The Practice and Suprise

Meeting with Mister Poker Face


Min Young's POV

Behind my poker face I'm like.. OH MY GOSH ._. SO UNLUCKY.. Aiish pretend you don't know him Min young.. just ignore .. Then the secretary spoke ," Well I expect EXO to treat her nicely . If not , its pity she have to change trainers , in other words it would also mean you are horrible trainers and your training schedules would be back up . So let's not hear one complain from her shall we? I shall leave you to your training ." Freak..left alone.. They are all staring at me ._. WTF.. Then this person with blonde hair clapped his hands " Alright let's get started" I forgot his name okay how can I remember names of 12 people. Everybody got up and followed his instructions while I'm so clueless just standing there oh well WHATEVER .. I went to sit in the corner , put on my headphone and played with my phone. Well they don't seem to mind. 

Music Min Young's listening to : Don't listen if you don't wanna, its nice though )

Back to Min Young's POV

I was so into the song that I started humming , I was attracting alot of attention but I didn't notice .Then the next song played [ , I'm a HG fan <3 I ship Peenis :D DON'T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY, and i pretty thing Taylor's song are nice so don't mind me unless you want some rock song and you want Min Young to sing to that O_____O"" AWKWARD.. ] Unconciously I started singing along , I still didn't notice the stares I got . I was playing this really lame but its better than nothing . Actually its kinda nice , I got kinda absorbed.. (ps stop the music now)


Kay I ALWAYS fall at this part and I don't know why CONCENTRATE MIN YOUNG.. CONCENTRATE !!!Then suddenly somebody tapped my shoulders I got shocked and I fell " FREAK.." Then I realise I'm in the training room. I look up there stood Sehun . "Uhm.. yeahhh?" Then he said " Oh Mianhe, Hyungs said to go over" I replied him " Oh uhm.. nevermind okay" Then I walked over there and pushed my headphones to my neck.I looked at them, they stared back. Then I said " Well..?" 


Kris cleared his throat , and said " Oh uh Min Young nice voice you have"

Min Young looked at him " Huh? "

"You were.. you know singing.."Kris said.

Min Young had a shocked look and mumbled" Oh freak.."

"Haha nevermind..Nice voice !" Suho said.

Then Kai spoke, " I am in-charge of your dancing lessons along with Sehun , Luhan and Lay . While the rest are in-charge of your singing"

"Ahh .. I see.."Min Young said.

"Well.. Let's see you dance..", Kai said with a smirk.

""Min Young said.

"Dance" , Kai repeated with a smirk.

" I..don't dance.. in front..of people.." Min Young mumbled .

"Stage fright? or Claustrophobic? or Sociophobia?" said Suho , his smile kinda calmed you down.

"Uhm.. you see , I always "dance" at the studio and I kinda.. got seen by Mr Soo Man-ssi that's why he casted me in as a dancer and singer. But you see , I dance in front of a mirror.. not people." Min Young awkwardly laughed .

"Oh.. Okay then let's just take this day for you to get to know you then !" Suho said.

"Okay..?"Min Young said.

"But hyung.. how are we suppose to teach her if she doesn't dance " Kai said.

"Its okay we will settle with Mr Soo Man"Suho said " I'm sure he'll know what to do"

"So let's start, tell us about you"Suho said.

All eyes were on Min Young , although she was nervous her poker face has never left her face once. 

"Well , what do you want to know?" Min Young said.

Answers shoot out from everywhere . " Have you had a boyfriend?" Min Young seems shock " How old are you?" " Why do you always have poker faces" " Why are you afraid to perform " More questions were directed at her. Min Young just stayed calm and said.. "Well.. I don't have a boyfriend.." Somebody said " YES I HAVE A CHANCE" , "OH SHUT UP CHANYEOL". Then Min Young continued , " According to Korea's way of aging and my birthday , you can say..I'm 17.."Then someone said , " CALL ME OPPA". Then Min Young continued ," Uhm.. right , I have poker face..cause.. I'm like this..?..I'm afraid to perform because like I said I dance in front of mirrors not people, does that answer all your questions?"Then Suho said " I have more but its okay I think we all have but we will find out along the way".


Then the door open with Mr Soo Man and Ms Kang walking in. " So how'd the practice go?" . Then Suho spoke " Well Min Young said she was afraid to dance in front of us as she only danced before mirrors and not people so I guess we are stuck" Then Mr Soo Man spoke, " Well that's okay I do have a video of her dancing like a pro ,why not work on singing ? If she's afraid of singing I think I can make some arrangement so she could show you her singing" Then Min Young spoke " get a of me.. dancing..?" Mr Soo Man spoke , " Well I arranged for someone to videotape you , hope you don't mind ." 

Min Young's POV

BWOHHH VIDEO OF ME DANCING AHDGHRGFVBW FREAK THIS SHEZ ._. IM GONNA GO JUMP OFF MY BUILDING.#@%$^&I&$%^& (endless cuss words that are sensored) .OKAY LIFE IS PLAYING WITH ME. " Then Mr Soo Man said " Well lets start with your singing , then he beckoned for EXO and me to follow him , Then ! he suddenly push my into this room, closed and locked it. WTF?! Then I looked around its a recording studio there's a glass that is painted black.. I know this type of glass. Its those type where I can't see them but they can see me . Why..oh why..Then I voice spoke " Min Young-ssi sorry to do this but , we have no choice .Do not be afraid just sing. Look to your left , choose your song that is instrumental , Sing to it. " I've got no choice do I.. So I walked over and I chose "Put your hearts up" by Ariana Grande. I put on the headphone .I like that song , and it kinda FITS the moment I'm in feeling itty bitty ._. [] I started singing to it , its a song that requires high vocal but I don't have to put much effort as I practiced to make my vocals higher. I started to indulge and sang like I never sang before .When I finished singing , I just put down the headphone and just stared into the glass trying to see if I can see their faces. Then the speaker ," Woah, Min Young NICE VOICE IM PROUD OF YOU, All of EXO are suprised like me ! It seems like their training would be futile so they would just sing songs with you ,I will prepare the new schedule !"PHEW..I'M GLAD I DID GREAT AND NOT MESS UP, I WAS FREAKING NERVOUS.


Then Mr Soo Man said ," Proceed back to the training room Min Young-ssi"

Min Young walked back , as she entered cheers were heard , her lips tugged into a tiny smile. 

Then Mr Soo Man said ," Sorry to interrupt , But you can celebrate back at the dorm "

EXO and Min Young have this confused expressions on their face . 

He then continued ," Due to the prior arrangement of Min Young joining us . We are unable to find a dorm for her . As you all have 12 members I'm sure I remember there being extra rooms for guests. So she will move in with you "

"BWOOHH?!",EXO and Min Young shouted.

"But my house is near here", Min Young said.

" Yes I know but living with them is better then they can train you anytime and I don't want you living alone its dangerous", He said.

"Wait.. How'd you know I live alone..",Min Young said

"Well, I have to find out about you before asking you to be a trainee don't I?" He said.

Then he continued , " So.. Get ready your stuff , LETS MOOOVE !"


Haha how was it?Promised a double update didn't I :D , comment .Lol i realise.. I have alot of errors in grammar or some sort.. The co will edit it tomorrow so YEAH.


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Chapter 4: new reader here HEY. omg she is so lucky being picked by sooman. and have exo to tain her ><
anilim01 #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE plz!! It's so interesting!! Hehehe naughty Sehun....
AprilXO #3
Chapter 16: Omg! I choked upon reading the "let him ____ you" part,holy krisus this story is great! Good job author-nims!
Jiyooonie98 #4
New reader here! ^^ ~ annyeong! great story! ^^ ~
Chapter 16: the story is so cute :))))) pls update soon
Auburnn #6
Update soon ! Author-nim . Love your story ! BANANA MILK AS USUAL . WOOF . I LOVE DOGS !
Chapter 2: Wow!!! Ur story are really interesting^^ please update when you've free. I will patiently waiting for it..
FIGHTING AUTHORNIM*fist to the air*
You sure reply eh :D . I'm glad you are that eager ,Patience.. Hehe I do hope the exam week will pass soon . But instead of double and regular update I will update but not regularly :/
Chapter 9: WAITING FOR YOUR DOUBLE UPDATE WHEN U'RE BACK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha Thank you (: , I will not be updating often as exams are in a week or two so I'm sorry but I will have double updates when I'm back :DDDDD