Lazy Love


›› T i t l e : Lazy Love
▲ A u t h o r : lazy_love
▲ G e n r e : Romance, Angst, Drama
▲ L e n g t h : Undecided
▲ R a t i n g : PG-13 & up
▲ S t a r t e d : 2012|08|19
▲ E n d e d : __|__|__|
›› © lazy_love 2012 ; All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the permission of lazy_love.


›› Excerpt

The bed felt cold without his warmth. It didn't feel right. But it didn't feel right to be in his arms when he wakes up either. He just screams bad news. 'What was I thinking?' I thought to myself, burying myself in my covers. I would only get hurt. He isn't the one for me. I've seen him in action. He would definitely tear me apart with no guilt in his eyes. It's just who he is. But those eyes, those piercing, intense eyes. I know he's he can be good deep down. I'm the issue.

Continuously, I ran my fingers through my hair. Tears were threatening to fall from the corners of my eyes. I knew the minute he would wake up and I wasn't there, he would cause chaos. And like I predicted, my phone started to buzz nonstop. I knew it was him, but I couldn't face to answer him. What was I going to say? That I only wanted to have with him because I thought he would give up on me? He would just fall apart.

My Scorpio. My dear, dear Scorpio. I can't admit to myself that I miss being in his embrace already.

With hesitation, I grabbed my phone. Seven missed calls, seven voicemails, and five text messages. I couldn't bear to hear his voice, so I went through the texts. They were just as painful to read as to hear. I can feel the pang in his words as I read each messages, getting shorter and shorter; wondering where I am, why I'm missing, what is wrong with me. His last text message read:

"Where are you?"

My shaking hands rushed to pull the batteries out and throw my phone aside. I knew I the minute I give in, just the slightest, I would run back into his arms. 'I'm doing this for me. This is for my own good.' I reassured myself. My tears tell me, otherwise.

›› Excerpt

A/N: I hope this excerpt was good enough to catch all you readers' interests! I've really been digging some of the books I've been reading and I just had to come up with a love story of my own. I was iffy at first if this would be any good, so please show your support if you do have an interest in this fanfiction! I'm pleased to share it with you all and I hope there is more to come! Please subscribe and comment (if you can). I'm sure I'll be posting up Chapter 1 soon today, so keep a look out for that too. Thank you.


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alohomora #1
Chapter 1: please update soon :)
Please update soon! :D I miss this story!
Lizzy0818 #3
TBH, I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORY. It's just so well-written and soooo addictive to read, and I really like how you portray Seunghyun. Your story is just sooo good that it keeps me wanting more and more! Can't wait to see how things will progress between Seunghyun and Misun ;) Anticipating your next update! Please make it soon, I'm really loving this :) Two thumbs up for you!
Good luck with school! Great update! Seriously, this story is so addicting its not even funny! Please update soon :D
OMO I'm so excited! :)) Well good luck on your first day :D Fighting! Update when you can please? hehe
Update sooonnnnnnnnn... :)
lazy_love #7
@You143: Thank you! I really appreciate your comment. (:
@azulchick: I know! He's just so casual and confident! A bad boy. (; Thank you!
YAY! Amazing update! I love how comfortable Seunghyun is with the main character that he can kiss her hair and wipe her face! Its adorable! Great writing :D
OH MY GOD ! I really truly madly love your story :D It's funny cute and just simply awesome! please continue writing :)) FIGHTING! Update soon :)
lazy_love #10
@wintress: Thank you! Yeah, I got the idea from reading a few books and jumbled up this personality. (: I'm really glad you like it! I was planning on updating today, but when I tried to save my chapter, there was an error involved and everything I wrote was GONE. I know I should've typed this all out on word, but I never feel like writing on word. Drats.
@azulchick: Thank you! I'm really glad you like it. (: