are awesome and the fic is lovely, too^^
ochyyyy #9
Poor yesung, relax sungie the girl would be you :)
Just wait for will you??

Since I'm sure the girl that jae and siwon talked on the phone is yesung, I can't wait for their meeting :D

Please update soon ^^ thankss a lot