Chapter 2

Rebellious Colors

Thankfully your better judgment kicks in and you force yourself to turn back around to listen to the ongoing lecture. Despite trying to pay attention your mind keeps wandering to the odd boy behind you. Half of you really wants to give him a piece of your mind.

The other half wonders if he's your ticket out of your daily routine.

That's ridiculous. Besides, if you really plan on breaking that routine it wouldn't be with someone like him. Definitely not. Never in a million years. He's like your opposite, screwing around in class, doing what he wants without caring what others think, and being so gosh darn sarcastic. But maybe that's just what you need.

An opposite.

No. No. You are not going to involve yourself in any way, shape, or form with this troublemaker.

The rest of class is spent in a heated debate with yourself about the boy behind you and his part in breaking your habitual life style. When the bell rings he's the first one out of his seat and disappears through the door before the bell has even cut off. You stare at the door incredulously.

Well, he sure is eager to get out of here.

Pushing that thought aside you pack your things and follow the stream of your peers to the hallway and make your way to your dorm. Eventually getting down the crowded staircase you exit the building and cut across the manicured lawn. The landscaping holds little interest for you, seeing it every day making the brilliant colors of the flowers and other plants seem dull. Who are you kidding, everything seems dull. Even the bright sun in the clear blue sky seems dull.

Everything's a big gray blur to you now.

It's depressing to feel that way about everything, it really is. You don't know how to fix it though.

You don't know how to fix yourself.

Caught up in your thoughts you stumble over a bed of, now half crushed, flowers. You straighten yourself up and look at the result of your distraction guiltily. Hopefully no one saw you. Picking up your pace you hurry away from the poor flowers, only slowing when you find yourself in the parking lot a good distance away.

Now half way to your dorm you let yourself wall at a more leisurely pace, the flowerbed long behind you. You barely take five steps when a peculiar noise sounds behind you.

"That wasn't very nice of you to step on those flowers like that. They're just trying to look pretty, no need to get jealous." a familiar mocking voice says beside your ear. Whirling around you glare at the pink haired boy viciously.

"You watch your mouth and it was an accident." you snap, adjusting your bag's straps irritably.

He grins. It's an undeniably good looking one, despite its mischievous nature. "Of course it was. Tell that to the landscaper who has to fix them. Oh," he leans down to see you at eye level (he's a lot taller than you first thought), "and don't tell me what to do."

Unable to come up with a response you grit your teeth and start making the rest of the trip to your dorm. The strange noise turns out to be the boy on his skateboard, the wheels against the pavement the source of the noise. You know this only because he rides alongside you.

Choosing to ignore him you take the bumpiest and roughest path through the parking lot. To your slight disappointment, wanting him to have ideally fallen over, he follows with ease, the grin still steady on his lips. Setting your jaw you cut through more grass once out of the car lot, careful to avoid flowerbeds.

Simply kicking up his skateboard he carries it and takes his long lazy strides beside you. Even without the added height of his skateboard he still towers above you. It intimidates you enough that you stop.

"Why are to following me?" you demand bluntly. His grin becomes an amused smirk, his dark eyes playful.

"It's really funny seeing your reaction, that's why." he responds just as blunt.

That isn't even close to the answer you’re expecting.

"That's not a valid reason." you retort, too thrown off to make a better come back.

"It is to me. Besides, that's a pretty invalid response itself." he points out noticing your lack of clever reply.

Crossing your arms you give him one more pointed glare before continuing on your way to your dorm. To add to your annoyance he follows. Refusing to speak or look at him you keep your eyes forward and clench your jaw tightly shut.

It takes a lot more effort than you expect to keep quiet. The same conflicting emotions resurface in your mind from before.

Half of you wants to keep ignoring him and never speak to him again.

The other half wants to keep talking and take unnecessary detours to do so.

He's only been here for little over three hours and he's already driving you insane.

Half of you hates him for it.

The other is grateful for his unpredictable actions.

This is ridiculous.

You stop again; the boy does the same waiting expectantly for your next quarrel. "Who are you?" It's simple enough and to the point. Maybe this way you can figure just what about him makes you so horribly torn.

He laughs a sound that increases your indecisive perception of him.

"Well, it's about time you asked the most basic question of human kind. I'm Zelo. All there is to it." he says shrugging.

Obscure name to suit an equally obscure guy.

"Zelo? Is that a nickname or-"

"Like I said, my name's Zelo and that's all there is to it." he cuts in rudely.

"No last name?"

"No need."

"Everyone has a last name! You can't just decide to-"

"Of course I have one, what kind of person do you think I am?"

You don't know. You really do not know.

"Are you going to-"

"Just because I have one doesn't mean you get to know it. As far as you're concerned I'm Zelo, end of story."

"That's a very childish-"

"Says the midget."

"Will you stop cutting me off?! And I am not a midget, you're just obnoxiously tall!"

"Says the obnoxious one yelling."

"That's just my yelling; unlike your personality I can change that."

"Oh, that was so offensive. Why don't you just punch me next time instead of verbally abusing me like that?"

There's the sarcasm you can't stand.

"Trust me, I'm about to."

"Do it. I dare you."

The two of you glare heatedly at one another, both irritated by the other. This conversation isn't going where you intended it to but, you're not about to back down. In fact, you actually hit him, punching his arm with all your strength. Caught off guard he staggers a step back, surprise clear in his bewildered expression that you actually hit him. It's only there for a second before his half-smirk wipes his face clear of ever being startled.

"Not bad, I was expecting a lot less. It's been fun, see you round, Tokki." With that he spins on his heel and leaves, his arrogant gait in every step he takes.

What the heck did he just call me?


He’s calling you a rabbit now? In what dimension did he have the right to call you anything other than your name? Now that to think about it he doesn't actually know your name. The pet name still isn't justified though.

Seriously, Tokki?!

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I'm sorry it took so long


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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 6: Nice story! Hope u update!
kaicious #2
Chapter 6: Please update sooon . You put all the emotions in the character . Its soo... i dont know how to explain it . lol :D
project-501 #4
Chapter 6: Ok I'm totally in love with your stories. Update soon!
Rianka #5
More delicious fanfics yesh? Totally rating this a 200002811937472901833764811029449193740/5 :)
okay. This is soooo good!! Cant wait for the next chapter
faddyrobot09 #7
wahhh I came in reading this thinking it was something cliche again...well it has it's somewhat stereotypical school love hate story but i fairly enjoy such stories so what the hell. lol. it's really well written which is another plus! also, the characters are far more involved with themselves so it makes the story a lot more focused on the main characters as opposed to many characters with little snippets of their lives. i hope you update soon...or when you can! ^w^